Wednesday, August 1, 2012

For There to be a Testimony, There Must Be a Test

Yup.  I suppose so.  I'm hoping to have a really great testimony after the summer I've had.  Blog Therapy Time is warranted.

Victoria & I took a trip to San Antonio in July.  It was fabulous!  It was our first Mom-n-Vic roadtrip.  We stopped over in Oklahoma City and stayed in a very nice hotel downtown.  We walked to their Brickyard area, like a river walk, and had a nice time.  We ate dinner at a nice restaurant...  had a great time!  This is the first time that Victoria has stayed in a "nice" hotel.  

The next morning, we got up early and headed to the Oklahoma City National Memorial to the bombing victims.  I wanted Victoria to see that people go through tough times and that through their faith in the Lord and perseverance, good can come out of it.  

 Looking out over the reflective pool and memorial chairs commemorating every person who died that day, and the chain link fence with tributes.

Then we headed to San Antonio, TX and stayed for a week with my cousin, Leslie and her horses.  This is a picture of Buckshot, the horse that Vic fell in love with.  She took care of him and got to ride him, too!  Buckshot is a rescued horse.

While visiting Leslie, my cousin Chuck's wife brought out a puppy who was rescued.  Victoria decided that she wanted to keep her and she named her Iris.  As long as I've known Victoria, she's always wanted an all-black puppy who had some lab in her.  This is Iris.  We all fell in love with her.

The trip was a good one.  It was good to get away from Kansas City.  It was good for Victoria go get out of town for a little bit and learn to have compassion and care for others.  We got to hang out with my cousins, their kids, and even one of my aunts!  It was a mini family reunion, and just what I needed.  Vic and Leslie developed a close relationship, which is good.  Vic would love to go back someday....

On our way home, we stopped by the hospice where my dad had been moved to.  I ended up staying the night and Don had driven down to bring Victoria & Iris home.  Sad time.... My dad's life would end just two short weeks later.  Dyan & I were able to drive down there and be with him when he passed away.  Sad times....  I will miss my dad.

So, here we are.  The beginning of August.  I'm in such a funk, and can't seem to shake it.  Perhaps it's part of the grieving process.  Victoria is at Kamp Kanakuk right now, which is a good thing.  When we brought Iris home, we had her first set of immunizations done.  Then two weeks later, she died.  She had developed viral encephilitis and could not recover.  She is wrapped up in a beautiful hand towel with pink crocheting on it, and placed into a designer Italian shoebox.  She was buried in our perennial garden.  So sad....  

Still coming to terms with leaving our former church.  It's hard wondering how people are reacting to our leaving.  It hurts not seeing people that I love every week.  I know we were supposed to leave and become active in a church closer to home where Victoria can be active in a youth group that doesn't know a thing about her past.  But leaving friends that I've had for 14 years is difficult.... and makes me sad.  Sometimes I wonder how many people really care.  And I'm dealing with not having the children's choir ministry anymore.  That is a tough thing.... and I've grieving at the loss of this.

I know we will survive the Summer of 2012.  And we will be stronger for it.  I just need to remember to keep my eyes on the Lord, my husband and my family, because together, we can make it through anything.  I am grateful to my friends who care and who are constantly lifting us up in prayer, and those who send me little notes of encouragement, whether it's in the mail or thru cyberspace.  God is good.  Always.


And that's my life so far....


Meg said...

I love you, Mom. I look up to you for your strength & your faith. You've been through a lot in the past several years, & while it's been hard, you made it through - stronger. It's ok to grieve for all the things you've lost. Don't ever feel bad about that! <3

Unknown said...

Thanks, Meg.... I adore you, ya know....