Wednesday, April 11, 2007

April update....

Thought I'd take a few minutes and submit an update. My niece, Carly, is leaving London today for a year long adventure, traveling around the world! I'm so excited for her. She & her friend are on their way to India today...... What fun for them!

Let's see, what's been going on lately in my life? Well, a few weeks ago, my brother in law passed away after a long illness with cancer. My sister is doing okay, adjusting to life alone again. Don & I are taking her with us to Cabo next year, which will be totally fun. Meg & Drew are coming too, and they'll be staying in Dan & Val's condo, since they won't be coming out next year. That will be fun for Meg & Drew, although I'll really miss seeing Dan & Val. I miss them so much.......

Christian is adorable! He's almost 7 months old...... and just so much fun! I love, love love him. Tomorrow, I get to BABYSIT! Hey Meg, are you JEALOUS??? Too bad you have to WORK! LOL

My children's choir is in the middle of rehearsals for our spring musical, "Holy Moses!". Performance dates & times are Saturday, May 5 @ 3 PM - matinee, and Sunday, May 6 @ 6 PM, followed by a reception. We are currently rehearsing twice a week, and it's going very well. I just need some more choir parents to step up to the plate and help out with assembling the sets, props, and getting it all put together. Thank goodness I have such a competitant & talented staff! Tonight, we begin our extended rehearsals - 5:30 - 7, and we're going to attempt to learn the rest of the choreography. It's like zip zip zip and we're done!

Meghan & Drew are buying a house! Exciting times! They are going to probably close on it by the 25th of April, just in time for Meg's birthday! Woot woot! Hey...... an idea! How about Meghan & Drew hosting my 50th birthday party at their home???????? Let's do it on the Sunday before, and then have another party on my actual birthday with just family??? Just a thought, girls.

Our new offices are just about finished........ The Donmeister painted the ceilings & put a primer coat on all of the walls. I picked out the wall color and need to go make 10 gallons of it today, so he can get it painted. Carpeting is coming in tomorrow! Furniture was ordered yesterday for the reception area. And my ficus tree is in the warehouse ready to be cleaned again & put up front. Exciting times!

I'm getting excited about my mission trip to The Ukraine in June. It's coming up quickly, and I've been surfing the web alot to find materials written in Ukraine. Fun times await........

Oh, and I'm officially 1 year cancer free!!!!!!! My next followup with Dr. Jew is on the 23rd....... and then I won't have to see her for another 6 months! Double woot!

Oh, Beauty the Cat, decided she'd bring me a present in the middle of the night...... we have mousetraps down in the garage, and we caught one, and she thought she'd bring it upstairs to her daddy & me at 4 in the morning and play with it........ Sheesh....... all I could do was tell her "Good kitty...... you caught a mouse!"..... sheesh.....

Alrighty...... gotta get busy with my day. It's "choir" day, so it's always a busy one.

Ta Ta for now~ from The One and Only Choirlady~


Meg said...

LOL, you crack me up. You're so flighty (sp?) in your post. You're here then there! And lots of Oh's! I can just imagine you sitting there thinking of what to write, then BOOM, it hits you and you say, Oh, yada yada yadaaaaa. lolol....I love you! And I'm coming over for lunch/Christian time. Yes, I am jealous. Love you!

Anonymous said...

you are so funny! I forgot your blog address now I have it bookmarked! love you!