Thursday, January 31, 2008

He's Gone...

He's gone.... took him to the airport tonight to pick up Mommy and Daddy... he was so happy to see them. Then we took them home... and Grandpa & I left.... and now I'm sad. I've loved having the little guy here with me this week. It was good for me, and it was good for Grandpa. Maybe now I can get my rest, get my house cleaned, get my laundry done... Honest to God, I don't know how Dyan does it. Every time Christian was up, all I wanted to do was play with him... and when he went down to a nap, all I wanted to do was sit and veg out... but now, I miss him so much. I'd much rather play with Christian than do any amount of laundry, or clean any toilet. He is such a good boy.... never seen a kid like him, who will go to sleep on command. And without any tears! What a good boy he is...

I'm sad.... gotta quit for now. Besides, it's late and my back is killing me...

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Wow, goes to sleep on command? That's amazing. Ask Dyan if she wants to trade. LOL

Glad you got to enjoy your little guy!