Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Time for a "catchup" blog....

It's Wednesday morning, May 12th... and I'm just sittin' here, relaxing and enjoying my morning coffee. It's nice not to have choir tonight. I tell ya, it's like I work so hard and am so obsessed with this ministry from September to May, that it's nice to have a break for the summer. Today, I shall work on laundry, finish up some Work & Witness trip stuff, and go thru mail and pay bills. Should also balance the checkbook. A day at home. Nice.
April 27th, Meg turned 25 years old. We celebrated by going to the Zoo. The zoo is our FAVORITE place to go. It was a perfect day at the zoo. The weather was perfect. The animals were out playing, and we all had a delightful time. Fun was had by all on Meg's 25th birthday.

Our children's musical, "Acorns to Oaks" was performed on May 1st & 2nd. The kids did a marvelous job. I loved this musical. The music was beautiful, the lesson to be learned with wonderful, the actors & soloists were superb, and we collected donations to give to the Midwest Fostercare & Adoption Agency. The church really received this musical well. I am proud of my kids. A few pics? Alright...

Mother's Day was nice. Since we had our Choir 3 BBQ & Hot Tub Party on the day before, Don helped me get the garden all cleaned up & replanted, as well as the deck. It's nice getting everything all nice again. The spring flowers are in the deck pots. The tomatoes & cucumbers are planted. Was going to plant watermelon, but the dang bunnies ate them already. I planted lots of herbs, oregano, basil (several kinds), lavendar (several varieties), as well as some more hydrangeas, lilacs & 3 more peonies. I love my garden. I need to post pics sometime. Gotta take some first. Also, Don finally brought my bench back to the garden so I can now sit in it and really enjoy it. The birdfeeders are all filled and being consumed... My backyard is a place of peace, and lots of wildlife activity. I love it.
And then the family came over for on Mother's Day for wonderful ribs, topping off a very nice weekend.
And that's my life so far...