Thursday, March 10, 2011

yeah, yeah, yeah...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.... so it's been a while. A long while....

Life. Lots of ups and downs both physically & emotionally... BUT... my God is so great, He's helping me through. I've been cured of my depression. That's the biggest thing. At least I think I have. It has been lifted, and I'm weaning off of my anti-anxiety meds. It's taking a while, but I'm getting there. In fact, last week, my oldest daughter called, and was crying, telling me that she has been praying for me the past 6 months, dealing with my depression, and that she is so glad to have her mom back! Woo hoo! I AM BACK! I'm happy! I'm loved. I have a future, and I know WHO holds my future. I have a life partner, a husband, whom I adore! And ya know what??? We're gonna be together for E T E R N I T Y !!! I cannot wait to see what God has been preparing for ME, little ole me! And for my family! I am truly blessed that my family are all believers! We believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that He is alive and well, and is preparing a place for us F O R E V E R. Life on this earth is miniscule (sp?)compared to what eternity holds. Life forever without sickness! No illness whatsoever. No evil. Life just lived the way that it was meant to be lived, on an earth created the way it was supposed to be created. The new earth, which is heaven! Forever. I can't wait!!! Not that I"m gonna rush it, just sayin'...

So, what to do. Today. Pray for the unbelievers. I don't want ANYONE I know to not be there with those I love. If you are reading this and have not asked Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior, I'd ask you, "Why not?" What are you waiting for? It's so easy, and it's life-changing! Is He your friend? Is He your guide? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Alot of people "know" Jesus, but is it simply knowing His name? Do you talk to Him daily? Do you live your life with the filter on your eyes, the filter that says, "What would Jesus think about this?" Do you get in the Word daily? Why not??? Hey, I"m asking myself these things, too...

Anywho.... I"m jazzed with life these days. I'm happy. I'm enthused about what the Lord wants me, little ole me to do for Him.

AND... I'm redoing my garden! Woo hoo to that!!! Don's actually helping me with it, since it involves making lots of raised beds. My arthritis is making it difficult to get down on the ground, AND, with this good old Missouri clay soil, it makes it difficult for my vegetables to take root and really thrive. This year, I"m determined to have some really good tomatoes way before September! Oh yeah..... definitely.

It's "musical" season... This year, my choir is performing "The Net." It's a musical about teaching kids about evangelism. Right up my alley... It's full of great songs and wonderful lessons for the kids, lessons that I hope that they hold in their hearts. Kids can evangelize! Who knew??? So, right now, my life is full of rehearsals, 2 a week right now, and the in between times are filled with working on the production details. I need someone to run sound for me.... Anyone???

Kenzie is walking. Sort-of... She amuses herself by walking a circuit around my living room, then crashing to her knees and laughing and clapping wildly, then signing "more" and doing it all over again. She entertains me endlessly.

Christian is in choir for the musical! What a thrill it is for me to see my grandson singing and dancing for the Lord! I am blessed.

Lily is a little spunky dollbaby. I loves her to bits and pieces and she is developing quite a little character about her, molded by the fact that she has an older brother to knock around and keep up with... She's gonna be a tall one.... like her daddy. And she loves her cousin, Kenzie. They hug and kiss all the time.... adorable. One of my happiest moments recently was when they were both at my house while Dyan & Christian were at the dentist and Meg was working, and they were having cookies, and when one was on my lap, the other had to be there too. So, there we 3 sat, in my big leather chair, all 3 together, eating vanilla wafers, and feeding them to each other. Pure preciousness....

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh Deb. I am just so thrilled to hear all of this. I've been worried about you - and missing you terribly! - and hoping you'd kick that nasty ol' depression. I hope it keeps up - hearing this cheerful, upbeat attitude warms my heart.
Love hearing that you'll be gardening again - that is SO good for you on so many levels. Don't forget to grow a few greens. Saute' 'em in some olive oil, choke them down, and think of me. LOL ;-)
Hooray for Christian being in the musical, what a blessing! I can't believe how fast these little ones grow.
((((so many hugs))) to you. Happy to see you back here, I hope you continue to blog, and I hope you continue to love this wonderful life that you live. :-)