Thursday, April 29, 2010

AAAhhhhh, Rehearsals!

This is The Week. Our children's musical performances are this weekend. Yay! I'm so glad it's finally here! Last night, we had a really long, difficult rehearsal, piecing everything together. I had lots of little directors helping me out last night. I'm kinda like Jekyl (sp?) and Hyde with this. Sometimes I want the help, sometimes I don't. But, all in all, it was a good rehearsal last night. The kids were real troopers, and seemed to be having fun, for the most part. I truly want this to be a positive experience for them, and I want them to take the words to this music to heart, and remember them forever.

Now, if we could just get the BAND to step up. We had quite a few rough spots last night. For one thing, because we were stopping so much, making adjustments to blocking or cues, the band wasn't paying much attention to me, and when I'm giving them the tempo, or opening measure, they weren't ready to play, or half of them would be, and the other half was playing "catch up." Oy..... We have a pianist who is very good, but hasn't practiced much. And we have a drummer who is very good, but doesn't read music. They are indeed using their gifts, but it's rough sometimes, getting there. Tonight, we'll improve on this, I hope. We have a Technical Rehearsal from 7 - 9, which involves the band, the sound tech, the light tech & the caller. The caller calls the cues for the sound & light people. i.e. cue solo mic, stage left; cue wireless #2; cue blue lights; cue thunder; cue broken machine.... etc. etc. etc. So, they will work on knowing their cues, while I smooth out the music with the band. The most difficult part for me is all the crazy meter changes! Oy.... And they are usually only for 1 measure, i.e. the whole song is in 4/4 and for one measure, it switches to 2/4, then back to 4/4. Also, there are huge tempo changes and several songs that merge from one tempo to another, with 4 measures of drums in between songs. That one is fun, I tell ya! All in all, though, this only makes me a better musician. And for this, I'm grateful. I love learning and improving my skills as a musician / director. Some of the most fun I have is directing the children along with the band. I love that.

Friday night is our "Dress Rehearsal." Call time: 6:00. We will rehearse until 8:30. The kids need to wear their costumes, and we will run the musical twice, hopefully, with a big break in between for snacks. The main cast needs to arrive early to get their mics taped on, and their pack secured. Then we'll take attendance, do vocal warmups, review a few things that need to be talked about, and off we go!

We have 2 performances this weekend: one is Saturday at 3:00 - a matinee, and the other one is Sunday evening at 6, followed by an all-church reception for the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir. Fun times. Then the parents, led by Dyan, will strike the set. I'll just have fun with my kids during that time. We have a tradition of signing the shirts. I'll bring my sharpie, and everyone will sign the back of everyone's musical shirt. Fun times will be had by all.

Kenzie sure is sleeping a long time today! I put her down at 9:30, and it's 12:30 and I haven't heard a thing from her! Wow...

Meg is starting a new spa business in her home. I'm happy for her. I gave her $$$ for her birthday to go towards the purchase of a pedicure thingy.... Hmmmm, wonder who will use it??? ME!

I need to get my bicycle out and start riding it. There is a restaurant in town called Spin Pizza, and they sponsor bike rides of varying lengths. I wonder if I could handle a 20 mile ride??

And that's my life so far...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Daughters, My Heroes

My daughters are my heroes. Today, when having a bit of a pity party because my pedi / mani girl couldn't fit me in tomorrow, and quite honestly, I'm tired, overworked & underpaid, and was feeling so sorry for myself. It feels like I'm constantly giving, giving, giving, and never getting, getting, getting. Which is really ridiculous. I receive blessings all the time. I get stuff from Don every day. And my girls too. But, today, I dunno, I must have been hormonal or something, because when I tried to get an appt. for tomorrow, to have my Friday Mani / Pedi, she, my gal, couldn't fit me in. So, Dyan & Meg got together and now they're my heroes. Dyan has a pedi bath thingy, and Meg has her estheticians license, and can do manicures, pedicures & massages... so, they got together and got it all planned out. Tomorrow, I will be going to Meg's house for my pedicure & manicure, followed by a massage. All while there will be 2 babies there. Meg is watching Lily while Dyan & Christian go to an indoor water park. So..... yup, my girls. They're my heroes.

