Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day Five

Okay.  Day 5.  I cannot tell you how much better I'm feelin' already. It's like, "Oh yeah.... this is what it's like to NOT be so tired ALL the time!"  Nice. 

I am gettin' a bit of a headache, tho.... Need to drink some water.  BRB.

Okay, got my vitamin water zero, orange flavored and am all set.

Church Day.  So, this morning, I had my coffee with a scant amount of creamer in it.  I had a chocolate protein shake on the way to church, and I took all my vitamins.  I was not hungry at all during church.  I even gave out snacks to my little Toddler Class, and didn't even consider eating a goldfishy...  How about that???  I came home, had 4 oz of deli sliced ham and 1 hard boiled egg.  YUMMO.  And a Diet Dr. Pepper.  So, I haven't had enough water yet today.  But I'm workin' on it.

Gotta go back to church tonight to be part of the service celebrating the past year in our church.  I need to speak about the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir & our recent Work & Witness trip to Alaska.  It will be a LONG service, about an hour and a half.  So, I'm not sure if I'll eat before or wait til after.  I get pretty hungry in the evenings.  I'm just not used to NOT having anything sweet to eat in the evenings, like ice cream or cookies.  So, my tummy grumbles. 

I'm pretty proud of myself.  I already can see that my "preggo" tummy has slimmed down.  According to my scale at home, I'm down 9 lbs since Wednesday.  I know most of it is water weight... but still, 9 lbs is 9 lbs.  So Woo Hoo to me!

And that's my life so far...

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