Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's over..... for now.

Well, after 14 years, my time as the director of the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir has come to an end.


I'm no longer the Choirlady at KCFC.  I'm nobody at KCFC anymore.  


My husband & I have decided to leave KCFC after attending there for 14 years.  How does one 'divorce' a church body?  It ain't easy.  It's been a long time coming.  Lots of prayer for direction has occurred.  

For the longest time, we've been watching the direction that our church has taken.  We are not happy with where it's  headed.  There's something that is infecting the Nazarene churches in particular, and also other denominations.  It's called The Emergent Church.  Google it.  It terrifies me that so many "Christians" can be so deceived.  I want no part of it.  The Bible IS the infallible Word of God, God breathed, in EVERY single part of it.  Not just the parts pertaining to salvation.  The ENTIRE Word of God comes straight from His mouth.  Period.  Some in our denomination are questioning this.  No way. Some believe that we need to be a church that tolerates blatant sin.  Some believe that evolution is a FACT.  No way!  Some believe, teach & preach this new theology.  I'm a black & white kinda girl.  I believe in the FACTS as represented by His Word, every one of them.  

My family has decided to start attending a church where the Spirit is healthy and alive.  It's a church about 5 minutes from our home.  There are hundreds of children who participate in activities there.  This church is ALIVE.  There are so many young families, middle aged families, and senior citizens.  It's a great mix of people, all on fire for the Lord.  In the 10 years or so that this church has been in existance, it's grown from several 100 people to several thousand.  They're bustin' out at the seams.  A new building is being built.  

Sure, there are things I may not appreciate at this new church.  The music is completely contemporary.  Not much in the way of hymns.  There is a choir, but it's not really a choral choir.  There is a children's choir, but it's probably very contemporary.  Will they have need of a choral sounding children's choir? I don't know.  

I do know that the Lord wants us to become ALIVE in Him.... and to worship in a church where "Jesus is Lord and People are Loved."  That is their motto.  I kinda like it.  I want to be loved.

I did let our music minister & children's pastor both know that we would be attending another church, but if they'd like, I would remain the director of the KCC.  But if they felt strongly against this idea, that they would need to find another director.  The senior pastor stepped in and made that decision for them.  Even though it wasn't that much of a shock, it still hurts.  I hurt.

They say that when God slams shut one door, that He will open a window.  Well, I'm counting on Him opening up a glorious set of white French doors!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I'm proud of you, Mom. I think you're handling everything with the grace God has put in you. I love you!