Christian is coming over tomorrow!!! Yayyyyyyy.... He's gonna come and play at Grandmama's house all day long! His mommy needs some time to herself, and she's also gonna get her hair done. Christian and I will play all day long! Lately, he's been wanting to call me on the phone. I had the sweetest little voice message after I finished my workout at the gym the other day.... "Grandmama? Grandmama? Papa?? Papa??" I called him back and he said "Hi Grandmama. Papa???" I had to tell him that Papa was at work. He loves his Papa.
Anyway, I'm excited. It's late right now... Don's still at a meeting at church, and it's after 11 PM. I'm watching the Royals kick Oakland's butt on TV...
My friends in California are all OKAY.... Earthquake today. Epicenter was in Chino Hills... right where my friends live. Talked with Lorene today.... Geez, I miss her! Jeremy is taking his bar exam up in San Fran.... Becky completed her Masters degree in sports training... and got a job at UC Berkeley...not sure if I spelled that correctly. I told Lorene about the cruise that Don & I wanna take right after Christmas, and I think that she and Jerry will sign up too! Tons of fun will be had by all.
I'm tired, and really ought to be in bed sleeping. Gotta get up quasi-early... because....
CHRISTIAN IS COMING OVER!!! I love that boy.... and he loves his Grandmama :-)
"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Not much happenin'...
Not much has been happenin' around here lately. Just working on organizing the house, or rather, my office.... cleaning the kitchen, laundry, that sort of thing. Today, I'm going to lunch with Meg & Don, and then I'm going to a doctor's appt. with Don, which is at 1 today. Tonight, I have my first "real" rehearsal for "Don't Drink the Water". We'll be blocking Scene 1, Act 1, and then going beyond that as far as we can. I'm working on memorizing my lines.... but it's sooooooo hard! Mercy me....
I'm gonna call my endocrinologist today.... I'm just so tired all the time, and I shouldn't be. I eat well, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. I should not be so tired, so it's time to check the old thyroid again. I think I'll go have them draw blood later today or tomorrow.
Okay, the big debate in my house now is do we get a pool in the back yard or do we spend the money on redoing the living room / dining room / kitchen. Which will add more value to our house, should we ever sell it??? The problem is, I want both.... but since that's a heckofa lot of money.... we'll only get to do one project. What do you think? Wow, if we could just take a 60 Grand bonus, then the problem would be solved!!! LOLOL Not gonna happen....
We ordered the floor tile for the bathroom. It'll be in next Tuesday. Then Don has to get to work laying it. I cannot wait to see it laid down. I'm trying really hard not to complain about the rate of work being done in the bathroom.... but I'm REALLY wanting to have it finished..... like 3 months ago. *deep sigh*
Yesterday, Christian & Dyan came over for a visit. Dyan was at a bank not far from my house, and Christian was in his carseat saying "Grandmama, Grandmama, Grandmama".... so obviously, Dyan had to bring him over for a visit. I loved it. :-D And when they pulled into the driveway, Don's yellow convertible was sitting there, and when Christian got out, he started shouting "Papa!! Papa!!"..... I had to tell him that Papa was at work.... disappointment. We did let him "drive" Papa's car though.... fun times. He's such an adorable little man.... and his speech is really starting to pick up. Also, when he was on my lap yesterday, he was goofing around with his tongue, and I saw his frenum, and it is really tying down his tongue. It's almost to the ridgeline of his lower teeth. Dyan is making a good decision to get it clipped.
Gotta get busy.... lunch & the doc appt awaits.... and I need my shower. Perhaps I'll make a cup of green tea.... haven't had that in a while.
And that's my life so far....
I'm gonna call my endocrinologist today.... I'm just so tired all the time, and I shouldn't be. I eat well, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. I should not be so tired, so it's time to check the old thyroid again. I think I'll go have them draw blood later today or tomorrow.
Okay, the big debate in my house now is do we get a pool in the back yard or do we spend the money on redoing the living room / dining room / kitchen. Which will add more value to our house, should we ever sell it??? The problem is, I want both.... but since that's a heckofa lot of money.... we'll only get to do one project. What do you think? Wow, if we could just take a 60 Grand bonus, then the problem would be solved!!! LOLOL Not gonna happen....
