Monday, January 28, 2008

Wow, it's been a while!

I cannot believe that 6 months has passed since my last entry... Where has the time gone?

We had an awesome trip to the Ukraine. We spent 2 1/2 weeks there, and totally enjoyed getting to know the locals. Don & I were the team leaders, and it was challenging at times. I was in charge of the VBS (Vacation Bible School) that we held for the local children, and Don was in charge of the construction project. The team, along with the men who are residents at the rehab center, tore down a delapidated (sp?) wall, and rebuilt a wall with a concrete retaining wall. It took the full 2 weeks, because, mostly in the Ukraine, they have no tools except for shovels & wheelbarrows. But, it got done. Most of the men in the rehab center were there for alcohol addiction, as well as being HIV positive, or suffering from AIDS.

After our stay in Ukraine, we spent 3 days in Munich, Germany, and I'd go back there in a heartbeat! We stayed in a quaint little hotel downtown, in the "walking" district. We loved it there, and the little cafes and the huge cathredrals were just magnificent! We also took a daytrip to Dachau, a concentration camp just outside of Munich. It is unbelievable how people can be so evil.

Don & I returned to KC around the 10th of July, and on the 15th, I flew out again. I spent 3 weeks with my friends in Alaska, helping them run a church camp. I loved my time there, and thoroughly enjoyed getting back in touch with Becky, Terry & their kids. I taught them in choir for a number of years, and Becky used to be my accompanist. While in Alaska, (which is like being on another planet, sometimes) I was able to do cooking... sometimes for 90 people staying at the camp! Have you ever seen 180 eggs in one gigantic bowl? I have.... and I tell you what, it's not easy to whisk them up! I mastered the art of cooking on a huge griddle.... and really enjoyed that! Alaska is a beautiful state, if you can deal with very little darkness in the summertime!

Dyan & Jory are in Florida right now, and I have the little goober here for a week. Christian is simply adorable, and I'm really enjoying my time with him, although I'm realizing how come the Lord has YOUNG women have children, and not old women like me! He's wearing me out! Don had him for the entire afternoon yesterday, and when I got home from my choir festival, he said he couldn't do that again! He just didn't know what to do with him!!! Imagine that! LOL And he had to change a poopy diaper on top of it all! It's been 22 years since that man has had to change a diaper! I had to show him where the tabs go!!! LOL

Enough of an update for now. Not sure anyone still reads my blog anyway, especially since it's been 6 freakin' months since I've logged on!

However, I do read about Carly's travels around the world.... Love living thru her vicariously!

Blessings to anyone reading this boring blog......... LOL

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