Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Untitled Post (cuz I can't think of a title..)

It's Tuesday - KenzieDay.  Busy.  Wonderin' when she will be potty trained?  She's right on the edge.  I'm hoping that her cuzzin', Lily will help her in this regard.

My garden.... is GROWING like CRAZY!!!  We're already harvesting cucumbers daily.  I have little green tomatoes all over the place, weighing my tomato plants down, and the herb box is full to overflowing.  So nice.... My garden is my place of refuge, my solitude, my joy.  I love watching my grandkids playing in it.  They love my garden, too!

 Well, obviously, these are pics from my SPRING garden....  Note to self:  upload pics from my current garden....

Life after choir.....  Still is sinking in.  In a sense, I feel a freedom of not having to ALWAYS think about KCC or make goals for the upcoming choir year.  This is nice... haven't felt this way in 14 years.  Nice break.  I'm wondering right now if I will ever get back to directing children's choirs.... not sure at this point.

We started attending a new church 2 weeks ago.  Abundant Life Baptist Church.  We felt the need to attend a church very close to our home, one where Victoria can be more involved with the youth group, thereby making friends who actually live in Lee's Summit.  It is a process, though... one of grieving for our former church.  We have some wonderful friends there, who I will miss seeing on a weekly basis.  At this point, we need to be more intentional about getting together with our friends.  I know that the Lord has directed our paths here, and will continue to walk beside us through this process.  

This new church, ALBC is HUGE!  Their attendance last week was nearly 3,000.  Sorta overwhelming.  Last Sunday, we all tried a Sunday School or "Community Group" class.... Vic went to the high school class and Don & I attended an adult class for 30 - 50 year olds.  We liked it okay, but this week will try a new class.  I prefer to not be in a class where the format is all lecture.  I'd rather have open discussion.  Vic liked her class, though, and seems to be making friends.  The really good thing is that NO ONE knows anything about her past.  I'm liking that for her!

The pastor at ALBC is truly gifted in preaching The Word.  I love his style, his way of bringing The Word to life.... in such a meaningful way!  I love that they have sermon outlines with blanks, and we get to fill them in and keep them as a great reference point.  He does talk long, though.... but every bit of it is completely captivating.  He's a humble man.  He used to be a police officer, and guess what?  He has TATTOOS!!!  O.O  I know... radical.  He doesn't show them, but I've heard he has them from his old cop days....  I love this.  I am truly looking forwarding to knowing the Lord better through Phil Hopper's teaching.  

I'm not sure if we'll EVER get used to the music.  I much prefer to have an orchestra, organ, a combination of hymns and praise songs.  I just think that a worship service with those elements involved is way more well-rounded.  I'm just not into the contemporary rock band feel of worship.  I will be patient and give it more time.  

I miss Roger.  I miss Jolene.

Talked with my English Handbell Choir Director today.... I'm still able to be in the handbell choir AND in the Chorale.... both of which are ministries at the church we just stopped attending.  I'm very glad about this.... as I NEED to have quality music ministry groups in my life.

Primitive Chic Boutique - a dream of mine that I'm working on.  Still in the 'make-the-patterns' stage so we can get the wood cut out.  Hopefully we'll be cutting wood this weekend.  :)  Vic will help me paint.  She's looking forward to that!

Homeschooling High School ~ starting to make plans.  Met with a group of home educators from the group here in Lee's Summit last Friday.  Wonderful group of women.  I already know one mom and her daughter.  Cassie used to be in the children's choir I directed.  Love this.  We're gonna start a Teen Girls group and put a page on FB so that these girls can communicate easily regarding hanging out this summer.

And that's my life so far..... better get busy!


1 comment:

Dianne said...

We used to visit MABC on holidays so I could get my fix of orchestra and choir music. I don't miss it anymore, and am incredibly blessed by the worship, contemporary though it may be =)