Friday, January 16, 2009

an Untitled Update

Okay, so I haven't blogged in a while... suppose I should update.

Julie, love the pictures from Chloe's birthday! That cake is simply AWESOME!!! Your talent knows no boundaries.... Your children are so lucky to have YOU as their mommy....


Dyan & I were just talking about being pregnant..... she seems to always have some sort of complaint or other... and I just pointed out to her that I wish she could be happy & enjoy her pregnancy. I think I struck a nerve... LOL It's good that she's close enough to me to be able to tell me anything, and I love that. I just remember when I was pregnant, that I truly enjoyed every minute of it because we were told that we wouldn't be able to conceive naturally. Well, when God proved the drs. wrong, I was so happy, and loved and cherished every moment of both of my pregnancies... I just was trying to tell Dyan that I wish that she could feel the same way, but she pointed out to me that our situations are different. She's right... But still, I want her to really enjoy this experience. I do think I struck a nerve, tho.... sorry, Honey. Sometimes moms just have to learn to keep their mouths shut. I'm not very good at that. :-O

Cymbalta has been working well for me, so far. It's a new med that the dr. put me on before Christmas, when I just couldn't get out of my funk. I'm better. I think it also helps that Christmas is not looming... Right now, my days are my own... and I love that. No pressure to do anything.

Okay, so there's drama at church again. Ugh.... but, I believe that the decisions that Pastor Brad made are the right ones for our church. I just feel bad for the people that have been let go. But, it was necessary. I support our pastor and the church board on this decision. People will be okay. The Lord will point them in a new direction for work. When you think of my church, pray for my church. I am excited to hear what Pastor Brad has to say regarding his vision for our church on Sunday night...


KCC started back up this week. Dyan & Meg switched positions. I think that this is a good fit. Dyan loved teaching the little ones, and Meg filled in like a pro in Choir 3, organizing music for this semester, helping out with rehearsal... I love that both of my girls are involved in this ministry. I'm very lucky. I'm a lucky mom.

It's snowing right now, and its beautiful outside. I just talked to Christian on the phone, and he's excited to get his snow clothes on and go outside and play. He says, "Hiiiiiiiiiii Grammy Grandma!" That's what he calls me..... LOL

I switched my coffee maker from the Tassimo back to my Krups latte' maker. It's cheaper to use, and makes a cup of coffee as good as I can get at Starbuck's. Speaking of, I think it's about time for latte #2.

Today's plan: Get another cup of coffee, get myself cleaned up & makeup & hair done, and straighten up each room in my house the flylady way, and then clean. I ought to go to the grocery store, but eh.... it's cold outside. Right now the fire is going to help warm up the house, and Cali is laying on her bed in front of the fire, which she loves doing. She loves being warm.

The girls took me to see Twilight last weekend. It was, eh....... okay. I'm still not interested in reading the books. I dunno..... the girls love them. I guess I'm just too old to get caught up in those books. Didn't care for the Harry Potter stuff either.

The media is all GAGA over Obama..... I just don't get it. They're touting him as the first black president.... he's not ALL black / he's half white. And the ideas he has for our country are totally scary to me.... I have to keep praying for our country, and trust that God will be in control.... I'm so sick of the media being so enamored of him.... its like this morning, on The Today Show, they were all saying how excited they are to be going to Washington DC to see the inauguration and they're talking about the parade & balls.... Did they talk this way when George W. was inaugurated??? Heck no.... It's sick. I'll watch it on Tuesday, only I'll be watching Fox News, the only network that will give a fair & balanced approach....

I have a few "free" weeks.... well, actually, I'm working on KCC alot, getting ready to launch our spring musical ~ "Camp Wallaballa". Lots to do to get that ready to kick off... And we leave for Cabo in a few weeks. I can't wait to go. I desperately need some sunshine & warm weather, but then, who doesn't??? Don & I are going alone this year..... and that will be nice. We'll have the condo all to ourselves, and not be responsible for anyone else. Is that selfish? Probably.... but we need a break and we need to just relax and think about ourselves. It's okay.

Time to get busy.

And that's my life so far...


Mama's Ramblings said...

I was wondering when you were going to get back to posting again. As much as I have been looking at your pictures from the cruise, I wanted to hear what else you guys have been up to.

What about your bathroom?!? You never did post any more pictures after you started painting. Is it done yet? I HOPE SO!! :-)

Glad to hear that you are enjoying doing Choir with Meg and D. They seem to really enjoy it also.

Julie said...

Totally awesome that you and Dyan are at least open with each other when one or the other crosses a line. You're lucky to have such a great relationship.

I'm with you - being pregnant was an absolute joy for me, something I'll miss tremendously. Heck, labor was one of the coolest things I've ever done in my life. But all women see those things differently.

Glad to hear you're back up and being cheerful again - I was missing that. I don't like it when you're all down!

:o) (((hugs)))