Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Anticipation Vacation

Hello Cyberworld... Thought it was about time for me to jot some thoughts down.... most likely random thoughts...

I am greatly anticipating our much anticipated vacation next week. I soooooo need a break from the every day, mundane life I lead.... well, I guess I should strike out mundane... because in truth, I love my life. However, I am in serious need of some hot tub time and time spent laying by the pool getting baked by that wonderful sun... Where has the sun been lately? We have not had much sun since Halloween.... I miss it so....

I fake baked today. My doc suggests that we get a little "sun" on our skin to prevent the sudden burst of sunburning that is likely to happen, should I not fake bake. So, I did it today. Felt soooo good... I lay there imagining myself laying by the pool at our resort... and I imagine seeing the ocean, the beloved Pacific where the whales jump and play.... and I envision Manuel bringing me a soda & chicken quesidilla, poolside, of course... and I envision walking up the hill and down the hill into Cabo, walking past the marina, looking at all the glorious yachts.... and I envision eating dinner at Edith's.... and I envision hopping a water taxi at lunch time and taking it across the marina over to the Office on the Beach for a wonderful lunch, literally on the beach. Oh, kids in cyberland, I can hardly wait....

My house is spotlessly clean... just need to get some laundry done up. My bills are caught up and will be put in the mail tomorrow. Everything is getting done that needs to be done. By the way, I love it when my house is really clean. Everything is in order, and it makes my life calmer. Cali loves it too, I must say. She's always so happy when the girls are here cleaning. The thing is this..... before the girls come to clean, I have to do the picking up and putting away... which is getting easier as time goes by. With only two of us living here now, we don't make big messes, so it's much easier. All I usually have to do is pick up 5 or 6 pair of Don's shoes & several pair of socks which are all usually surrounding his chair in the living room. And the kitchen usually needs to be straightened.... dishwasher unloaded and reloaded, and stuff thrown away. It took me about an hour to get the house back in order this morning. Not too shabby....

Still getting over my cold. It's really nagging me to death. However, come to think of it, I have not coughed that much today. Yay, perhaps I'm getting over it!

I'm getting my mammogram on Wednesday. It's that time again. I always get really nervous coming into this.... It always brings me back to the time 4 years ago, when the doctor called me into his office to look at my films, only to discover my cancer. Whoa, what a time that was.... I don't wanna go back there. I must tell the tech tomorrow, to not delay in letting me know my films look good. When she delays, like she did last year, I thought she was calling my doctor with bad news.... I was in tears, I was so scared. I don't ever want to go through that again. So, hopefully, tomorrow will bring good news. Then in 2 weeks, I take my films to Dr. Jew and have my follow up with her. She's a wonderful doctor, and I have been blessed to have her care for me. She's the best breast surgeon in the midwest. Anyway, mammo tomorrow. Oh joy. Did I mention that because of the incision to get to my lymph nodes, that the scar there is very painful when smashed to smitherines??? Yup, PAIN. The kind where you can't breathe. Oy....

I seriously need to do something about this weight. I seriously wish I could go off of this daggone Tamixofen. It's horrible for causing such a big weight gain, and makes it nearly impossible to lose the weight. One more year.... then I'm done! My cyberdaughter, April is sending me info now, with dieting tips, yoga exercises, and basically good stuff to get me healthy. She's wonderful in the way that she cares for me. We hope to get her out here for a visit in April, around Meg's birthday, for some serious girlfriend time. Fun times will be had for sure.

So, I can't wait for the plane ride on Sunday. Now if you knew me several years ago, you'd remember how absolutely TERRIFIED I was of flying... But this trip, it's gonna be fun! Don & I splurged on this trip, for our Christmas gift to each other & 30th wedding anniversary.... we bought 1st class tickets to Cabo. Yup, we are flying first class TO Cabo, and 1st class back home, which will be on Valentine's Day. I wonder if we'll get special Valentine's Day treats on the way home? That would be nice, eh? Anyway, looking forward to not having to stand in any lines, to having large seats with LEG ROOM, and getting waited on hand and foot. Nice times.... We've never done this before, and feel just a wee bit spoiled.... actually, blessed.

Lily cut her first tooth tonight. Woot Woot.

Mackenzie rolled herself over from her back to her tummy and got all mad about it because she couldn't turn back over! LOL

Christian ate a booger today while Dyan was on the phone with me. I thought I might throw up. He thought it was hysterical.

I am in great anticipation of our vacation next week. What will I do? Well, here is our typical day of vacation: Wake up whenever, make the coffee, eat some breakfast, sit on the porch and read or watch people walking by, wash my face & put on my swimsuit, head to the pool, read, swim, order lunch, read, swim, talk, head to the hot tub at 4, head to the condo around 5, shower, get gussied up, walk to town and have dinner, grab a taxi back to the resort after having walked all over town. Some days, we might make 2 trips into town, depending on how much sun is out. We might also take a day and ride ATCs.... Don usually deep sea fishes.... and he surf fishes every morning before the sun comes up. Perhaps we'll walk along the beach this year. It's so beautiful there.... a great time to talk to God about life.... and to marvel at His awesomeness and creativity.

And that's my life so far....

1 comment:

Julie said...

Isn't waiting the worst part of it all? I'm excited for you - you deserve a break! This is the time of year we did Mexico last year, and both of us are itching for a trip. We're thinking maybe Greece. The cold weather makes ya wanna run away and warm up somewhere! Can't wait to see pictures and hear about the wonderful time you have!
Some people say fake 'n bakin' is good for mental health. Not sure about the physical health part of it, but I can imagine it must've boosted your mood a bit. Lack of sunshine has a huge effect on our moods, and there hasn't been much of it this winter.
LOL @ Christian and his booger. Chloe does that. Its really hard to watch. :::gag:::
Probably won't talk to you before you leave, so have a safe and wonderful trip, and do a couple of shots of tequila for me! :o)