Monday, March 16, 2009

Okay, so my mouth is too big.

Yeah, sometimes I get so excited about stuff that I share things that are not supposed to be shared with the entire cyberworld. So....yeah. That's just me. So sorry..... didn't mean to.

Today, Monday. Blech..... I am overwhelmed with the amount of work to be done at my house. So I end up playing Word Twist instead. Not good. Procrastination gets nothing accomplished. Laundry is in the machine right now... and I have several loads to fold & put away. How can 2 people generate SO MUCH laundry? Oy....

Okay, so the entire family is coming to KC this week for a wedding. My nephew, Hyler Cooper will be marrying Katie Rowe this weekend. Dan & Val are flying in from Hawaii tonight. Don has to pick them up at midnight tonight. He took the little yellow car over to his mom's house for them to use this week. Dan's daughters are flying in this weekend from San Francisco. This will be the first time in YEARS that all of the cousins on the Plaskett side of the family will be together. Lots of picture taking opportunities, I'm sure.

How does one repair a broken key on the keyboard? My (') key keeps flopping off of the computer every time I push the shift button. I can't get it to stay. Oh wait, maybe I fixed it! So far, so good.

Tomorrow is the Family Fish Dinner at Dyan's house. I told her that if we could have the dinner at her house, I'd provide all the food. Who will be there? Don & me, Dyan & Jory & Christian, Meg & Drew, Mom, Pat & Brandi, Pam, Dan & Val, and possibly the bride, Katie. Fourteen people to eat fish. We will be having the mahi-mahi that Don caught in Cabo this year. To go with it, I will make a marvelously large tossed salad, and some sort of carb dish, like scallopped potatoes or corn casserole. I will also make several sauses / relishes to use with the fish. I'll make a green sauce, using the recipe we learned while in Mazatlan, and I'll make a corn / black bean salsa, and some sort of red salsa. We'll also have some sort of artisan type of bread. Yum. Dyan will provide drinks and dessert. Fun times. So, tomorrow, I'm hitting the grocery store early, and taking everything over to Dyan's. Everything includes my food processor, large AND small, my fancy salad spinner, and my casserole dishes. Busy day...

I have a whole buncha work to do for the musical. I need to send out a list of promises from God's word to the choir parents and have their child pick one to claim as their own. Then I need to get the big promise sheets ready for the kids to decorate. And I need to figure out who will be standing where, so I can figure out what color of t-shirts to order for whom. And I need to organize the monies that have been collected and turn them into the church office to be credited to the KCC account. This is just for starters this week. Wednesday needs to be a "get up early" day..... ugh. I do not like getting up early. I'd rather stay up late. It's a bone of contention between Don & me. He's a get up early kinda guy..... and I'm a stay up late kinda chick.

And that's my life so far....

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