Sunday, June 17, 2007

Work & Witness Ukraine Trip

One week from today, our team will be in Kiev, Ukraine.
One week from tomorrow, we'll board a train for a 4 1/2 hour journey to Vapnyarka, Ukraine. We'll be working with AIDS orphans, a men's rehab center & a church there. We'll be running a VBS for the local children & orphans, and doing lots of construction jobs.It's gonna be fun!

But I'll miss my kids...... and Christian, and Cali & Beauty too.........

We leave KC very early next Saturday....... I hate flying. & my broken Big Toe is still bothering me........ think I"ll take a cane!

That's my life so far........

Monday, June 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME~~~~

Today is my 50th Birthday. Is this what 50 feels like? It really feels like 30...... But Don tells me that 50 is the new 40........
Last weekend's highlights:
Had a "surprise party" on Saturday at Meg's house...... was a smashing success. Thank you Meg & Dyan......
Lots of people came to my party. Fun was had by all.
I had Christian several times last week..... Cutie Patootie.......
Christian ate a real banana. Yum!
I got a cook book from Shelly for my birthday..... The Food Network's Favorites.... Yay!
My wonderful sister came for the weekend. Fun was had by both of us.
Friday night - BROKE MY BIG TOE. Tripped on my deck. Now I'm wearing a ugly shoe to support my toe.
Saturday - lunch at Cheesecake Factory - with my sister - totally fun. Good conversations.
Saturday morning - at the doctor's - X-Ray'd my toe. Broken.
Saturday night - party - fun times.
My cake was B E A Utiful..... had flowers, butterflies & a breast cancer ribbon. And it was very yummy.
My girls have grown up to be lovely party hostesses.
Meg's house was darling......
Going to the Nelson Atkins Art Gallery.
Dinner on the Plaza at California Pizza Kitchen with my family.
Carriage ride with the family.... on the Plaza.
Still can't believe I'm 50. Weird.
That's my life so far......

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Countdown to Ukraine

17 Days and counting......

This Weekend... Fun times ahead...

It's gonna be a fun weekend!!!
My sister is coming up to KC tomorrow night.
I'm fixing a mahhhhvelous dinner - pork tenderloin, creamy orzo with peas, & a salad.
The hot tub will be in use.
Pedicures on Saturday.
The Plaza on Saturday.
The pre-teens are holding a carwash for the orphans in Vapnyarka, Ukraine.... what gems those kids are!
My "surprise" party is Saturday...... lots and lots of friends will be there. It's Meg's first BIG party at her new house. Hope she's not nervous......
Church on Sunday.... always great.
Potluck at Pastor's house Sunday, for the Work & Witness Ukraine team. Fun, food & fellowship.
More time with my sister.
Perhaps a movie???
Monday~ not the weekend anymore, but still fun.......
Turning 50. :-O
Going to the Nelson-Atkins with Don.....
Having dinner on the Plaza with Don, all 4 of my kids & my grandson.......
Carriage ride with the entire family....
I feel like 20. Well..... maybe 30.
And that's my life so far......

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Weekend

This past Weekend....
Worked in the garden.
Cut down wayward trees that keep wanting to grow and suffocate everything else, including my forsythias.

Pulled weeds.

Moved the birdfeeder, and now my bird friends are happy.

Filled the birdfeeders.

Don moved the birdbath, so that they are more than happy.

Pulled my muscles in my back.

Trimmed back the deadwood on the shrubs.

Pulled the suffocating weeds from my peonies, roses & hydrangeas, and also my herbs.

Was attacked by my wild rose bush.... now my pants are bloody.

Got a massive headache. Allergies, I assume.

Drank lots of lemonade. mmmmm

Ate a turkey & lettuce sandwich on the deck.

My back yard is so pretty now.


Ready for dinner tonight with Scott.

Sitting in my back yard is very peaceful.

Watching the birds delighting over our little sanctuary...... very peaceful.

I sing hymns while pulling weeds & cutting deadwood. Weird? No. Quiet time with God.


That's my life so far....