We ordered the floor tile for the bathroom. It'll be in next Tuesday. Then Don has to get to work laying it. I cannot wait to see it laid down. I'm trying really hard not to complain about the rate of work being done in the bathroom.... but I'm REALLY wanting to have it finished..... like 3 months ago. *deep sigh*
Yesterday, Christian & Dyan came over for a visit. Dyan was at a bank not far from my house, and Christian was in his carseat saying "Grandmama, Grandmama, Grandmama".... so obviously, Dyan had to bring him over for a visit. I loved it. :-D And when they pulled into the driveway, Don's yellow convertible was sitting there, and when Christian got out, he started shouting "Papa!! Papa!!"..... I had to tell him that Papa was at work.... disappointment. We did let him "drive" Papa's car though.... fun times. He's such an adorable little man.... and his speech is really starting to pick up. Also, when he was on my lap yesterday, he was goofing around with his tongue, and I saw his frenum, and it is really tying down his tongue. It's almost to the ridgeline of his lower teeth. Dyan is making a good decision to get it clipped.
Gotta get busy.... lunch & the doc appt awaits.... and I need my shower. Perhaps I'll make a cup of green tea.... haven't had that in a while.
And that's my life so far....
Monday, July 21, 2008
Check out Meg's blogspot.... there is a video there about "Laminin". It is about 8 1/2 minutes long and totally worth it. It's scientific proof of the existance of God, and shows just how much He cares about each one of us! It is awesome... crazy.... life affirming.... magnificent. Check it out. This story was shared at the church camp that Meg & I counseled at last week. The speaker was awesome, and this story was one of the stories that she shared. It is a true story, as evidenced by the video clip. Watch it with your eyes open to the possiblity that God truly exists, and that as Psalm 139 says, we are "fearfully and wonderfully made".
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Preteen Camp
July 14 - 18, 2008, Preteen Camp at Wheat State Campground. There were about 300 kids there, maybe not quite that much, but pretty close to it. Fun was had by most of us... lol. As with girls, aged 11 - 13, drama happens occasionally. But all in all, the girls from our church were above and beyond with their behavior. They were kind to each other, compassionate, reached out to the other girls in our cabin from the other churches... and Meg & I were very proud of them. We arrived on Monday around 1 PM. Left Friday at noon. It's about 4 hours away from Kansas City. The boys and girls rode together on the church van, but once we got to camp, there was very little mixing of the boys and girls, much to the kids' chagrin... oh well. They still had lots of fun. The activities throughout the week included: rock climbing, blobbing, paintball, prayer walk, ultimate frisbee, double kickball, water games, tie-dying t-shirts, missions, basketball, and a couple hours of free time every day. The kids were wonderful, at least the ones from our church. Oh, I said that already, didn't I?
And Meg.... I'm gonna talk as a mom for a minute: She was WONDERFUL!!! She has a gift for working with these kids, and the whole entire week, I never saw a sad look on her face, or an attitude!!! She was in her element, and it showed! The girls all loved her, and she loved them back. She prayed with some of them at the altar, she hung out with them all the time, she played with them (as I did), and she contributed to our cabin devotions. I was one very proud mom!!
Here are some pics, a few of the 500 pictures I took this week. I plan on downloading them onto discs for the girls, and to make a scrapbook from Shutterfly to leave at the church. We had a terrific time, and hopefully these pictures will show you a bit of that...
Meghan is tie-dying her t-shirt. Fun times!
In this picture, Kaleigh & April are writing the skit that our cabin girls performed during the Talent Show. Their skit was great! The skit was called "Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition" The kids made that up, and I was impressed! The premise was that there would be a reporter and she interviewed the rest of the cabin girls (17 of them) and they told what their life was like before Jesus came into their lives, and then how it changed, once they let Jesus into their lives. They played roles such as a lifeguard, a professional singer, sports people, teachers, authors, and such, and then after they were interviewed, they went to their place in a cross formation. It was very cool. I thought our girls cabin performed the best. Although, the pillow people dancing to "Drive the Bus" was hilarious too!
