Thursday, July 24, 2008

Not much happenin'...

Not much has been happenin' around here lately. Just working on organizing the house, or rather, my office.... cleaning the kitchen, laundry, that sort of thing. Today, I'm going to lunch with Meg & Don, and then I'm going to a doctor's appt. with Don, which is at 1 today. Tonight, I have my first "real" rehearsal for "Don't Drink the Water". We'll be blocking Scene 1, Act 1, and then going beyond that as far as we can. I'm working on memorizing my lines.... but it's sooooooo hard! Mercy me....

I'm gonna call my endocrinologist today.... I'm just so tired all the time, and I shouldn't be. I eat well, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. I should not be so tired, so it's time to check the old thyroid again. I think I'll go have them draw blood later today or tomorrow.

Okay, the big debate in my house now is do we get a pool in the back yard or do we spend the money on redoing the living room / dining room / kitchen. Which will add more value to our house, should we ever sell it??? The problem is, I want both.... but since that's a heckofa lot of money.... we'll only get to do one project. What do you think? Wow, if we could just take a 60 Grand bonus, then the problem would be solved!!! LOLOL Not gonna happen....

We ordered the floor tile for the bathroom. It'll be in next Tuesday. Then Don has to get to work laying it. I cannot wait to see it laid down. I'm trying really hard not to complain about the rate of work being done in the bathroom.... but I'm REALLY wanting to have it finished..... like 3 months ago. *deep sigh*

Yesterday, Christian & Dyan came over for a visit. Dyan was at a bank not far from my house, and Christian was in his carseat saying "Grandmama, Grandmama, Grandmama".... so obviously, Dyan had to bring him over for a visit. I loved it. :-D And when they pulled into the driveway, Don's yellow convertible was sitting there, and when Christian got out, he started shouting "Papa!! Papa!!"..... I had to tell him that Papa was at work.... disappointment. We did let him "drive" Papa's car though.... fun times. He's such an adorable little man.... and his speech is really starting to pick up. Also, when he was on my lap yesterday, he was goofing around with his tongue, and I saw his frenum, and it is really tying down his tongue. It's almost to the ridgeline of his lower teeth. Dyan is making a good decision to get it clipped.

Gotta get busy.... lunch & the doc appt awaits.... and I need my shower. Perhaps I'll make a cup of green tea.... haven't had that in a while.

And that's my life so far....

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...

I say redo the house. You will probably be happier when it comes to selling time. I think that a pool is a GREAT idea, but what if someone is looking to buy your house and the pool is the only thing that they don't like. That isn't something that they can really change, but if they don't like the kitchen or something on the interior, sometimes just a little paint or something like that can make a person like it. Know what I mean? Just my 2 cents worth...