Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christian's Bathtime Success!

Christian.... he's such a little man! I have thoroughly enjoyed having him here for this week. But, I tell you what... he certainly wears out a Grandma!

Today was a good day, busy, but good. Christian slept until almost 9 AM... we got up, and he ate a whole bowl of oatmeal & a whole banana! And then he wanted my oatmeal too! Sheesh.... And he played and played all morning, discovering many things at Grandma's house. At one point, he was very quiet, and had quietly moved the gate at the bottom of the stairs, and snuck upstairs. By the time I noticed that he had done that, and went up there looking for him, he was sitting smack dab in the middle of my bed, with this big you-know-what-eatin' grin on his face... and so, I couldn't resist, I had to hop in the middle of the bed with him. So, for the next 30 minutes, we played in the bed. He'd stand up and fall backwards so that I could tickle him... and he'd dive into all the pillows on my bed... we had so much fun.

Bathtime has been fixed! He used to hate his baths... screaming all the way. Well, today started out the same way. I told him we had to get a bath. I put the water & soap bubbles in the tub... got the temp just right. We went to the nursery and got nekkid... and then it hit him that I was going to put HIM into that WATER... and he started the screaming thing. I told him to knock it off.... and he didn't have to sit, he could stand. So, he stopped crying, just was sorta whimpering. We got him all wet, and I said, "Sit down." And he did. Then we put shampoo on his head and I told him to wash his hair. And he did. And then I said, "Look at this!" And I proceeded to splash the water! He was so surprised, and laughed, and started splashing it himself! Oh, and the bubbles... I'd scoop them up and blow them into the tub, and he simply belly laughed at that. Ten minutes.... he was playing in the bathtub for TEN MINUTES, and I finally had to beg him to get out.... After all, Grandma's back was hurting! I'm not as young as I used to be! LOL Got him all out, and did all the grooming stuff.... mousse in the hair, brushed it into a style, brushed the teeth, got all smelly good... Then it was time for lunch. Mini Ravioli.... it's red. His face got all red too....... and we'd just finished the bath! OH well......

Today was Kaleidoscope rehearsal.... Honest to God, I have no idea how Dyan does it.... hauling all the stuff into choir.... well, I guess she doesn't have that much to haul. But I had my arms full.... my choir bag, my purse, the diaper bag, Christian, & his Chicken McNuggets & drink.... and we had to get all of this into the church.... and he kept tripping and falling... We must have looked like a sight.... LOL

It's almost 10 PM, and I am simply worn out. Hopefully he'll sleep 'til 9 again... The cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow, so I'd better spend the morning cleaning the house before they come over to clean.... it's such a mess right now. It will be nice having someone else do the heavy duty cleaning... Yup, I'm spoiled. It's my Christmas gift from Don... They'll come every other week. Yay!!!

And that's my life so far...

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