Wednesday night was "Carnival Night"... they brought in inflatables, lots of them, and sno-cone machines, and we had a blast! Here is a picture of Meg & Lauren. Lauren won the award for the "sweetest" camper in our cabin.
Oh, dang.... I thought I was downloading the picture of my bullseye! I made a bullseye in target shooting... Oh well, this pic is from someone elses' shots. I'll have to find my picture and add it later.
Here's our group, after we paintballed. Or before? I can't remember. I got killed twice... the first time by Meghan, and the 2nd time by Cassie, one of my former choir students.... LOL. The first one was in the shoulder, and the 2nd one was on my upper chest.... boy did that hurt! But, totally fun!!!
Okay, here's Meg by the "pond". Ugh.... what dirty water.... all sandy and brown. I did NOT swim in it.... no way!!! Neither did Meg.... this is as far as she went into the water.... basically ankle deep. LOL
Here are some of our girls having fun at the "pond"... silly girls....
I think this picture was ytaken in the cafeteria, after a meal.... Just being goofy....
Emma & me, with her silly glasses... they got these glasses at the "missions" activity.... to see others differently...
This picture is from the water games.... the people in charge of this activity took a t-shirt, got it wet and wadded it up and froze it. The girls had to divide into two teams, and race to see who could undo their frozen shirt first.... then do a relay with it, taking it on and off, and dumping it into a big bucket of ice water... This team won. After that, Meg & I got the super soakers out and had a blast with the girls.... and in the process, we both got soaked!!! Fun times...
And Meg.... I'm gonna talk as a mom for a minute: She was WONDERFUL!!! She has a gift for working with these kids, and the whole entire week, I never saw a sad look on her face, or an attitude!!! She was in her element, and it showed! The girls all loved her, and she loved them back. She prayed with some of them at the altar, she hung out with them all the time, she played with them (as I did), and she contributed to our cabin devotions. I was one very proud mom!!
Here are some pics, a few of the 500 pictures I took this week. I plan on downloading them onto discs for the girls, and to make a scrapbook from Shutterfly to leave at the church. We had a terrific time, and hopefully these pictures will show you a bit of that...
Meghan is tie-dying her t-shirt. Fun times!
And that's my life so far...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My Life....
has been crazy busy lately.... I guess ever since I've started working out 3 - 5 days a week, I just seem to be much busier! Honest to goodness, I don't really have anything to report that SAYS I've been busy.... but I have been. Tuesday, I had to get all the furniture moved into the kitchen because the carpet cleaning dude was coming on Wednesday.... so Wednesday, went and worked out for 1 1/2 hrs., then came home and finished getting ready for the carpet man, and he came early, no problem. I'd just finished my shower, so no biggie. After that, I cannot remember what I did, but I did something... Oh, yeah, we went to the ballgame. Duh.... my memory is slipping awayyyyyyyyyyy...
Thursday, another busy day... but again, I cannot remember what I did! I think Christian came over for a bit.... OH nooooooo, that's not it! I went to Dyan's in the mornin' and she, Christian & I went to the mall. He was such a good boy. When walking down the sidewalks in the mall, he was in his stroller and was also holding my hand. So cute.... Then I had a 3 PM pedicure, and a 6:30 rehearsal for Dinner Drama. Got home around 10 that night... busy busy...
