Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bathroom Paint Job

Okay.... so I finally finished painting the bathroom.... Actually, Don got anxious to see the paint color on the walls, so he started painting, and the realized that he wanted to texturize the wall to hide the various flaws incurred when we stripped wallpaper that was stuck to the bare drywall.... lots of gouges. So.... when you see the pictures with the white splatted all over them, that's what happened. He put on a knockdown texture on the walls & ceiling, and now Don's happy. When Don is happy, we're ALL happy!!! I started painting the ceiling & walls on Saturday, and finished it up today. The ceiling is a taupe color, and the walls look like terra cotta... I love it! I hope you enjoy the pics...

Ugh... that's me all sweaty painting up in the corner. I TOLD Don not to take a pic, but he insisted. I deleted one of them.... NO WAY I"m gonna get caught on camera with no makeup on or without a shower and my hair all fixed up! LOL Ain'ta gonna happen...

Okay, see this pic of my iced tea? I think I drank 6 of them suckers.... I was sweatin' like a pig, or rather, like a fat chick thinkin' about work, to
paraphrase what Don would say!

Next comes the floor tiles.... anyone loan us some $$$??? LOLOL Floor tiles, then finish the framing of the shower, put the glass blocks on it, put the tiles on the shower walls & floor, install the sink which is sitting in my garage, and install the toilet, and make my linen cabinet... oh, and I still need to paint the medicine cabinet and the frame around the octagon window. Ugh..... lots left to do.
EDIT: I just added the pictures of the light fixtures. I FINALLY figured out how to take pictures with my camera that are much smaller & much faster to download!!! YAY me! Actually, truth be told, Don helped me figure it out... LOL I'm a very happy camper now!

And that's my life so far...


Julie said...

Gorgeous! Love your color scheme

Mama's Ramblings said...

I LOVE THE COLORS!! I was wondering how it was all coming along. I can't wait to see the sink next to those colors!!


Meg said...

Wow, it's actually starting to come together, LOL. Looks nice.