Thursday, May 5, 2011

Break Time...

I wish that blogspot would allow us to have different fonts to use...  oh well.  ::sigh::

So, "The Net" went well.  Actually, it was really, really good!  It all came together well.  Meg was fantastic with the choreography.  Dyan was awesome as the Choir 1 teacher and my calmer-downer.  Shel & Christy were wonderful backstage managing the costume & mic changes as well as operating "The Net."  The band was great, as usual.  The kids sang well, and performed well.  I love my choir.  But...... it's break time.  Yay for that!

Last night was our KCC Awards Ceremony.  The kids were given their participation certificates, perfect attendance certificates, honor beads, and 3 kids were chosen as the Choir Person of the Year in their respective choir levels.  Afterwards, we had our reception & lots of pictures & fun times. 

This weekend is our Choir 3 BBQ at my house.  Yup.  Saturday from 4 - 7 - me and a buncha kids, hot dogs, chips, veggies, hot tub time, watching the video of "The Net," and topping the evening with ice cream sundaes.  It's tradition.  I guess after that, it's officially "break time."

Why is it that so many teens have a entitlement mentallity?  Why do they think that they must get everything in life without sacrificing?  Case in point.  Nevermind.  Anyway, miscommunication on my part happened, and as a result, a kid wanted to be paid for something that should have been given as a part of ministry.  I mean, after all, I don't even get paid for this!!!  Why can't parents teach their kids about the value of giving of their time for ministry???  Why must they always expect to be paid????  If either one of my kids would have acted that way, their butt would have been kicked into next week!  Just sayin'.  I'm VERY disappointed in the parenting skills of some people.  Very disappointed.  Lesson learned on my part.  Now I just gotta let it go.  Blogspot, thank you for the therapy session.

Mackenzie was so cute last night, at the KCC reception.  I let her down off of my lap, and she made a B-line to the cookie table and swift as ever, reached up to grab a handful of cookies, all before her mommy could get to her.  Precious.  Priceless.  Wish I'd gotten a picture of it.  :)

I need to get serious about losing this weight.  No more excuses.  I'm off all medications.  I just need to get a movin', movin', movin'....  Gotta get my bike out of the basement.  Note to self:  get bike out of basement. 

And that's my life so far.


Julie said...

So glad to hear the choir performance went well... but then, it always does, doesn't it? :-) Love that you and your daughters get to work together on it - that's a real blessing!
I wholeheartedly agree on the "entitlement" thing. Kids these days, sheesh! LOL It's not just kids though - it's adults, too. My whole generation has an "entitlement" problem, and it's just downright sad.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the full story, who the teen is, how $much they expected, nor what kind of confrontation there was with him/her. But is there a chance that they actually NEEDED the $ to pay for the expense of extra trips to church for practice, etc.? As a teen, I would have DIED before I'd admit that.

Unknown said...

"Anonymous" ~ who are you? Do you know me? Do I know you? Don't leave me a message anonymously... there is space for you to type your name, and I'd appreciate it if you would. Then maybe I would take your comments seriously.

To answer your question, no, this teen did not need the money for teen trips with the youth group. If this person would have, then I certainly would not have had a problem helping out in that way. That was not the situation at all. It was simply a matter of principle... and this parent blew it.