Friday - had to work out again, and then came home and put all the furniture & stuff back where it all belonged.... just in time for the cleaning ladies to arrive. They came an hour early, so I told them to come back in an hour, which they did. I just didn't have everything off of the kitchen countertops yet... and besides, I've TOLD Merry Maids to NOT have their girls come until AFTER noon... ugh! Anyway, then came and while they were here, I did some choir work. Had a deadline to meet regarding reviewing a children's musical - part of my duties as a member of the Children's Advisory Council for Lillenas Publishing Company. So, anyway, got that all done and sent off via email. Then Christian came over for a bit, played with him, and then they left so I could get my shower & get ready to go the the ballgame. It was Friday night Fireworks Night... Dyan, Jory & Christian came to the game too... and it was so much fun!!! I absolutely loved having him there. He was such a good boy. He and I walked down to the dugout and watched the baseball players warming up & stretching, and so, Christian stretched his legs too.... so cute. Then we walked back up to our seats, and he was flirting with everyone on the aisle seats. LOL He spent the entire game being very good... sometimes he danced while holding onto the seat in front of him, doing his "happy feet" dance when the music came on. And when Garth Brooks' song came on, he and I danced and tried to get ourselves on Jumbotron... rofl. Didn't work. But we had fun anyway! And every time the fireworks went off, he said "wow" and "more!" LOL And for the longest time, he was satisfied to sit in his chair and eat Cracker Jacks! What a good boy he was. And fireworks was after the game and he loved that. I just love my grandson to bits and pieces... I am a very lucky Grandma... I get to see him whenever I want, and that is so important to me.
Okay, enough rambling... I'm going to be gone all next week - I'll be counseling preteens at a church camp, along with Meghan. We should have fun. And then Friday, when we get back to the church, Don will pick me up and we will head to the lake, where Dyan, Jory, Christian and a bunch of other people will be, and we'll camp for the weekend. If you can call it camping... we'll be in our mobile home. Jory & Don took it down today and got it all set up.
Thursday, another busy day... but again, I cannot remember what I did! I think Christian came over for a bit.... OH nooooooo, that's not it! I went to Dyan's in the mornin' and she, Christian & I went to the mall. He was such a good boy. When walking down the sidewalks in the mall, he was in his stroller and was also holding my hand. So cute.... Then I had a 3 PM pedicure, and a 6:30 rehearsal for Dinner Drama. Got home around 10 that night... busy busy...
Friday - had to work out again, and then came home and put all the furniture & stuff back where it all belonged.... just in time for the cleaning ladies to arrive. They came an hour early, so I told them to come back in an hour, which they did. I just didn't have everything off of the kitchen countertops yet... and besides, I've TOLD Merry Maids to NOT have their girls come until AFTER noon... ugh! Anyway, then came and while they were here, I did some choir work. Had a deadline to meet regarding reviewing a children's musical - part of my duties as a member of the Children's Advisory Council for Lillenas Publishing Company. So, anyway, got that all done and sent off via email. Then Christian came over for a bit, played with him, and then they left so I could get my shower & get ready to go the the ballgame. It was Friday night Fireworks Night... Dyan, Jory & Christian came to the game too... and it was so much fun!!! I absolutely loved having him there. He was such a good boy. He and I walked down to the dugout and watched the baseball players warming up & stretching, and so, Christian stretched his legs too.... so cute. Then we walked back up to our seats, and he was flirting with everyone on the aisle seats. LOL He spent the entire game being very good... sometimes he danced while holding onto the seat in front of him, doing his "happy feet" dance when the music came on. And when Garth Brooks' song came on, he and I danced and tried to get ourselves on Jumbotron... rofl. Didn't work. But we had fun anyway! And every time the fireworks went off, he said "wow" and "more!" LOL And for the longest time, he was satisfied to sit in his chair and eat Cracker Jacks! What a good boy he was. And fireworks was after the game and he loved that. I just love my grandson to bits and pieces... I am a very lucky Grandma... I get to see him whenever I want, and that is so important to me.
Okay, enough rambling... I'm going to be gone all next week - I'll be counseling preteens at a church camp, along with Meghan. We should have fun. And then Friday, when we get back to the church, Don will pick me up and we will head to the lake, where Dyan, Jory, Christian and a bunch of other people will be, and we'll camp for the weekend. If you can call it camping... we'll be in our mobile home. Jory & Don took it down today and got it all set up.
Okay, here are some pictures - just downloaded from Don's cell camera. He took these pics at the game last night. Enjoy!~
The first pic is when Christian & I were dancing to Garth Brooks' "I've Got Friends in Low Places" Too fun!!! Christian is looking at the jumbotron to see if we were on it... ROFL

This picture is of Christian and me watching the fireworks. He loved them...

