Thursday, May 19, 2011

Randon Thoughts for the Month of May

1.  I find when I stay busy, my depression stays away.
2.  The garden beds are built, installed & filled.  :)
3.  It's great having a husband who is so strong.
4.  I love sitting in my garden watching my grandchildren discovering new things while playing there.
5.  Kenzie loves twirling around the tree in the center of my garden, a double blooming weeping cherry tree.
6.  I planted okra.  Lots and lots of okra.
7.  I'm grateful for an inventive husband who devised a way to keep the bunnies out of my raised beds.
8.  I don't mind seeing chickenwire in my garden.
9.  I love my herb bed.  It's filled with oregano, chives, Greek oregano, lavendar, rosemary, thyme, 3 kinds of basil, summer savory, cilantro.
10.  Just when I don't feel valued at church, God reminds me that I am!  Case in point... when walking out of church last Sunday evening, a nice little old lady, while getting into her car, stopped and stood up & told me this:  "I want to thank you for what you do for those children and for our church.  I want you to know you are valued."  God, it can't get any more clear than that!  Thank you, Jesus.
11.  This nagging coughing is not lung cancer.  :)  Just allergies, I suppose...  Never had allergies before.  What's up with that?
12.  I need to get into the Word more, daily.  It always feeds me, and I've been missing it.
13.  I need to keep reading "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn.  It always excites me, thinking about what it will be like in heaven.
14.  I'm looking forward to our Work & Witness trip to Alaska.  Love it up there...

15.  I love spending time with Christian.  He is an interesting child, so creative, and I love that!
16.  Lily delights me.
17.  Kenzie makes me laugh!
18.  Noone knows when the Lord will return, but I feel that it will be soon, and I'm afraid for those who don't know Him. 

19.  Someday my kitchen / dining room / living room will be renovated.  ::deep sigh::
20.  Heard a song on the radio yesterday, K-Love, and it literally had me sobbing in the car.  Part of the lyrics were, "Maybe the trials of this life are simply mercies from above."  What a great way to think about these last 10 years.  Thank you, God.
21.  I have dirt under my fingernails, permanently, I'm afraid.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I love the Blessings song... it's "maybe the trials of this life, are your mercies in disguise." lol