Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Day After....

Grabbing a diet coke.... BRB....


Yes, it's only 11:30 in the morning, and I'm drinking a diet coke. So sue me. I'd really prefer a Starbuck's vente skinny latte, 3 pumps of white chocolate mocha, but hey.... I'm in my jammies still, and didn't wanna run over there. And my coffee making stuff in the kitchen, well, let's not go there.

Last night was our big family dinner over at Dyan's. I got to her house, groceries & kitchen tools in tow, at about 2 PM. Started cooking right about then.... What did I make? Well, I had 2 big cookie sheets with about 20 filets of mahi mahi on them. And I made 3 types of salsa / sauces to go with them. The first one I made was the black bean salsa. It was so yummy... and easy, schmeazy to make. It sat on the counter for several hours for all of the flavors to blend. Next I made the salsa verde. It was more complicated, and I was going by memory from how we made it while in Mazatlan. And I kinda changed it up a bit. And the results were phenomenal. First I prepped all of the veggies ~ sliced the onion, prepared the serrano peppers & big green pepper, pablano, I think, and I prepared about 10 tomatillas... oh, and the garlic was in the oven roasting... talk about smelling good! I used my le cruset cooktop grill and grilled the onions first in some olive oil. After that, I set the onions aside and grilled the peppers until they were soft and smushy and nicely grilled. Took them off and on went the tomatillas. They really smoked up Dyan's house. I was afraid that the smoke alarms were going to go off and wake Christian up from his nap. I had on every fan I could find to dissipate the smoke..... but it sure smelled good! I took the garlic out from the oven, and popped about 6 cloves into the food processor. I mushed it for about 2 seconds. Then I added the onions, blended it up, then the peppers, blended them up, and finally the tomatillas. It's really smelling & looking good. I added salt, cilantro and about 3 avocados along with the juice from about 6 limes. Whipped it all up and oy.... yummy. Put it in the fridge to let the flavors "blend".

Next I made the corn & crab salsa.... That was also easy and so delicious! Chopped up an onion, added some salt & juice from about 4 limes. Stirred it up and let it sit for 15 minutes. Meanwhile I cooked a bag of frozen corn in the microwave. After the 15 minutes, I added the corn to the onions, along with 6 ounces of lump crab meat and some cilantro, and an avocado, diced up. Stirred it up and popped it into the fridge.

Then I marinated half of the fish, and left the rest to be grilled plain. I also cooked scallopped potatoes, steamed asparagus, and a big tossed salad. We had some really good bread with olive oil... and the whole dinner was scrumptious!

It was fun having the family all over. It was the first time in years that Don & his brother & sisters have all been together. Fun times were had last night. There was lots of laughter, and that was great! Everyone is in town for our nephew's wedding this coming weekend. We'll get together again on Thursday night, and then Friday & Saturday.

Don can no longer eat mahi mahi. When we came home, he spent about 4 hours straight, in the bathroom throwing everything up out of his tummy..... Poor guy. I don't remember when I've ever seen him that sick. The first two times he ate some of his catch, he got sick, and we thought it was a fluke. First was in Cabo after we ate some of the fish at Soloman's Landing. Thought it was just perhaps the way they cleaned & cooked it. Then when we had some fish after coming home, same thing. And then again, last night. So, girls, you'll get the rest of the frozen fish. Half to Dyan, half to Meg... Enjoy!

So, yeah, I didn't sleep well last night..... Don was sooooo sick, and I kept waking up worrying about him..... So, yeah.... I'm rather "foggy" today.

Choir day..... yup, lots to do. I really need to get busy and get my shower done & start working on the computer, doing planning for choir. I have the promises to get listed and sent out to parents, I have lesson plans to prepare, I have monies to organize for turning in today, I have musical production planning to do, props to list, kids to organize onto the risers, and the list goes on and on. Oh, and I HAVE to order the orchestrations today and get the orchestra rehearsal schedule out to the coordinator. Sheesh, should have done that 3 weeks ago.

My perfectly clean kitchen now looks like a tornado swept through it again. The counters are all covered with the tools I took to Dyan's yesterday. Including all of my coffee stuff.... all in the basket waiting to be put away. I really need to get busy.

And that's my life so far...

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