Here is Christian enjoying the fireworks with his mommy... Fun times!~!~!

And that's my life so far...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Bathroom Paint Job
Okay.... so I finally finished painting the bathroom.... Actually, Don got anxious to see the paint color on the walls, so he started painting, and the realized that he wanted to texturize the wall to hide the various flaws incurred when we stripped wallpaper that was stuck to the bare drywall.... lots of gouges. So.... when you see the pictures with the white splatted all over them, that's what happened. He put on a knockdown texture on the walls & ceiling, and now Don's happy. When Don is happy, we're ALL happy!!! I started painting the ceiling & walls on Saturday, and finished it up today. The ceiling is a taupe color, and the walls look like terra cotta... I love it! I hope you enjoy the pics...

Ugh... that's me all sweaty painting up in the corner. I TOLD Don not to take a pic, but he insisted. I deleted one of them.... NO WAY I"m gonna get caught on camera with no makeup on or without a shower and my hair all fixed up! LOL Ain'ta gonna happen...

Ugh... that's me all sweaty painting up in the corner. I TOLD Don not to take a pic, but he insisted. I deleted one of them.... NO WAY I"m gonna get caught on camera with no makeup on or without a shower and my hair all fixed up! LOL Ain'ta gonna happen...
Okay, see this pic of my iced tea? I think I drank 6 of them suckers.... I was sweatin' like a pig, or rather, like a fat chick thinkin' about work, to
paraphrase what Don would say!
Next comes the floor tiles.... anyone loan us some $$$??? LOLOL Floor tiles, then finish the framing of the shower, put the glass blocks on it, put the tiles on the shower walls & floor, install the sink which is sitting in my garage, and install the toilet, and make my linen cabinet... oh, and I still need to paint the medicine cabinet and the frame around the octagon window. Ugh..... lots left to do.
EDIT: I just added the pictures of the light fixtures. I FINALLY figured out how to take pictures with my camera that are much smaller & much faster to download!!! YAY me! Actually, truth be told, Don helped me figure it out... LOL I'm a very happy camper now!
And that's my life so far...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Another "boring" post...
We've had a busy weekend....
Saturday morning, got up, went to the gym, was on the treadmill for an hour, walked 2 1/2 miles, heart rate steady at 136, which is fat burning mode. Felt good... sweat alot.
Came home, fixed lunch - 1/2 turkey sandwich and a spoonful of potato salad left over from the 4th. After that, I started painting the bathroom. Spent several hours doing that yesterday.... and by the time I finished the first coat of the wall color, the fumes were getting to me. I went through about 7 LARGE glasses of water or iced tea yesterday, between the treadmill & the bathroom. I'll post pics tomorrow on the newly painted bathroom. I put 2 coats on the ceiling, a dark taupe color, and so far, one coat on the walls, sortofa terra cotta color. I loooooooove it! It's so calming, those colors!
After painting, I took my shower and glammed it up, because when I'm all sweaty and haven't showered, I feel so groudy... I wanted to feel pretty again. When I was all pretty again, I got a call from the director for the Dinner Drama, "Don't Drink the Water"... I got the part of the Chef & she also wants me to play the Ambassador... fine by me. But, I'll only have 2 1/2 pages of dialogue timing in which to make a costume change.... should be interesting. Wanna know the first line of the Ambassador? "Jesus, look at those Communists!" LOL That's gonna be changed... So, anyway, I guess I'm now officially an actor! I'm really looking forward to the challenge.
Once I got off the phone with Jenny A., Don & I hopped on the Harley and rode to the Plaza. It was a PERFECT evening for a ride! We parked where other bikers park... and walked over to Buca di Beppo... we ate dinner on the patio and it was fabulous. I'd worked up quite an appetite. We had a salad, yummy garlic bread & fettucine supremo, meaning with veggies & chicken. All very delicious! Then we rode back to LS, and stopped at Sheridans for sundaes. Also yummy.... I tell you what, Saturday wore me out.
