Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Time for a "catchup" blog....

It's Wednesday morning, May 12th... and I'm just sittin' here, relaxing and enjoying my morning coffee. It's nice not to have choir tonight. I tell ya, it's like I work so hard and am so obsessed with this ministry from September to May, that it's nice to have a break for the summer. Today, I shall work on laundry, finish up some Work & Witness trip stuff, and go thru mail and pay bills. Should also balance the checkbook. A day at home. Nice.
April 27th, Meg turned 25 years old. We celebrated by going to the Zoo. The zoo is our FAVORITE place to go. It was a perfect day at the zoo. The weather was perfect. The animals were out playing, and we all had a delightful time. Fun was had by all on Meg's 25th birthday.

Our children's musical, "Acorns to Oaks" was performed on May 1st & 2nd. The kids did a marvelous job. I loved this musical. The music was beautiful, the lesson to be learned with wonderful, the actors & soloists were superb, and we collected donations to give to the Midwest Fostercare & Adoption Agency. The church really received this musical well. I am proud of my kids. A few pics? Alright...

Mother's Day was nice. Since we had our Choir 3 BBQ & Hot Tub Party on the day before, Don helped me get the garden all cleaned up & replanted, as well as the deck. It's nice getting everything all nice again. The spring flowers are in the deck pots. The tomatoes & cucumbers are planted. Was going to plant watermelon, but the dang bunnies ate them already. I planted lots of herbs, oregano, basil (several kinds), lavendar (several varieties), as well as some more hydrangeas, lilacs & 3 more peonies. I love my garden. I need to post pics sometime. Gotta take some first. Also, Don finally brought my bench back to the garden so I can now sit in it and really enjoy it. The birdfeeders are all filled and being consumed... My backyard is a place of peace, and lots of wildlife activity. I love it.
And then the family came over for on Mother's Day for wonderful ribs, topping off a very nice weekend.
And that's my life so far...


Unknown said...

Christian looked like he was saying Tada!!! LOL Good pictures mom!

Julie said...

Hooray for an update! I've been wondering about you.

Glad to hear the choir performance went well - you put so much work into that! Looks like fun is being had by all in your neck of the woods.

Love that Don helped you get your garden cleaned up. What a nice Mother's Day gift! You definitely do need to take some photos, I'd love to see it. It sounds beautiful!