Saturday, August 16, 2008

Getting ready for KCC & Youth Choir

Okay, so another choir year is upon us... and much work needs to be done before tomorrow. For the next 2 Sundays, I'll be having a table set up in the foyer at church to take registraions for kcc & youth choir. Lots to do to get ready... Today, after my workout with Shannon, the Trainer, I zipped over to the church and picked up the big display boards I used last year, and all of my music that arrived last week. Today, I need to get the registration forms ready, redo my database, redo the signs for the display boards, make the signup sheets for Choir Parent Helpers... such as special snacks, Sunday morning worship helpers, costumes, sets, drama, etc. etc. etc. Hope people step up and help. I am doing online registrations also, and have had quite a few parents from last year sign their kids up that way. It just makes it a lot easier for the parents to send their kids info via cyberspace. I'm hopeful that I'll have at least 40 kids in choir this year. We'll see.... Next Wednesday, I'll spend the day at church cleaning out my music cabinet & the closet, filing last year's music, phone calling everyone in our church who has kids in this age group and encouraging them to allow their kids to participate in choir.

AND.... I"m starting a youth choir this year. We will rehearse on Sunday afternoons, every other weekend, starting Sept. 14th. We'll rehearse from 4 - 6 PM. I hate giving up my Sunday afternoons, but that seems to be the best time for most kids to be able to participate. Wednesday nights are just very full with other youth activities, which are very important for them to be able to attend. I have a good repertoire picked out, and I hope that the Lord brings the kids to me, so we can get this thing off the ground.

So, that's my life right now.... exercise, work on music, work on the choir nitty gritties, memorize the lines for the play I'm in, and blog. Blogging is very important.... it helps me to clear my mind, get organized in my mind, and I can vent when I need to.

Oh.... gotta share a funny story.... The other day, Dyan & I took Christian to Tunnel Voyage. It's a place to take kids where there are huge tubes that you crawl through and there are windows every so often... things to climb on and over.... Well, at one point, we were the only ones in the Toddler room.... and they have these giant pads at the end of the tubes so that kids have a soft landing. Well, there was music playing, and I was standing at the end of one of the slides, so I could see Christian when he came down.... and I was dancing, and Christian thought it would be fun to go stand by Grandma and dance. So there we were, facing the same direction, side by side, with one finger up on each hand, and jiving to the music. It was hysterical! Dyan & I were laughing so hard.... Shoulda had a video camera and put it on YouTube... Totally funny.... Christian has really good rhythm, and loves music, so who knows?? It was just totally fun. I just love that little guy... and he loves his Grandma. :-) I'm the luckiest Grandma in the world!!!

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Too sweet! I love the Christian stories! Can you believe summer is already just about over? School starts here tomorrow. Maybe I'll hold a celebration. ;-) Have fun with choir this year! Those kids are awfully lucky to have ya.