Soooooo, today, church, then to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch, and in a little bit, we're heading to the movies. Don wants to see that new Angelina Jolie movie... "Hunted", I think it is... So, we'll head to the matinee in a little bit. Dyan saw it and said that there is alot of cussing in it, the bad kind of cussing, which I cannot stand, but she said if you can get past that, the movie is actually pretty good. Don wants to see it.... so that's what we'll do, cause I'm a nice wife! ;-P
Tomorrow, gym by 7:45, work with the trainer at 8, then another 30 min. of cardio, then home to paint the 2nd coat on the walls... then it's hit the office & finally get it DONE! I should take a before & after picture of that too... Julie, you'll never believe it!
And that's my life so far...
Saturday morning, got up, went to the gym, was on the treadmill for an hour, walked 2 1/2 miles, heart rate steady at 136, which is fat burning mode. Felt good... sweat alot.
Came home, fixed lunch - 1/2 turkey sandwich and a spoonful of potato salad left over from the 4th. After that, I started painting the bathroom. Spent several hours doing that yesterday.... and by the time I finished the first coat of the wall color, the fumes were getting to me. I went through about 7 LARGE glasses of water or iced tea yesterday, between the treadmill & the bathroom. I'll post pics tomorrow on the newly painted bathroom. I put 2 coats on the ceiling, a dark taupe color, and so far, one coat on the walls, sortofa terra cotta color. I loooooooove it! It's so calming, those colors!
After painting, I took my shower and glammed it up, because when I'm all sweaty and haven't showered, I feel so groudy... I wanted to feel pretty again. When I was all pretty again, I got a call from the director for the Dinner Drama, "Don't Drink the Water"... I got the part of the Chef & she also wants me to play the Ambassador... fine by me. But, I'll only have 2 1/2 pages of dialogue timing in which to make a costume change.... should be interesting. Wanna know the first line of the Ambassador? "Jesus, look at those Communists!" LOL That's gonna be changed... So, anyway, I guess I'm now officially an actor! I'm really looking forward to the challenge.
Once I got off the phone with Jenny A., Don & I hopped on the Harley and rode to the Plaza. It was a PERFECT evening for a ride! We parked where other bikers park... and walked over to Buca di Beppo... we ate dinner on the patio and it was fabulous. I'd worked up quite an appetite. We had a salad, yummy garlic bread & fettucine supremo, meaning with veggies & chicken. All very delicious! Then we rode back to LS, and stopped at Sheridans for sundaes. Also yummy.... I tell you what, Saturday wore me out.
Soooooo, today, church, then to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch, and in a little bit, we're heading to the movies. Don wants to see that new Angelina Jolie movie... "Hunted", I think it is... So, we'll head to the matinee in a little bit. Dyan saw it and said that there is alot of cussing in it, the bad kind of cussing, which I cannot stand, but she said if you can get past that, the movie is actually pretty good. Don wants to see it.... so that's what we'll do, cause I'm a nice wife! ;-P
Tomorrow, gym by 7:45, work with the trainer at 8, then another 30 min. of cardio, then home to paint the 2nd coat on the walls... then it's hit the office & finally get it DONE! I should take a before & after picture of that too... Julie, you'll never believe it!
And that's my life so far...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I lead a boring life..... usually
Well, Julie said I hadn't blogged in a while.... and she's right. Truth is I have nothing really to blog about.... my life is boring right now. My daily routine consists of going to the gym (can you believe it???) and then perhaps stopping by the grocery store to pick up some items needed, and then coming home, doing laundry, straightening up... or like today, I spent the afternoon at my desk entering bills onto my quickbooks program, balancing my checkbook, and paying 12 of those pesky bills. I have to admit, I do love it when my bills are paid. Weight off, ya know?!?
