Friday, June 1, 2007

The Weekend

This past Weekend....
Worked in the garden.
Cut down wayward trees that keep wanting to grow and suffocate everything else, including my forsythias.

Pulled weeds.

Moved the birdfeeder, and now my bird friends are happy.

Filled the birdfeeders.

Don moved the birdbath, so that they are more than happy.

Pulled my muscles in my back.

Trimmed back the deadwood on the shrubs.

Pulled the suffocating weeds from my peonies, roses & hydrangeas, and also my herbs.

Was attacked by my wild rose bush.... now my pants are bloody.

Got a massive headache. Allergies, I assume.

Drank lots of lemonade. mmmmm

Ate a turkey & lettuce sandwich on the deck.

My back yard is so pretty now.


Ready for dinner tonight with Scott.

Sitting in my back yard is very peaceful.

Watching the birds delighting over our little sanctuary...... very peaceful.

I sing hymns while pulling weeds & cutting deadwood. Weird? No. Quiet time with God.


That's my life so far....

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