Monday, December 28, 2009

Lazy Days and Mondays

Yes, it's Monday, and it's been a VERY lazy day. I've been having so many problems sleeping, that I've been on a new drug called Rozerem. Julie, what can you tell me about it??? April??? Anyway, I wanna sleep all the time! So, today, I did wake up at around 6:30 this morning. Not bad.... laid in bed and watched the news until 7:30. Got up, took my thyroid meds, made a cup of pomegranate green tea, turned the TV on (The Today Show), lit the fire and turned on all of the Christmas lights. I vegged out with facebook for a while.... then around 9, made some oatmeal, had some OJ and took the rest of my pills. I cannot believe I take so many pills. I swore I'd never do that..... one is a "happy" pill, one is to keep me from having a cancer recurrance, and I take a couple of baby aspirin for my heart. I ramble....

So, I took a shower, put on minimal makeup, dried my hair, left it straight and then Meg & Kenzie showed up. It's noon.

I played with Kenzie on the ottoman.... she is full of smiles. Quite adorable.... until about 20 min. later, when she all of a sudden stuck out her lower lip and cried.... time to EAT!!! So, I popped a bottle in the bottle warmer, held & rocked her for the several minutes that it takes to warm up the milk.... and she finally ate. She was a happy camper. But did she go to sleep? Nope.... but THIS grandma was hungry, so I decided to put Kenzie to bed in the crib upstairs, with the aquarium music thingy going... and hoped she'd go to sleep. No such luck. Took twice for me to reassure her that I was still around, and she finally nodded off. For an hour. Long enough for me to make a salad, and eat.

Fast forward to 2 PM. Yup, she's awake. I knew she was still tired tho.... so I brought her downstairs, bundled her up in her blankie, gave her a pacifier and she was out like a light, on my chest. I thought she looked so comfy that I decided to try giving sleep a chance. We both zonked out.

Fast forward to 4:30.... Meg's back. Kenzie is still completely zonked. Meg decided to change her diaper & give her a bottle before heading home. Poor Kenzie had to be awakened....

After they left, did I get busy with the bills or with straightening my house???? Heck no..... I just continued to be a lazy housewife.

Yup, it's a Lazy Day & Monday.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm baaaaack..... well, sorta

I know, it's been 6 long months since I've blogged..... Oy.... time has gotten away, and with my new laptop, I hadn't changed over all of my stuff, so I'd forgotten, quite frankly, how to sign in! After an hour of working on it this morning, I finally got it. Woo!

Life has been a roller coaster since I last blogged..... in short, let me summarize:
  • Meg and I were counselors at summer camp.I noticed how swollen Meg was, and made her put her feet up all the time.
  • Meg was something like 27 weeks pregnant at that time.
  • fast forward to August 11. Meg developed eclampsia, had 3 grand-mal seizures, nearly died on the spot, and had an emergency c-section, where she delivered a 2 lb 9 oz baby girl, at 30 weeks gestation.

  • August was a whirlwind of emotions and trips to the hospital to see Meghan & Mackenzie, who was in the NICU.
  • Meg developed cardio-myopathy due to the extremely high blood pressure / eclampsia.
  • September - Mackenzie came home sometime around the middle of the month. Meg came home a week or two before that. Both are healthy. Praising God lots and lots.

Okay, all that coupled with starting up another year of the KCC has kept me very busy. We decided to put together a Christmas musical this year.... lots of work. Lots of fun.

Thanksgiving was at my house this year. Loved it. Had all 4 kids over & 3 grandkids. Fun having so much commotion in the house for a change. Dinner, as usual, was splendid, since I'm the best cook I know!

Christmas ~ December was filled with rehearsals, musicals, gift shopping, gift wrapping, caramel making, cookie making with Christian.... busyness of the season. We spent Christmas Eve at Meg's home, had our traditional Christmas Eve party, like my mom used to do every year. The weather was really nasty out, lots of snow / ice. Had a hard time driving home.

Christmas Day was spent at Dyan's home. Had a lovely time. All of my kids were there & the 3 grandchildren. Delightful... Dyan & Meg cooked the most delicious Christmas dinner. I sat around and tried to stay awake and play with the grandkids. Fed Kenzie a few times.... Fed Lily some mashed potatoes. And at about 4:30, I was ready to go home, totally pooped out. Besides, with the amount of snow we had, we wanted to get home before it got dark.

On the way home, turning into our neighborhood, we rescued 2 people who were stuck in the snow. Thank God we have a Hummer and tow rope. Then Don hopped on his ATC which was equipped with a snow plow and rode it to that bad intersection and plowed some snow and rescued 3 more stuck people by helping to push them out..... I think he'll use any excuse to ride his 4 wheeler in the snow! Almost as much fun as riding it at Dumont Dunes in California with his BFF Tim! LOL

Today? I'm still in my jammies, drinking pomegranite green tea and it's after 10:30. Perhaps I should eat. Don's at the church with his ATC plowing. And having a bit of fun, I suspect.

Time to search for a few pics to add to this long-awaited blog...