Friday, April 13, 2007

What's up with Sanjaya???

What's up with Sanjaya on American Idol??? Doesn't he realize that the ONLY reason he has votes is because Howard Stern & his groupies and the nuts who go to the website "Vote for the Worst" and vote for him are only LAUGHING AT HIM?????? The kid cannot perform well.........and the whole freakin' country is making a laughingstock of him! Where is his sense of self? Where is his pride??? Honestly, STEPHANIE was voted off before him....... and that girl could SING!!! Chris Sligh was voted off, and HE can sing! What is up with America keeping that teeny bopper boy in the mix? I swear........ No wonder I've never watched American Idol before now. It's makin' me CRAZZZZYYYYYYYY......

Oh, and another thing......... it's about freakin' time that Haley got voted off!!!!!!! She's just there to sell sex, hoping to get a deal with a porno magazine, I'm sure....

There, Dad..... I vented!!!

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