Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Busy Life... Choir Startup...

Starting my 22nd year of directing children's choirs.... and life is busy. It's always so busy before the first rehearsal. But this year, feels like I've really been draggin' my feet...

Here's my checklist ~

Database - check
email list - check
welcome letter - check
schedule for entire year - check
cold calling to prospective choristers - check
snail mailing the welcome packet - check
mailing labels made - check
youth choir database created - check
youth choir email list created - check
youth choir invitational email created and sent - check
youth choir schedule created - check
youth choir repertoire decided upon - check
children's choir repertoire decided upon - check
parent helpers - still need to organize this
new supplies for choir - still need to shop
choir posters - still need to purchase
stickers? - still need to purchase
nametags - still need to order from Linda L.
clean out choir cabinet - still need to do
file last year's music - still need to do
organize music in folders for choir 3 - still need to do
verify staff for kcc & yc - check
choir registrants lists by choir levels - check
send that info to kcc directors - check
choristers guild minutes - still need to do that
choristers guild email reminder for Sept. workshop - still need to do
children's advisory group review of script - still need to do.

ugh.... i need to get busy!!! Gotta get my shower done, and YES, girls, it's 3:11 PM - like IN THE AFTERNOON.... but hey, I went and worked out this morning, still in my workout clothes, but have been working on the computer ALL day long... then I need to run by the church & drop off my mailing labels. Hopefully the secretary has the mailing packets all ready to go...

Then I'm off to Christian's. Will pick him up and bring him home. He'll spend the night with us tonight... Love that boy! He is such a little doll... er, little man. Dyan has an early morning appt to get stitches out so, it'll be easier if I keep him overnight.

Tomorrow is the ZOO.... Dyan, Christian & I are heading to the Zoo... I love going to the zoo... we'll see the monkeys, lions, giraffes, hippos, kangaroos, and the meerkats. I love the meerkats the best! I could sit and watch them for hours and hours! I'll take lots of pics... so look for them on this blog soon!

Cindy Pusey, if you're reading this.... I miss youuuuuuuuuuu.... Hope you are doing well.

Choir rehearsals start next Wed. My life won't be free again until May... but, truth be told, I love it. The Lord is blessing our choir this year with lots of new choristers. But, we are weighted heavily in the younger groups. Choir 1 is up to 17 I think, Choir 2, 16, and Choir 3, 12. So what's that? 45 total? Not bad... And youth choir is up to 9 so far... it's a start! I pray that the Lord will bring more kids out to this ministry... as it has such potential! I'd love to start taking youth choir tours in the summertime... how powerful that ministry can be!

And that's my life so far... thanks for readin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Busy Busy Busy! Can't wait till choir starts too!