The musical.... oy. We had a pretty disastrous rehearsal on Wednesday. The kids know the choruses to the songs, but the verses, they totally bomb at. It will really help when we get the powerpoint words on the back wall, and when we get the main kids all wireless mic'd. That will really help.

I finally finished dressing the stage. It looks pretty good. I need to take pics of it. Probably will on Saturday. We have a 3 hour rehearsal Sat. morning, with the main cast, the soloists, the Emcee & opening prayer person, and the band, oh, and the dancers. Big rehearsal. Fine tuning the blocking and their parts. Anyway, the stage, it's 24' x 32', I think.... and has 2 large choir risers each tilting towards the center. The choir risers have picket fencing nailed to the back of them, and white lattice work nailed to the front & sides. Then we have hay bales for steps up to the risers, and more hay bales on each corner of the front of the stage. We have a few old farmstyle chairs, sunflowers, copper watering cans, a small garden flag with a picture of a barn on it, and lots of flowers. Simple, but nice. The back of the stage, and both side areas have the black curtain system in place. Makes it all look polished. I've had several parents tell me how nice it looks. On Saturday, I need to show Dyan where everything goes back to once the musical is finished. We will have parents strike the set on Sunday evening and put the props & materials all away. I will be schmoozing with the parents & audience, as well as the kids.

We have a tradition of signing our t-shirts after the last performance. I will bring a sharpie for this task. The kids love this, and so do I.

Don's medical tests were not so great this time. His numbers were down quite a bit. We think that stress is the culprit. Also, he hadn't been taking his multivitamins / minerals the past few weeks either, and so that may be part of the reason. We are hopeful for the next appointment, which will be in July. We don't want Don having to go on any medications unnecessarily.

My purple music stand came today! It's beautiful! I'm so excited about it. And I also ordered stand lights, led, and they are so bright that both sides of my music will have NO problem being seen! Yay!

Meg's birthday is Tuesday. We plan on going to the zoo for the day. Dyan is making us all picnic lunches. I can't wait. The zoo is one of my FAVORITE places in the world to go to. Fun times will be had. I could watch the meerkats for hours on end! Lots of walking = great exercise = being able to eat birthday cake that evening! Yay!

And that's my life so far...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Musical Production = Busy Life

Our spring musical, "Acorns to Oaks" is under full production right now. We will be performing it in 2 weeks. So....... my life is not my own right now.

My ToDo List:
1~type out the program, not forgetting anyone or anything
2~go to Home Depot to find a container to make the Turbo-Harvester prop. I THINK I know what I need, but I'm sorta making it up as I go. I bought some garden things, a sunflower made out of some sort of metal, and some grassy looking plants. I think if I get some sort of container, a new rake, some S hooks, I'll be able to put it together. The S hooks will be to hang around the top of the container and hang baskets from it. The sunflower, rake & grass will go inside it. And I'll make a sign for the front. All today. Tuesday.
3~gotta make the "rain" hooplas for the ballerina who will be dancing liturgically to the song, "Rain", and the hooplas will symbolize rain from the Holy Spirit. I bought 2 embroidery hoops and a whole buncha ribbons and will fashion the hooplas from them. Gotta get them done today.
4~gotta type & print the riser standing order, as well as the lineup order for entering the stage.
5~gotta finish entering all of the attendance records for this semester.
6~gotta make a decision on the Choir People of the Year, and order the plaques.
7~gotta pick up the t-shirts next Tuesday, on Meg's birthday.
8~gotta make labels for the t-shirts, so that they can be handed out next Wednesday.
9~gotta have some coffee.
10~gotta email info on rehearsals to the choir parents.
11~gotta make sure everything is in place for the 2 receptions.
12~gotta figure out what I'm gonna wear. Does my denim skirt fit me again? Hope so.... I've lost 14 lbs so far....
13~gotta send out evites for the Choir 3 BBQ & Hot Tub Party.
14~Need more coffee.
15~Need to order more cymbalta. Pronto.
16~Need to continue to pray.

Lots to do. I ought to print out this list. I am a list person. Truly. I've always been a list person. Somehow, when checking off items from my many lists over the years, I feel like I'm accomplishing something. Seriously, I have lists saved on my computer. I have lots of menu lists, with corresponding grocery lists. I have ToDo Lists for what to do prior to any holidays, for what needs to be done prior to the first rehearsal of the year, for what to do prior to any musical, for preparing for vacations, for camping trips. Seriously. I am a list person. I'm always afraid I'll forget something. I love my lists.

