Monday, March 29, 2010

My Favorite Sunday, and Other Thoughts

Palm Sunday. That is my favorite Sunday of the year. I love the meaning of it. I love seeing the children's choir processing in, through all of the aisles in our church sanctuary, waving their palm branches above their heads, proudly, and regally walking to the platform where the choir risers are awaiting them. And one of the most precious things I saw was my grandson, Christian, standing on the pew next to his daddy, waving his palm branch along with the children's choir. About made me cry. My heart swelled.

I love retelling the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and the start of what we Christians call, "Holy Week." I love the pomp & circumstance surrounding this. I love that Jesus humbled himself and rode into town on a donkey. I love that the children & townspeople were elated to see him and waved palm branches, put them on the road for the donkey to ride on, along with their cloaks. I love how they loved him.

I love talking to the children about the meaning of this holiday that we, Christians celebrate. Truly, if the whole 'story' wasn't true or factual, then we'd have no reason to believe what we believe. Would we? I love talking to the children about what Jesus did for EACH ONE OF THEM. How he, with grace, endured the torture & the cross, in order that EACH ONE OF THEM has the possibility of having eternal life. They sit there with looks of awe on their faces. I, truly, feel the same way. I'm in awe of what Jesus did for ME. Am I deserving? Probably not. But that doesn't matter. My sins don't matter, because I'm forgiven. Jesus blood washed away my sins.

The Choir 3 kids will be singing one of my all-time favorite children's choir anthems on Good Friday. I love talking to them about the meaning of what they're singing. And they sing it with such beauty. My heart is blessed & overflowing....

"A Lenten Love Song"

Now Jesus went into the garden. The garden of Gethsamane.
He went there sad and very lonely to be alone to pray.

"Dear God, your Son is sorrowful, is there no other way? Dear God, if it is possible, let this cup pass away."

Now Jesus went into the garden. The garden of Gethsamane.
The olive tree bent over him, and heard him sadly pray.

"Dear God, your Son is sorrowful, but knows your way is best.
Let love take hold of me, help me to be bold and free to do your will, to do your will, TO DO YOUR WILL.... and REST.

Ubi caritas, et amor. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas, et amor. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Translation: Where charity and love are found, God is there.

Charity and love. He FREELY and with LOVE, gave himself to the cross for the redemption of ALL mankind. Wow.

If you are reading this blog and have not asked Jesus into your heart, then why not? What is holding you back? It's really very simple. Jesus provided the way, very simply, by grace. All we have to do is ask. It's like the ABC's of salvation. We need to Acknowledge that we are sinners. Believe that we can be forgiven, and Confess our sins to Jesus, thru prayer. Then we need to ask him to be in our heart, to be the Lord of our life, and it's just as simple as that. The Word says that if we ask, it will be given to us.

Eternal life. I love that idea. I love the fact that I'll be able to see my mother again, as well as all my loved ones who have gone before me. I love the fact that life here on this earth is not eternal, that it's only temporary. Thank God, literally, because mankind has made such a mess of this world. But I'm living not for this world, but for the next. I know that the Lord is preparing a mansion for me. I know that I'll live forever, with my family, in the presence of the Lord, and that makes me very excited.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, why not take the time today to ask Him into your heart. It's really very simple. Grace. We are saved by grace and not by our good works. All you have to do is ask. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will be given to you.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Busy, busy....

Busy, busy.... that's me, these days. Between directing & producing the spring musical for the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir, and helping to coordinate our summer Work & Witness trip to Dominica, I'm meetin' myself coming and going. Toss in taking care of Kenzie 2 days a week, and normal household stuff, it all makes for a very busy life right now. For a season.

My sprained ankle is healing. I'm able to walk on it with no problems. Just can't turn it quickly and I have to be careful with it. Still really bruised and a bit swollen, but I will survive.

