Sunday, April 10, 2011

HHHmmmm, What to Plant??

Okay, so the garden is getting a major re-do.  I'm sick & tired of fighting with the clay soil, and it's just too difficult to get a tiller in there, since I have it darlingly picket fenced in.  So...  I drafted The Hubby into making me some raised beds.  Yup.  We are making 4 raised beds that are 18 inches tall, 10 feet long and 2 feet wide.  Then we're gonna make 3 beds that are 18 inches tall, 8 feet long and 3 feet wide.  Those will be my herb beds.  But, what should I plant in the other beds?  Tomatoes for sure.  Heirloom tomatoes.  I'd like to plant a box full of okra.  I LOVE okra.  I'd also love to plant some cucumbers, a watermelon, and some pie pumpkins.  Think they'll take up alot of room?  Julie, if you're reading this, do you think I can train cucs, watermelon & pumpkins to grow up a trellis?  Perhaps I should grow beans?  They grow great on a trellis...  Great idea!  I'll get right on this. 

pics to come soon.

and that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Deb, I just realized this was here! Yes, you can grow anything vining on a trellis. With heavier fruit though, like watermelons and pumpkins, you need to support them or they'll fall. Try using pantyhose to make a sort of "sling" to hold the fruit. You'll need a really strong support structure for watermelons and pumpkins, too! Cukes definitely - I trellis mine and they do great. Just remember they need a bit of "training" as they grow, so they know where they're supposed to go.
I'm excited for your raised beds, and to think of you guys eating yummy fresh veggies all summer long, hurrah!