I need to have time to work outside in the garden. I think perhaps this Saturday, after my 3 hour morning rehearsal, I'll work in the garden. Need to get the burner out and burn the weeds that are cropping up. I need to transplant the seedlings that we started in the basement. I'm really hoping that the bunnies don't eat them. I also need to clean out my deck pots and plant them with annuals. Perhaps this year I'll go back to using impatiens. (sp?) I've used potato vines the last several years, and I grow tired of them. I want color back. So, impatiens & perhaps some salvia.

I have seedlings to place in the big garden. I planted sweet peas, okra, salvia, cosmos, black eyed susans, wildflowers, tomatoes, watermelon, pumpkins. Gotta get them transplanted. I thinned them yesterday and watered them again. They're ready to go.

Tuesday is Meg's 25th birthday. We plan on spending the day at the zoo. The zoo is one of my very favorite places in Kansas City. I love the zoo. And I especially love going to the zoo with my grandchildren. Of course, Lily & Kenzie won't really care about it, but Christian.... oh my. We are really looking forward to the experience of looking at these cool animals! Especially the lions and meerkats. I love the meerkats. I could watch them all day. Such interesting little babies.... And I hope the chimpanzees are out playing. They are so fun to watch too. Dyan is packing us a picnic lunch and we're all gonna have so much fun for Meg's birthday. I'm pretty sure we'll be going back to Meg's house for dinner & birthday cake. Fun times ahead.... This all makes me so happy that my girls are stay at home moms. I love this...

And that's my life so far.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yeah, Life.

Yeah, life. It's moving on. And I'm trying to cope with it better. This past week was very stressful. In fact, when I went to the doctor on Friday, to check my weight and get more shakes, my blood pressure was 145 / 80. Not good. Stress. Oy..... The doctor told me to eat a few more carbs. Well, when I say "eat," I mean drink. He told me to drink the higher carb shake every once in a while. Especially when I feel stressed or light headed. So, on the way to my mani / pedi appt. after the doctor, I stopped by Sonic and had a jr. hamburger and a small order of tots, along with a large diet cherry limeade. I immediately felt better! LOL

So, now I'm taking over our income tax filing. Don's done it for 30 years... now it's my turn. At least it will get done on time, and hopefully correctly. My way of doing it will be to take it somewhere. LOL But I'll gather all the goodies, receipts, forms, etc. etc. etc. and make sure the taxes get filed. This year, we're filing an extension, at least until the other tax matters get resolved. Per suggestion of our attorney. Wow, who'da thought we'd have so many attorneys in our lives??? Oy....

The musical is 3 weeks away. We are down to the brass tacks now. The stage is built. Now I just need to dress it. The rest of our rehearsals will take place on the stage. Today's rehearsal was on the stage, and it was great. Our cast is so good, and we are having a ton of fun. For instance, today, after our restroom break, I came back to my directors chair and was ready to put on my little reader glasses, and couldn't find them! I looked everywhere. I even had one of the girls go to the restroom to see if for some reason I took them there. Then everyone was laughing and I look up at the stage to see our lead actress wearing them. Silly....

We finished the blocking today. All 6 scenes are blocked, along with the songs. It's all good. Next Saturday will be a 3 hour rehearsal in the morning. We will completely review scenes 1 - 6 & the songs that have blocking in them, along with the crows and weeds, since they also have dialogue. Then after that rehearsal in the morning, I follow up with a 2 hour band rehearsal. Fun, but exhausting times. I need to remember to bring my camera and snap some shots of our rehearsals.

Now I just need 8 bales of straw, a couple of farm chairs, lanterns, picket fences nailed, lattice nailed, and perhaps a tree or two... Oh, and I need to figure out these dang "inventions".... Oy.... lots to do.

I candled my ears today. You wouldn't believe how much pollen and wax was inside of them.

Tomorrow, late afternoon, we have another Work & Witness meeting. Gonna plan our menus, and other food things. Gonna get their medical forms notarized. Don is a notary. And Don is gonna share some personal info with our team. I think. He keeps asking me if he should, and I think he probably will. His call. We are about 2 months out from our trip. I'm really looking forward to going to Dominica. It's lush & beautiful, and I'm really looking forward to interacting with the women on this island. I'd love to do something with the children too. We will discuss the possibilities at our meeting tomorrow. We have a great team put together. Sixteen people total. Nice.