I started a diet. Last Friday, I went to a diet doctor over in Overland Park. I was interested in doing the HCG diet, where you get a shot of this hormone that pregnant people produce, and it works to burn off the belly fat, well, any excess fat. But, the NP said because of my history with breast cancer, I'm not a candidate for this program. So, instead, I'm doing a liquid fasting diet. I slapped down a buncha money and got my "supplements," gave them some blood, counseled with them, and away I went. So, Saturday, I started the diet. I'm supposed to drink 6 shakes a day, along with 64 oz of water. It's all a mind game with me. I love to eat. So much of life is around what we're eating. We celebrate stuff with food. I love to eat. But.... not at the moment. Saturday, I was like obsessed with not 'chewing' anything. Sunday, I was obsessed with not 'chewing' anything. By Wednesday, I knew I'd made a mistake. I was dying to have something to eat, chew on, and taste, other than chocolate or vanilla. I'd lost 5 lbs so far, but I was in a state of panic, fearful that I'd once again failed a weight loss program. So, I called Don. No answer. I made a sandwich. Two slices of whole grain bread, a schmear of mayo, some mustard, and 2 fried eggs. MMMmmmm.... but, I could hardly finish it. I felt soooo full. Then I called Misha, the counselor. She calmed me down and said that this is very normal. She said I needed to eat along with the supplemental shakes. So, now, I can have 4 - 6 oz of either chicken, fish or turkey, grilled, broiled or baked, and 2 cups of cooked green vegetables. In addition to that, I will be having 4 of those supplemental shakes a day. I can deal with this. I also take lots of vitamins & omega 3 fish oil caplets. I can have diet soda if I want. I don't drink diet sodas, well, haven't in months. And I won't drink regular sodas right now either. But yesterday, before choir rehearsal, I drove thru Sonic and got myself a large diet cherry limeade. OMGosh, I felt like I was really treating myself! Yum... Tomorrow I go back to the doctor to weigh & get more supplements & counsel. Their goal for me is to lose 60 lbs. I thought I needed to lose 80. They said for me to get to 60 and see how I'm feeling before losing any more. That for my age, body type & height, that I needed to weigh *** lbs. which is 20 lbs more than I was figuring... So, we'll see. I hope to be at a good weight before we go to Dominica in June. Encouragement. I need encouragement. The extremely low calorie diet that this is puts me into a ketotonic state, where my body will burn the extra fat and leave the muscle. Hmmm... I'm not hungry, tho. They said that I wouldn't be, because of the fat being metabolized and burned.

Next week, I will add back in exercise. I'll start walking, or riding my bike. I'll also get out April's yoga dvd. I have to watch it, tho, since my calorie intake is so limited right now. So, I'll do walking, which the np recommended, and some weight training. I may get on the bike. But we do have hills, so, the bike may have to wait until I get more weight off first.

Mackenzie is a little dollbaby. She's making motor sounds with her mouth now, which is too cute. And she's eating solids. Today she had oatmeal for breakfast (organic, of course), peas for lunch which I made for her, and peaches that Meg bought for an afternoon snack. Tomorrow, after my dr. appt., I'll take my vitamix machine over to Meg's house and we will be whipping out some homemade baby food. We'll be making peas, carrots, peaches, prunes, and possibly green beans. Meg will freeze them in ice cube trays, and then pop them into freezer bags once the food cubes are frozen. The vitamix is perfect for pureeing the foods. I love the feeling that I'm needed. Meg says that she's freaking out a little about having to make Kenzie's food. She's afraid she won't know how. So, she asked me to come over tomorrow to do it with her. Fun times....

The phone rang the other day. "Hello?" "Hello, Grandma." Christian just wanted to call and chat. I loved that. He was telling me all sorts of stuff, most of which I couldn't understand. But I loved it anyway. He's growing up so quickly. He's no longer a toddler, but a little boy. I love how he's so creative, and he uses his logic and thinks about stuff. He is sooooo good, and I'm not biased! He's the perfect grandson!

Lily is such a little doll.... she's growing so quickly! She's standing on stuff now, and ya know what that means.... soon she'll be walking. And she's only 9 months old. Oy... She is just adorable tho. The other day, I was watching all 3 grandkids, and since Kenzie was in the crib, Lily didn't get her nap, until she fell asleep in my arms. I loved that.... She's just such a good, happy, peaceful little girl....

