Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Daughters, My Heroes

My daughters are my heroes. Today, when having a bit of a pity party because my pedi / mani girl couldn't fit me in tomorrow, and quite honestly, I'm tired, overworked & underpaid, and was feeling so sorry for myself. It feels like I'm constantly giving, giving, giving, and never getting, getting, getting. Which is really ridiculous. I receive blessings all the time. I get stuff from Don every day. And my girls too. But, today, I dunno, I must have been hormonal or something, because when I tried to get an appt. for tomorrow, to have my Friday Mani / Pedi, she, my gal, couldn't fit me in. So, Dyan & Meg got together and now they're my heroes. Dyan has a pedi bath thingy, and Meg has her estheticians license, and can do manicures, pedicures & massages... so, they got together and got it all planned out. Tomorrow, I will be going to Meg's house for my pedicure & manicure, followed by a massage. All while there will be 2 babies there. Meg is watching Lily while Dyan & Christian go to an indoor water park. So..... yup, my girls. They're my heroes.

The musical.... oy. We had a pretty disastrous rehearsal on Wednesday. The kids know the choruses to the songs, but the verses, they totally bomb at. It will really help when we get the powerpoint words on the back wall, and when we get the main kids all wireless mic'd. That will really help.

I finally finished dressing the stage. It looks pretty good. I need to take pics of it. Probably will on Saturday. We have a 3 hour rehearsal Sat. morning, with the main cast, the soloists, the Emcee & opening prayer person, and the band, oh, and the dancers. Big rehearsal. Fine tuning the blocking and their parts. Anyway, the stage, it's 24' x 32', I think.... and has 2 large choir risers each tilting towards the center. The choir risers have picket fencing nailed to the back of them, and white lattice work nailed to the front & sides. Then we have hay bales for steps up to the risers, and more hay bales on each corner of the front of the stage. We have a few old farmstyle chairs, sunflowers, copper watering cans, a small garden flag with a picture of a barn on it, and lots of flowers. Simple, but nice. The back of the stage, and both side areas have the black curtain system in place. Makes it all look polished. I've had several parents tell me how nice it looks. On Saturday, I need to show Dyan where everything goes back to once the musical is finished. We will have parents strike the set on Sunday evening and put the props & materials all away. I will be schmoozing with the parents & audience, as well as the kids.

We have a tradition of signing our t-shirts after the last performance. I will bring a sharpie for this task. The kids love this, and so do I.

Don's medical tests were not so great this time. His numbers were down quite a bit. We think that stress is the culprit. Also, he hadn't been taking his multivitamins / minerals the past few weeks either, and so that may be part of the reason. We are hopeful for the next appointment, which will be in July. We don't want Don having to go on any medications unnecessarily.

My purple music stand came today! It's beautiful! I'm so excited about it. And I also ordered stand lights, led, and they are so bright that both sides of my music will have NO problem being seen! Yay!

Meg's birthday is Tuesday. We plan on going to the zoo for the day. Dyan is making us all picnic lunches. I can't wait. The zoo is one of my FAVORITE places in the world to go to. Fun times will be had. I could watch the meerkats for hours on end! Lots of walking = great exercise = being able to eat birthday cake that evening! Yay!

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

What sweet and thoughtful daughters you have! Love their idea, sounds so perfect.
Glad to hear you're not stressing so much about Don's numbers. Sending many thoughts for good news in July. (((hugs)))