Friday, June 26, 2009

Cooking Cousin!!

My Aunt Debbie & Mindy.... Aunt Debbie just HAD to get the red bell pepper in the pic! Too funny!~

The rest are just pics of Debbie & Mindy..... and Mindy's cooking that fabulous dinner! OMGosh it was fantastic!

Colorado Vacation, Part 2

A quick continuation of last night....

I sat at the counter in Aunt Debbie's kitchen and watched Mindy & Debbie cook the MOST delicious dinner I've had in like FOREVER..... Mindy made a salad out of leafy greens, artichoke hearts, olives, tomatoes, olive oil & balsamic vinegar, and it was splendid! Then to go with that, she cut up spicy Italian sausages into bite sized pieces, sauted them, drained the fat, then added an organic marinara sauce, touched up with some pinot noir, simmered.... While that was simmering, Aunt Debbie roasted red & green peppers, onions & garlic.... then that was added to the sauce, and the whole thing was put together with penne pasta.... OMGosh, I HAVE to make this for Don. He'll love it.... and it was all whole foods, organic, and simply delicious.

Dinner was over around 10:30..... LOL I know.... late. Then Aunt Debbie & I stayed up talking til almost 1 AM. Oy..... we can talk!!! We shared alot of things about God with each other.... and that was so cool. We both had really good "God" stories.... We were both encouraged. That was good.

Had a hard time sleeping..... no TV to lull me to sleep.... but more importantly, no Don to lie beside me..... I do have such a hard time sleeping when he's not there... I finally just got up out of bed, instead of just laying there.... that was around 7:30... made coffee, stood outside for a while gazing at the splendor of Colorado.... this is such a beautiful place.

And that's my life so far...... the house is so quiet!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Colorado Vacation, part 1

Okay, so I'm doing it. I'm taking a vacation all by myself! People asked me if I was afraid to go by myself. Heck, Don even suggested I pack his 9 mm.... But, I'm not really afraid. Dyan's BIL is a cop, and he procured for me a thing of pepper spray, cop strength, and it's attached to my keychain. It's amazing how safe I feel with that little red canister!

So, I left KC yesterday, and was finally on the road by 10 AM. I'm driving the little yellow convertible, with the top down.... Don got it all fixed up for me, by attaching a luggage rack to a hitch on the back of the car. I just thought it'd be so much fun driving thru Colorado with my car top down (needed to clarify that, so says Don).... I drove yesterday until about 6:30 last night... then I was really tuckered out.... I ended up stopping in Limon, CO, at a very nice Holiday Inn... Got something to eat, and was in bed before 9. Sure felt good.

Day 2 of my Independent Vacation:
I got up early, well, actually Don called me at 6:30. Nice way to be woken up. Is "woken" even a word??? Anyway, talked to Don for a bit, then got up, made my coffee... got cleaned up & was out on the road again by 8:15. I decided to take the "scenic" route to Aunt Debbie's..... and the GPS thingy was going crazy. I'm surprised someone didn't pop out of it and smack me up side the head..... I went off of I 70 and onto hwy 86. I'm so glad I did! It was a lovely ride for a bit over an hour.... thru amazing rolling hills, scattered farms & ranches, very few trees at the beginning of this route..... and then all of a sudden, there were mountains!!! Yay!!! And trees! Lots and lots of pine trees.... It was beautiful.

My faithful friend, Ms. GPS safely & correctly guided me to my aunt's house. Boy, does she live in a nice house! Got here, and basically, we haven't stopped talking! I sure do love my Aunt Debbie..... She's having a tough time right now with her MS symptoms... and currently is napping.... I love seeing my cousin, Mindy too.....

It's been pretty rainy today..... good thing I'm here! And I almost didn't get the top raised in time to keep from soaking the inside of the car!

Other news: Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson both died today. Sad....

And that's my life so far....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Okay, Okay...... an UPDATE..... Sheesh!

Okay, so long time, no blogging, eh? Didn't really mean to neglect my blog.... just been pretty busy, doing other things. I love being on Facebook, and that takes up most of my computer time for now...

Anyway, my life since last April 24th, (so says my Dad). Actually, I didn't think you read my blog, Dad..... Glad you do!

Okay, end of April, first part of May, I was very busy directing our spring musical with the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir. This year, we performed "Camp Wallaballa". It was alot of fun, but alot of work too! I was working fulltime the last several weeks of production. Had so much to do.... including running rehearsals, 2 per week since the end of February; directing the KCC Band during rehearsals for them; putting together the powerpoint; formatting the program and preparing it for printing; stage construction; set construction & decorations; coordinating receptions, or at least making sure someone was in charge of that; oh, and numerous other things that I don't even wanna think about right now. In the end, the musical was a smashing success, and was enjoyed by all. I have a few pictures here from the musical. If you wanna see more pics, check out my facebook photo album.

After the musical & KCC Awards Ceremony were over, then I had the Choir 3 BBQ at our home. That was the following weekend. Lots of fun. The kids enjoyed the X-Box & the hot tub. These kids always look forward to this party at the end of the choir year.

Mother's Day ~ was very nice. Don bought me a tree for my garden & the girls each gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses, and the kids all came over for dinner. Nice, relaxing afternoon.

We are anxiously awaiting Lily Swim's arrival. Dyan was due last Wednesday, but no Lily yet. I took her to the doctor today, because I just knew that they'd probably keep her. Not today, tho. They strapped the monitors on her and everything looks good. They are concerned about deterioration though, and Dyan has been dilated to 2 for a while.... so, with the midwife, Dyan decided to go ahead and induce. She will check into the hospital on Tuesday evening and get prepped. Then Wednesday morning, the midwife will break her waters and the fun will begin. I just can't wait to hold her....

I bought a new piano a few weeks ago. Actually, I traded in my old piano for a better piano. I traded in my Wurlitzer spinet for a Boston upright made by Steinway. It has such a richer sound, and I'm really enjoying playing it. I'm about to begin my 3rd year of lessons with Paula....

I cannot wait to go off of this tamixofen!!! I'm so sick of being so overweight... No matter what I do, nothing helps. My doctor told me in January that I wouldn't be able to lose any weight until I go off of the tamixofen. It's so frustrating..... I hate seeing myself in pictures. So depressing..... Oy.....

So Meg is having a little girl! Her baby is due October 14th. I'm so happy for her. She's always wanted to be a mommy - a stay at home mommy, and that is what she's planning on doing. I'm so proud of her. She will be using the crib that Don made before Dyan was born. She's also going to use the dresser that we used when she was a baby. It's an antique, and so very cool. I"m excited for her.....

Plans for this summer? Don & I will be pulling the trailer and driving to Meridian, Idaho in August to attend our former pastor's daughter's wedding. We will camp on the way out, and camp on the way back, stopping at Mt. Rushmore, and visiting other friends who moved to South Dakota, or is it North Dakota? I cannot remember, but will figure it out before we head out.

I'm also considering driving to Denver and visiting my aunt for a few days, and then driving over to Grand Junction to visit with Julie & her family. Not sure if that will happen yet, but am thinking about it.

I do plan to spend a few weeks with Dyan, once she's home from the hospital.

And then there's the KCC year to plan out.... gotta choose a Christmas musical, and curriculum for the year. Got to get the calendar put together for rehearsals & room reservations. Lots to do....

And that's my life so far...... Enjoy the pictures!