Monday, March 29, 2010

My Favorite Sunday, and Other Thoughts

Palm Sunday. That is my favorite Sunday of the year. I love the meaning of it. I love seeing the children's choir processing in, through all of the aisles in our church sanctuary, waving their palm branches above their heads, proudly, and regally walking to the platform where the choir risers are awaiting them. And one of the most precious things I saw was my grandson, Christian, standing on the pew next to his daddy, waving his palm branch along with the children's choir. About made me cry. My heart swelled.

I love retelling the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and the start of what we Christians call, "Holy Week." I love the pomp & circumstance surrounding this. I love that Jesus humbled himself and rode into town on a donkey. I love that the children & townspeople were elated to see him and waved palm branches, put them on the road for the donkey to ride on, along with their cloaks. I love how they loved him.

I love talking to the children about the meaning of this holiday that we, Christians celebrate. Truly, if the whole 'story' wasn't true or factual, then we'd have no reason to believe what we believe. Would we? I love talking to the children about what Jesus did for EACH ONE OF THEM. How he, with grace, endured the torture & the cross, in order that EACH ONE OF THEM has the possibility of having eternal life. They sit there with looks of awe on their faces. I, truly, feel the same way. I'm in awe of what Jesus did for ME. Am I deserving? Probably not. But that doesn't matter. My sins don't matter, because I'm forgiven. Jesus blood washed away my sins.

The Choir 3 kids will be singing one of my all-time favorite children's choir anthems on Good Friday. I love talking to them about the meaning of what they're singing. And they sing it with such beauty. My heart is blessed & overflowing....

"A Lenten Love Song"

Now Jesus went into the garden. The garden of Gethsamane.
He went there sad and very lonely to be alone to pray.

"Dear God, your Son is sorrowful, is there no other way? Dear God, if it is possible, let this cup pass away."

Now Jesus went into the garden. The garden of Gethsamane.
The olive tree bent over him, and heard him sadly pray.

"Dear God, your Son is sorrowful, but knows your way is best.
Let love take hold of me, help me to be bold and free to do your will, to do your will, TO DO YOUR WILL.... and REST.

Ubi caritas, et amor. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Ubi caritas, et amor. Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Translation: Where charity and love are found, God is there.

Charity and love. He FREELY and with LOVE, gave himself to the cross for the redemption of ALL mankind. Wow.

If you are reading this blog and have not asked Jesus into your heart, then why not? What is holding you back? It's really very simple. Jesus provided the way, very simply, by grace. All we have to do is ask. It's like the ABC's of salvation. We need to Acknowledge that we are sinners. Believe that we can be forgiven, and Confess our sins to Jesus, thru prayer. Then we need to ask him to be in our heart, to be the Lord of our life, and it's just as simple as that. The Word says that if we ask, it will be given to us.

Eternal life. I love that idea. I love the fact that I'll be able to see my mother again, as well as all my loved ones who have gone before me. I love the fact that life here on this earth is not eternal, that it's only temporary. Thank God, literally, because mankind has made such a mess of this world. But I'm living not for this world, but for the next. I know that the Lord is preparing a mansion for me. I know that I'll live forever, with my family, in the presence of the Lord, and that makes me very excited.

If you do not know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, why not take the time today to ask Him into your heart. It's really very simple. Grace. We are saved by grace and not by our good works. All you have to do is ask. And the peace that surpasses all understanding will be given to you.

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