I pray that the Lord guides us out of these latest troubles and helps get things resolved in a timely manner, so that we can once again give to the church and concentrate on our ministries. I pray that God walks through this with us and guides us, and that the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to make it through. And, if He chooses to not delay his return for His church, I wouldn't be upset about that! Come, Lord Jesus, come! I'm ready!

And that's my life so far...

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'm wondering when life will be easy again. I'm so tired of this...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shopping Day

Yesterday, I went to the mall with my girls, grandson and granddaughters. What fun we had! I love spending time with them. And Christian, well, he flat out melts my heart every time I'm around him. I never believed I could love a child this much. When I pulled up into Dyan's driveway, he ran out and was waiting for me to open the door. And when I did, he said, "Grandma! I have a kiss for you!" Melting heart..... We got the kids all packed up and off we went.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm not a big fan of shopping... unless it's for shoes, or unless I am at my goal weight, and in a size 12. Well, we always park by Nordstrom's, the SHOE entrance. Yummmmmmmm..... We perused the shoes and I probably salivated a bit. Christian was my escort for this mall outting. I promised him that if he was very good, I'd buy him some special cookies. That always worked for me! LOL

We went thru the mall, bypassed the Easter Bunny, who my girls say is just FRIGHTFUL.... and headed to Panera. The girls are so funny, they were afraid I couldn't get anything there. Wrong. I ordered a double order of turkey, no bread, nothing else. Just 4 oz of turkey. And a bottle of water. And a soda. I drank half the water and then put my shake mix in it and drank it up. And I only had ONE taste of Christian's Mac & Cheese, just to make sure it wasn't too hot. LOL uh huh....

Then we walked thru the mall, while Meg & Dyan shopped in this cute baby clothes store. Christian & I sat in the mall and determined which people were boys and which people were girls. He's really into that these days. That and potty functions.

Next, while Meg went into another shop, Christian & I went to the carousel. We paid for 2 rides. The first one, he wanted to sit in the SPINNER.... so, while the carousel goes around, then you spin the spinner and it spins like crazy. Thought my turkey would come up. LOL Then next ride, we went to the top level and Christian rode on the seal. Yes, seal, as in swims in the water.

Next stop, Dillards. They do have a kind of shoe that I love, made by Kenneth Cole. Reaction is the type. I couldn't decide between the sandals with the clear stones, or the turquoise. Christian liked the clear stones, so I bought both. LOL We then caught up with Dyan & Meg, and she ended up finding a great dress to wear to a wedding in a few weeks, on a discount rack! I'm so proud of her shopping saavy! Dress was marked down from $140 to $40. Woo! I love that! And it's a size 4. ugh... I've never been a size 4. Size 9 in high school, and in my adult life before age 30. But never a size 4.

Then we worked our way upstairs to the food court and we bought the before mentioned & promised cookies. Two bakers dozens. They were the little, itty bitty cookies. Meg & I sat with the kids while Dyan shopped for jeans in this store for younguns'. She's been losing weight and needed some hip, smaller jeans. Good for her! And we all ate cookies. Even I did. I had 4, itty bitty white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Yup, I cheated on my diet. But.... the GOOD NEWS is that I am down another lb and a half today! That makes 10 1/2 lbs total in like 11 days. Woo!

Well, we did have to walk back thru Nordstrom's on the way to the cars. And since I'm nearly out of my perfume, and Norstrom's is the only place in town I can buy it, I picked up a bottle. $$$ Oy.... And then, you guessed it, we walked past the shoes. This pair of converse tennis shoes jumped out and grabbed at me. They are all sparkly. Kinda covered in brown glittery sparkles. I love them! They also had a pair of pink sparkly shoes, but the girls decided that the brown sparkles were more ME. So, I tried them on, and yup, I bought them. Wow.... 3 pair of shoes & a bottle of $$$ perfume all in one day! I never, EVER do that! What's wrong with me??? I'm usually such a penny pincher, especially these days, ya know? Oh well.....

I thoroughly enjoyed my Mall Adventure with Christian, Lily, Kenzie, Dyan & Meg.... and I feel so blessed because of my family.

And that's my life so far...