Cali is the protector. Whenever Kenzie is over here, and napping up in the nursery, and starts to cry, Cali makes sure I know about it. And she runs upstairs and stands outside of the nursery door until I get in there. And she loves kissing the kids. All the time. And when they're on the floor playing with their toys, she brings her own toys over to play with too. Cute, but sometimes aggravating! She does love those babies, tho...

Don is so supportive of my new diet. I don't know whether it's just because he loves me and wants to see me succeed, or if it's because he's just tired of having an overweight wife! LOL At any rate, he cooked my chicken and green beans tonight, since I was wiped out from a day of Kenzie not sleeping. Whatta guy.

Our tax problems are still hanging over our heads. We need to get this taken care of ASAP. Hopefully tomorrow, I can give that lawyer a call. I want this over. Done. Zapped.

And that's my life so far...

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Lucy & Ethel Day

Sunday started out very normal. Well, with the exception of losing an hour of sleep. My worst day of the year.... anyway...Got up, ready for church, wearing a very cute, chic outfit. My black skirt, a yellow tank top and my red 3/4 length sleeved sweater, with a brooch which was a gift from one of my sweet choir kids. I put on my black tights and my nice church shoes. I looked good, I think. We went to church, where I worked in the toddler class & then helped out in children's church. Normal day.

After church, Don & I went to his mom's house for a visit and for Don to do some work around there. We had a nice ham sandwich for lunch. Avocado was even on it! Yum.... Anyway, after being there an hour or so, I get a panicky phone call from Meg. "Muffy ran away!!!" OMGosh! "What???" "MUFFY RAN AWAY." Apparently Meg & Drew were watching Greta's little Yorkie, Muffy for the weekend, while they were out of town. Meg & Drew have a fenced in back yard, but apparently that little doggie found the one place where the fence didn't go, under the house on the right side. There was a gap just big enough for Muffy to squeeze thru. Apparently neither Meg nor Drew realized that she was gone until several hours later. Meg was totally panicked, because she has an "iffy" relationship with Greta & Sydney (Drew's sister) and she feels that they don't like her or me, for that matter, and that this was only going to make matters so much worse. Meg, the DAUGHTER IN LAW, lost their beloved Muffy. Oy.... So, what was I going to do? Obviously, I needed to go help them look for that stupid dog. So, Don & I said our goodbyes to Mom, and took off to Belton.

Here I am, driving thru the neighborhood streets by Meg's house with my head hanging out the window, calling, "Muffyyyyyyyyy." Got to Meg's house. No Muffy. Meg and Drew had been out looking for her. No Muffy. Now, see, I have some experience in looking for lost dogs. Every time I'd go on a trip somewhere, my first Shih-Tzu, Tasha, would always run away, looking for her Momma! I found her every time. Three times she did that. Anywho.... Here I am in my fancy church clothes and heels, looking for this dog, all to save Meg's relationship with her in-laws. I walked all around, calling, "Muffyyyyyyyy." The whole neighborhood could hear me, I'm quite sure. It was like I was echoing. Weird.

