Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blog Therapy, Part Deux

Hello Cyberspace..... it's good to see you again! What's new? Nuthin' much.... just trying to kick this depression thing.

I'm wondering, could diet affect these feelings of depression? I know that Julie or April will have things to say about this, and so I'm wondering.... is my diet affecting my depression?

For the most part, I eat a very healthy diet. Lots of proteins, fruits, veggies, salads, very little complex carbs. I usually eat 2 eggs for breakfast and some tea, or 8 oz of lactose free milk. For lunch, I've been having 3 oz of tuna, a smidge of mayo & relish, stirred together and with 8 whole grain crackers, and then some vegetables or fruit. I have a snack of a fruit smoothie, which is some frozen fruit, a little milk, and sometimes a scoop of my vitamin powder, and for dinner, fish or chicken, roasted potatoes or brown rice or some other grain, and a salad. That is my diet on a good day. But this weekend, I've blown it. The Girl Scout cookies have been delivered and eaten. :-O I know!!! I know, I know, I know!!! And today??? Popcorn at the movie theatre, with butter on it. And last night? Dinner at Buca di Beppo - salad, garlic bread & manicotti.... 2 of them! OMGosh, it was delish!

So, today, I was sooooo sleepy, I could NOT wake up! I got up at 9 AM and took my synthroid, waited an hour to eat, then had 2 slices of whole grain organic bread, toast, and 8 oz of lactose free milk, and then proceeded to sleep again until 1 PM!!! OMGosh, I cannot do this! Deep sigh....

What is wrong with me??? I'd sure like someone to tell me! I know, I need to get back on my exercise schedule, get big into the weight lifting, because muscle burns more fat, yada yada yada.... but I'm sooooooo freakin' tired all the time! What's up with this??? You tell me...

So, Don & I went to the movie this afternoon. We always go to the matinee because I refuse to pay full price for a movie ticket, and afternoons have older people in the audiences, and at night time, I'm tired, and the theaters are full of teeny boppers who have absolutely no movie etiquette. Brats, they are. I digress...

We went and saw "Leap Year." Chick flick. Yup, Don went with me to watch a chick flick. What a guy! I loved the movie. Very clean, cute romantic comedy, predictable. I like predictable these days. I don't need some big emotionally draining movie to entertain me. I just don't want it. Who does, really? I think I'll buy this movie when it comes out on DVD. Add to my chick flick collection, which included "When Harry Met Sally", "Under the Tuscan Sun", "The Wedding Date," among many, many others... Oh, let's not forget "While You Were Sleeping," one of my favs. Sometimes a girl just needs to watch a chick flick and forget about life, ya know?

We eat out too much. Way too much. Last night, while out to dinner with our pastor and his wife, we were joking with them, saying that Dyan thinks it's funny that we know every bartender in Lee's Summit. Ya see, we go out to dinner so much, we never wait for a table, but instead, just go sit at the bar. That way, we get service faster, talk to the bartender, watch the sports game on TV, and just have a very pleasant time. At OTB, we know Heather, Galen, John & Carla.... at Longhorn, it's Ben and his wife, but I never can remember her name... So, are we pathetic? I don't think so. But, we do eat out too much. My doctor says that if we ate home more, we'd have an easier time losing weight. She's probably right.

I just have to kick this depression. I want to be back to normal. What is normal anyway? Someone please tell me.... I want my normal life back. I'm afraid it will never come back. Seriously, this probably has to do with my emotions dealing with Don's stuff. I dunno..... but I'm tired of it.

And that's my life so far....

1 comment:

Julie said...

Well, let's see...

Your diet on a good day sounds pretty good. My only concern would be the lactose-free milk - what exactly are you drinking? Some of that stuff is more chemical than anything, not good. Maybe try rice milk? I'm actually right there alongside you in the diet thing. I'm trying to cut dairy and sugar. All goes well until my husband comes home and I make yummy things for him to eat.

A good rule of thumb is to eat a good sized helping of something raw, then if you're still hungry have something that's healthy, but not necessarily raw. For lunch I'll have a big salad, and then if I'm still starving (I usually am) I'll have a sandwich (homemade bread, home-roasted meat) or a bowl of soup. If you ate a big huge salad, then had one or two girl scout cookies, they wouldn't be so bad. ;o)

Eating out is awful. I'm sorry, I know you don't want to hear it. It has it's up side - it's really enjoyable, and there are no dishes afterward. But for health and losing weight, it's not a great idea. I'd love to see you get into cooking - if it becomes something you really love, like a hobby, then it's easier to do it every day and constantly. Think about making big huge meals, then freezing portions of them. If you're deciding what goes into a meal, you'll lose weight faster. Eating out is like the Satan of the diet world, always tempting you and making you feel great at the time, but regretting it later.

A friend of mine bases her diet on Scriptural laws. Did you know there are actually tons of verses about what we're supposed to be eating? Not just the "don't eat pork" thing, but lots of others, too. Interesting stuff, anyway.

Why are you tired? I'd say probably your diet mixed with depression. Depression is exhausting. It's not fair: you get depressed, so you lay around not doing anything, so you get depressed because you're laying around and tired. Have some healthy protein when you're feeling sleepy - some cashew butter, a chicken breast, something. It'll give you a quick boost of energy.

The depression thing...I wish I could come give you a big ol' hug. It's my bet that that's the primary reason you don't want to get out of bed most days. I'm reading a book - The Geography of Bliss. It's a study of what makes people happy. I'm finding it's actually making me pretty happy to read it. You might enjoy something like that. It's good for people who over-think things, and I think you do.

Is there one primary thing that's depressing you? My innate sadness can usually be tracked back to one thing, or one feeling, or one thought. I'll email you on Facebook about the Don thing. Is there anything else that keeps getting you down that we could tackle specifically?

I'm gonna close this and switch to FB messages. Love you, Cyber Mom!