Thursday, April 29, 2010

AAAhhhhh, Rehearsals!

This is The Week. Our children's musical performances are this weekend. Yay! I'm so glad it's finally here! Last night, we had a really long, difficult rehearsal, piecing everything together. I had lots of little directors helping me out last night. I'm kinda like Jekyl (sp?) and Hyde with this. Sometimes I want the help, sometimes I don't. But, all in all, it was a good rehearsal last night. The kids were real troopers, and seemed to be having fun, for the most part. I truly want this to be a positive experience for them, and I want them to take the words to this music to heart, and remember them forever.

Now, if we could just get the BAND to step up. We had quite a few rough spots last night. For one thing, because we were stopping so much, making adjustments to blocking or cues, the band wasn't paying much attention to me, and when I'm giving them the tempo, or opening measure, they weren't ready to play, or half of them would be, and the other half was playing "catch up." Oy..... We have a pianist who is very good, but hasn't practiced much. And we have a drummer who is very good, but doesn't read music. They are indeed using their gifts, but it's rough sometimes, getting there. Tonight, we'll improve on this, I hope. We have a Technical Rehearsal from 7 - 9, which involves the band, the sound tech, the light tech & the caller. The caller calls the cues for the sound & light people. i.e. cue solo mic, stage left; cue wireless #2; cue blue lights; cue thunder; cue broken machine.... etc. etc. etc. So, they will work on knowing their cues, while I smooth out the music with the band. The most difficult part for me is all the crazy meter changes! Oy.... And they are usually only for 1 measure, i.e. the whole song is in 4/4 and for one measure, it switches to 2/4, then back to 4/4. Also, there are huge tempo changes and several songs that merge from one tempo to another, with 4 measures of drums in between songs. That one is fun, I tell ya! All in all, though, this only makes me a better musician. And for this, I'm grateful. I love learning and improving my skills as a musician / director. Some of the most fun I have is directing the children along with the band. I love that.

Friday night is our "Dress Rehearsal." Call time: 6:00. We will rehearse until 8:30. The kids need to wear their costumes, and we will run the musical twice, hopefully, with a big break in between for snacks. The main cast needs to arrive early to get their mics taped on, and their pack secured. Then we'll take attendance, do vocal warmups, review a few things that need to be talked about, and off we go!

We have 2 performances this weekend: one is Saturday at 3:00 - a matinee, and the other one is Sunday evening at 6, followed by an all-church reception for the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir. Fun times. Then the parents, led by Dyan, will strike the set. I'll just have fun with my kids during that time. We have a tradition of signing the shirts. I'll bring my sharpie, and everyone will sign the back of everyone's musical shirt. Fun times will be had by all.

Kenzie sure is sleeping a long time today! I put her down at 9:30, and it's 12:30 and I haven't heard a thing from her! Wow...

Meg is starting a new spa business in her home. I'm happy for her. I gave her $$$ for her birthday to go towards the purchase of a pedicure thingy.... Hmmmm, wonder who will use it??? ME!

I need to get my bicycle out and start riding it. There is a restaurant in town called Spin Pizza, and they sponsor bike rides of varying lengths. I wonder if I could handle a 20 mile ride??

And that's my life so far...

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