I noticed that about a block away, there were some houses with a big fence running along behind them. So, since I was freezing to death, I grabbed one of Meg's blankets and wrapped myself up in it, and walked over there, all the while yelling, "MUFFYYYYYYYYY." lol So, I walked between some houses and over to the fence, thru squishy, lumpy, soggy, snowmelted ground, and was peering thru the fence, calling for the dog. And I prayed. "Dear Jesus, PLEASE help me find this dog for Meg. Amen." Then, not 30 seconds later, this lady, about 4 or 5 houses down was looking out over her back deck, which was up on the 2nd story of her house. She called to me and asked if I was looking for a lost dog. I said YES!!! I called back to her, asking if she sees a little Yorkie. She said, "Yes! She's in the fenced area, going around this building way over there." Sooo, she was also calling for Muffy, and I had to walk way over to the end of the fenced area, which was all gated up. No way to get inside, unless you're a little yorkie and can squeeze under the fence. Sheesh. So I walked around the end, and after trying several gates, all were locked up tight. I ended walking to the very end of the fence, which butted up against a little creek, which was very full and bubbling from snow runoff. I held on to the fence and swung my legs around it and got inside. Then I began the long trek to the building. It was about a mile away, or at least 3/4 a mile. Don was nowhere in sight, since he was in the Hummer driving thru the neighborhood looking for The Dog. I got to the lady's house and asked her to call my daughter and let her know The Dog was here. And then I proceeded to give her Dyan's number!!! And then after realizing my mistake, I had to turn around and walk back to her house and say, "OMGosh, I gave you the wrong daughter's number! (I was so out of breath from running thru mud in my church shoes, which were $200 shoes, BTW) Here's the right number," I said. I walked all the way down the mud path, and saw The Dog. Well, did she come when I called??? HECK NO!!! So, I'm running after this dog, in my fancy church clothes & my fancy church shoes.... and the dog runs away from me, and goes behind this building. I'm looking around and apparently I'm in a poop plant. Literally. They had several water tanks where they clean sewage. Omgosh. This plant was abandoned, but there were cars and junk everywhere. So.... The Dog went behind the building. I go trudging around the building, in my fancy church clothes and $$$ church shoes, thru the mud, muck, watery ground, lumpy grass, and there is The Dog. She's trapped by the fence. I get within 5 feet of her, after twisting my ankles side to side, because I'm wearing heels on uneven ground, and I kneel down and say, "Muffy Baby, come here!" She creeps close to me, and then within 3 feet of me, she tears off running away again. I think I probably swore, got up on my feet and walked thru the lumpy, muddy, wet, uneven ground while constantly twisting my ankles side to side. By the time I got to the muddy road, The Dog was clear back down to the end. OMGosh... Don, I could hear his voice by this time. He's on the other side of the fence. I yell at him to come around the end, but apparently he didn't hear me, because it's like TWO MILES AWAY! So, I'm hobbling down and yelling for Don to get Drew, since Muffy would know Drew's voice. By the time Muffy got down by Don, she turned around and ran back towards me. So, I stopped in the middle of the muddy road, kneeled down again, and said, "Muffy baby, come here!" And zoom, she ran right past me again. I couldn't nab the little poop. By this time, I'm thinking..... "If I ever catch that dog.... she'll get a whoopin' all the way home!" So, I go off in the direction of the building again. And pretty soon, Don & Drew had come inside the area, thru the frence at the other end, by the building. But noone could find The Dog. Apparently she must have gone around the building and under the fence. We're going on 2 hours by now, looking for The Dog. And I'm sick and tired of tramping thru mucky, muddy, soggy, uneven ground in my $$$ church shoes, and constantly twisting my ankles. Then Don & I were together, by the building, looking for The Dog. Nowhere to be found. Then a few minutes later, Don got the phone call from Meg saying that Drew nabbed her and was heading home with her. And the little poop dog even bit Drew!!! Boy.... Then Don said, my car is here.... but, because I'd been running and walking so much, I dropped Meg's blanket in the middle of the road, WAY BACK DOWN THEREEEEEEEE!!! So, I had to walk clear back down the road to retrieve the blanket and Don drove down to the far end of the fence to wait for me. I picked up the blanket, walked to the edge of the fence by the bubbling river, swung around the edge and walked over to the Hummer. Now, because my feet are all muddy.... and I was clearly worn out, I opened the door to climb into the Hummer, and put my feet on the floor board and started to heave myself into the seat, and BAM, my feet slipped off the floorboard and I landed on my right ankle, sideways. I heard snapping and popping and everything went numb, and I thought I broke my foot. I even cried. I never cry with injuries. But I did this time. Don took us to Meg's and I went inside, could barely walk, sat down, and then we noticed my ankle had swollen to grapefruit size. Oy..... Don insisted we go to the ER.