Meg has been coming over quite frequently this week, which has been really nice. Her guard unit is in "choreography camp" this week.... 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. with a break for lunch & dinner. So, she's been hanging out at my house on her breaks. I cooked her dinner last night. I'm such a good mommy, no matter how old my baby gets... We'll probably spend the 4th of July at Meg's house... fine by me. Let her do the cooking. :-)
Dyan, Jory & Christian are driving to Nebraska tomorrow (Thur) to see Jory's grandfather, for his birthday. They'll come back on Saturday. Jory's mom is riding with them... hope that all goes okay. I'm gonna miss Christian while they're gone.... I need some "Christian" time... he's so adorable. He said Grand ma ma on the phone today! Over and over again.... music to my ears! Warmed my heart for sure....
T-storms tonight.... I love them. I love good old Midwestern thunderstorms. So peaceful, exciting and relaxing all at the same time.
Don & I went to The Peanut for dinner tonight... had a BLT & a Corona Light with a lime for dinner.... Don had chicken something or other... We watched the Royals game on the big TVs there.... We lost... :-(
Tomorrow ~ no big plans. Gonna work out in the morning. Shannon really worked me over today!!! Three sets of each exercise! BUT.... the good thing is that I'm starting to see more definition in my arms, and that's only after 4 sessions with the "trainer from Hell"... LOL I tell her that all the time, and then laugh and tell her I love her.... She really works my muscles... that's for dang sure!
Perhaps I'll come home after working out and finally get my office squared away... what a novel idea!!! It's only been several months since I started reorganizing it!!! Ugh... it was a big job, tho..... and overwhelming at times. But I really want to get my craft table all cleared off so I can start painting again, and stamping. Dyan... we need to make our Christmas cards in July, okay? Meg, wanna join us??? We can have a stamping marathon, and get it all done! Christmas in July.... how about it??
Meg, one of these Fridays that you have off, let's get together and go shopping in the downtown Lee's Summit shops, okay? I haven't done that in ages, and I really want to do it soon. So, how about that?
It's late, and I ought to be going to bed. Don's already up there... but then, he's been up since the middle of the night, last night... so he's pretty pooped. He works so hard...
And that's my life so far....
Meg has been coming over quite frequently this week, which has been really nice. Her guard unit is in "choreography camp" this week.... 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. with a break for lunch & dinner. So, she's been hanging out at my house on her breaks. I cooked her dinner last night. I'm such a good mommy, no matter how old my baby gets... We'll probably spend the 4th of July at Meg's house... fine by me. Let her do the cooking. :-)
Dyan, Jory & Christian are driving to Nebraska tomorrow (Thur) to see Jory's grandfather, for his birthday. They'll come back on Saturday. Jory's mom is riding with them... hope that all goes okay. I'm gonna miss Christian while they're gone.... I need some "Christian" time... he's so adorable. He said Grand ma ma on the phone today! Over and over again.... music to my ears! Warmed my heart for sure....
T-storms tonight.... I love them. I love good old Midwestern thunderstorms. So peaceful, exciting and relaxing all at the same time.
Don & I went to The Peanut for dinner tonight... had a BLT & a Corona Light with a lime for dinner.... Don had chicken something or other... We watched the Royals game on the big TVs there.... We lost... :-(
Tomorrow ~ no big plans. Gonna work out in the morning. Shannon really worked me over today!!! Three sets of each exercise! BUT.... the good thing is that I'm starting to see more definition in my arms, and that's only after 4 sessions with the "trainer from Hell"... LOL I tell her that all the time, and then laugh and tell her I love her.... She really works my muscles... that's for dang sure!
Perhaps I'll come home after working out and finally get my office squared away... what a novel idea!!! It's only been several months since I started reorganizing it!!! Ugh... it was a big job, tho..... and overwhelming at times. But I really want to get my craft table all cleared off so I can start painting again, and stamping. Dyan... we need to make our Christmas cards in July, okay? Meg, wanna join us??? We can have a stamping marathon, and get it all done! Christmas in July.... how about it??
Meg, one of these Fridays that you have off, let's get together and go shopping in the downtown Lee's Summit shops, okay? I haven't done that in ages, and I really want to do it soon. So, how about that?
It's late, and I ought to be going to bed. Don's already up there... but then, he's been up since the middle of the night, last night... so he's pretty pooped. He works so hard...
And that's my life so far....
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