Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Long-Awaited Update

Okay, Julie.... here goes0n update.... Let's just hope I don't get it all typed out and then accidentally hit the esc. button and wipe it all out. I've done that before.... NOT FUN!! You see, I love to hit this button ~ and it's right under the esc. button, and I get to typing so fast that I make a slip, and BAM.... it's all gone. Let's hope that this doesn't happen, because if it does, I'm not about to re-type it.

Okay, so we're leaving on Sunday for Cabo. Our flight leaves KC at 6 AM. Yes, that's before the sun comes up. And since it's an International flight, that means that we have to be there by 4 AM. That stinks.... and in fact, the last few times that we've flown to Cabo that early, the people don't even show up at the gate until at least 5.... so why bother getting there so early? Ugh... that means that I'll have to leave our house by 3 AM. which means I have to get up by 2:30... slap some makeup on, and head out by 3... Brrrrr..... BUT... we'll be in Cabo by 11:30 AM.... and by the time we get thru customs, get our bags... get to the transportation guys... we'll be at Playa Grande by 1:30 or so. Sweet!

Don bought me something the other night..... he bought me a "Train a Dolphin" thing.... I get to spend the day next Wednesday, 5 hours of it anyway, caring for, feeding, swimming with dolphins!!! I cannot believe it.... What fun that will be! Hope to get some good pictures!

I had my dr. visit today - my breast surgeon. It's been a year since I've seen her. Had my mammos taken last week, and went today to see her about them, and chat about how I'm doing. No cancer! YAY. But... still gotta stay on Tamixofen for another 2 1/2 years... ugh. I complained to her that I cannot lose weight while on this drug, and she laughed and said that everyone says that... but not to worry, when I go off of the drug in 2 years, the weight will melt off. Gee thanks....

Dyan's baby, Miss Lilly Dyan, is growing and growing. She's getting very "rotund"... she's about 6 months along now. So far, Dyan has not gained any weight... I find that fascinating, since with both of my pregnancies, I gained 40 lbs. I don't know how Dyan's doing it.... But I do know, I cannot wait to hold that sweet baby girl in my arms. There is nothing like holding your child's child. Nothing like it in the world... I love that sweet Lilly already...

Meg joined a guard unit. It's an independent "world" class guard. They have practices on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons. Sheesh, she will be sooooo busy! But the Winterguard season will be over in April. Apparently this guard has a girl drop out because of injury.... so Meg will take her spot. It will be so fun to see Meg in action again. She spins flags like no other.... and the rifle? She's fabulous... I just love watching her perform. She is so very good at it!

I'm getting sick. Yes, 3 days before heading on vacation, I have a terribly sore throat. It hurts to swallow.... I'm taking lots of Emergen-C and drinking lots of juice & taking vitamins and supplements... Ugh... who wants to be sick while on vacation?

Noone is going to Cabo with us this year. Honestly, that will be kinda nice. But. really, I do miss my girls when we go down there. It's fun to have them along... but this year, it will be nice, just Don & me. He's gonna do surf fishing, deep sea fishing, lots of walking, zip lining... I'll be laying by the pool alot, reading alot, swimming with the dolphins, and probably zip lining. Can't wait..

My husband is the BEST husband in the entire world. Yes, Julie, he is!!! He just walked in with new luggage for me!!! Its so beautiful! All girly looking.... fancy schmancy!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I love him! Dolphins AND new fancy luggage! I'm so stinkin' spoiled....

That's it for now... I want to go look over my new luggage. So, ta ta for now...


Unknown said...

OMGosh, it's Vera Bradley luggage... looks like blue quilt with gold on it, birds, flowers, swirley things... and the inside is lined with a beautiful yellow fabric with little blue designs on it... and lots of places to put stuff. I love it.

Unknown said...

Oh are spoiled! Daddy treats you good!!! I am glad that you will have a good time together on vacation! Jory and I are bummed that we are not going too! Thanks of the update and I have gained 1 pound! Even after eating Mac and cheese ALOT!!!!! I think that she is eating off the fat I already have! LOL Good girl!

Julie said...

Yay for the update! It was about time :o)

Have a GREAT time in Cabo. It sounds like you'll be having a great time. I'm jealous of the dolphins thing, that sounds like so much fun. I expect lots and lots of pictures when you return.

Congrats on the new luggage too - what fun! I still think my husband's better, but yours sounds pretty good too. ;o) LOL

Thanks for the comments on my blog - I'd write, I'd love to, but i can't think of anything useful to write about. No one wants to read about the day to day happenings of a young housewife. I need a subject first. If you think of one, let me know.

Okay, I'm done. have a great weekend, and a great trip. TTYS!

Mama's Ramblings said...

ABOUT TIME!! I have been meaning to e-mail you to find out what is going on in your life. Glad to see you are still being spoiled. :-)


We are getting ready to head to San Antonio on Feb. 14th for a week. SO EXCITING!!

Then maybe off to Cancun in June...who knows?!?