Fast forward FOUR HOURS after sitting in the ER surround by coughing, hacking, on death's door people. I made Don & me sit way far away from "those people". Mercy me.... Oh, and get this..... we were STARVING to death, and on the TV???? The Food Network. Steak grilling contest. Brother. Anyway, I finally got x-rays and diagnosis, severe contusion and sprain. I'm to stay off of it for several days and put ice on it. It's wrapped in an ace bandage & with an air splint. It's still pretty painful, but I'm getting around.

So, that's my Lucy and Ethel Day. Chasing a little poop dog who didn't want to be found, while wearing fancy church clothes & $$$ church shoes, and walking / running thru lumpy, mucky, muddy, wet grass & mud.... All for my daughter, to save her relationship with the In-Laws. LOL Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

And that's my life so far...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Randomness

Some random thoughts for the month of March...

1. It rained last night. Fantastic! Even had lightning.
2. I hate driving in driving rain.
3. I love meeting Don at OTB for dinner after KCC rehearsal.
4. Lily reached out to me yesterday, and I loved that.
5. Christian lights up his face with love when he sees me, and I love that.
6. Mackenzie is fascinated with my coffee cup. Good girl.
7. Kenzie had a hard time going to sleep this morning. Took 3 times to calm her down. She had her "mad" on.
8. I love chianti. Who knew?
9. God is so good and I know He's watching over me and my family.
10. I never know who reads my blog. Wish there was a way of finding out.
11. Wish I had more than 4 official followers of my blog.
12. Why don't my girls blog anymore?
13. Julie & I are the only ones who update our blogs regularly.
14. April, you are slackin' on your blog, dahhhhling.
15. Meg, seriously, it's been a year.
16. I love coffee with macadamia white chocolate cream in it.
17. Cali is one smart doggie. She understands my words. "Down." "Get your toy." "Stop barking!!!" "Do you want to eat?" "Time to go ni-night." "GET IN THE HOUSE!!!" "Want a chewy?" "Bye bye." "Want to go bye bye?" "Let's go get your bath." "Get down!" "Wanna sing?" followed by her howling on pitch with me!! Smart doggie, she definitely is. "Kenzie is here!" "Christian is here!" "The babies are here!" Any of those said, she runs immediately to the front door so excited to see them!
18. I need a vacation.
19. I wonder how the Lord is going to bring us out of this latest jam in life???
20. I can't wait to get out in the garden and start working. I want to plant a new peony, and several new perennials. I also want to grow okra this year. Along with my tomatoes.
21. I love playing the piano.
22. I love how my house is almost always neat & clean.
23. I love cooking and am contemplating catering the Dinner Drama this fall at our church.
24. I loved going to the Elton John / Billy Joel concert.
25. I love my cyber-daughters and am very proud of both of them.
26. I'm changing the "Crow" dance.
27. I'm working on the "Weeds" dance.
28. I have no idea what we're gonna do for the "inventions" yet.
29. #26 - 28 have to do with the spring musical, "Acorns to Oaks."
30. I'm crazy about my daughters. They are fantabulous women.
31. I'm crazy in love with my husband.

That's enough randomness for today.

and that's my life so far.

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's a New Week

It's a new week..... thank God for that! Literally. The past week has been very difficult for me. Last Friday, I was spiraling out of control, depression taking over, and there was a battle between me, Satan and the Lord taking place in my bedroom. I spent the majority of several hours in prayer, asking for help from the Lord. And pleading with Him for strength and to not cave in to wanting to take a bunch of pills and go to sleep forever. It was a tough day. And I couldn't think of ONE person I could call and seek help from. I didn't want to worry my girls. I didn't want to worry my husband, or give him an extra burden that day. Finally, the Lord put Emily on my mind and I called her. I reached out to her and she was there for me. I love Emily, and am grateful for her. She & her husband will be helping Don & me.

What instigated this? The IRS. They are after us now. We were audited a few years ago on 4 years worth of taxes, and they had thrown out ALL deductions from those years. Just plain old tossed them out. Then when we (Don) protested it, he met with the IRS investigator and provided proof of all of our deductions. He has boxes of receipts and proof. Still, we didn't hear from her in a long time. Then on Friday we got letters saying that for 3 of those 4 years, we now owe the IRS a six figure amount of money in 2 weeks time. Whoa......... spinning out of control. Don says not to worry, that we have the proof. In my mind, I'm thinking, "How much more can we be expected to endure from our Federal Government??? How much more in this life are we expected to endure????" Then Don went back to work, and I spun out of control.

Emily's husband is an attorney, and is finding us a good tax attorney that we can trust. Hopefully we'll hear something today. I'm just so sick of all that Life has thrown us these past few years. I know that the Word says that He won't give us anything in life in which we cannot endure thru His strength. I'm leaning on this promise, and trusting Him to guide us to the right attorney, and to see us through this new trauma in life.

I am so grateful for my husband. He came home from work early on Friday and was VERY worried about me. He loves me unconditionally and without end. He reassured me that everything would be alright (crying as I'm typing this) and that we'd make it through this. We have the proof, after all. Then he had me clean up and he took me to dinner down at Buca's. Love that place. We had a delightful time. We sat at the bar, talked with the bartender and people around us, and enjoyed a nice spaghetti dinner. LOVE that garlic bread, unfortunately.... oy...

Saturday morning was another rehearsal for the musical. I had the "3 crows" come first so I could teach them the choreography to their dance. Then the 2nd hour was the crows with the other characters in their scene - Scene 3. Good rehearsal. What a great cast we have this year. Well, we always have a good cast. 'Cause we always have such great kids involved! Love them.... I do.

Saturday night was the first of Family Dinner Nights at our house. We used to do this when our kids were little, and Don wants us to start doing this for our kids. We used to go to Don's parents house in Calif. every Saturday night for burgers. That way we got to see them, and they got time with our girls. Fun times, fun memories. So, we're starting that in our family. And any of the kids who can come are welcome to, and if they don't want to come, or have other plans, then that's okay too. But for now, we're starting Family Dinner Night on Saturdays. Dyan & Jory had other plans already, but Meg, Drew & Kenzie came over. We had burgers & watched a stupid Guy Flick - Ironman. It was stupid with NO plot, but the guys & Meg liked it. Ridiculous, I say. But, we had a nice time together, and I even made chocolate malts. Yum.... after our burgers & baked fries.

Sunday - church. I felt alone at church yesterday. Don't know why, but I did. I felt disconnected. Must be the depression talkin'. I don't usually feel that way. I sat alone. I felt alone.

Sunday after church, we came home, had sandwiches, and then got on the Harley. It was a bit chilly, but with our leathers on, we were fine. We rode to Dyan's so she could cut Don's hair. They we took off to the Plaza (my favorite place in KC). We parked in the semi-designated bike parking area, where all motorcyclists park, then took off the chaps & leather jacket, stored it in the bike, then walked to J. Jill, and I shopped. I shouldn't shop when I'm having bouts of depression.... $300 later, I got some good deals! Lots of sale items, and I needed new clothes, since mine are either stained or worn out. I put it on my JJill charge, so will pay it off in a month. I felt good about my purchases, except having to buy size 20 jeans. I have no jeans in my closet, and really needed a pair, so I had to order them online, from the store, so no shipping charges, and I absolutely HATED having to buy 20's... but, I hopefully won't be in them long. I just needed some jeans to wear "in the meantime." Oy.....

After J Jill, Don & I went to the Cheesecake Factory and had a slice of cheesecake and a glass of iced tea. Yum.... I know, I know, I've totally BLOWN my diet this weekend. Back on the plan today! I swear! Honest!! I have to find my yoga DVD. It's been put in my office, I'm sure.... Gotta find it and get back to it.

Today is KenzieDay. She's such a little dollface. She's rolling all over the place now. And this morning, she ate a whole bowl of organic oatmeal. Yes, "organic." LOL She's taking her morning nap now. I've never seen a baby so easy to put down for a nap. She's wide awake when I put her in the crib, and we turn on her music toy, and she goes right to sleep! Amazing! I need to take new pics of her and post them. She's really getting big!!! She's almost 7 months old now.

New Week = New Attitude. I can do it! I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

And that's my life so far...