Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blah Blah Blah....

Okay, Julie.... so I haven't blogged in a week, eh? My how time flies.... What's been happening? Not a whole lot.... hence the "blah blah blah" title to this entry.

Last weekend, Don put in the new wooden blinds in the bedroom windows. And I ironed & hung the curtains in all of the windows. Now my bedroom looks like a real bedroom, and not something just with ugly white levelour (sp?) 1980's blinds in them. And I can't believe I've lived here for 12 years without putting curtains up in my bedroom windows. But now, it looks so pretty. Wood floors, green walls, wood blinds, gold curtains, and maroon & gold & olive green bedding, and cherry furniture. Lovely... Feels good. Now I just need to order the custom rug, and I'll be all set. Who has $2000 to loan me??? I know, I know, expensive taste... that's me!

Didn't do much Sunday... church, then youth choir rehearsal.

Yesterday was an eventful day.... sorta.... I had a sick headache, so I decided not to try and make it to the gym. Took a hot shower instead and tried to get rid of the headache. Then I started to head out to my piano lesson, and woopsie, my car was sounding really funny. Turns out the power steering fluid was low due to a leak in the line. Under warranty... good thing. So, I was stuck here. When Dyan brought Christian over around 3, she followed me to the Jeep dealership, which was just across the freeway, and I left my Jeep there to get serviced. Okay, so the guy calls me today and tells me everything that they did to my Jeep... to the tune of $295. Oy.... people must think we have money growing on a special tree in my back yard.... *deep sigh*

So, back to yesterday... I was sorta in a funk, and decided to not go to bell rehearsal last night. #1, I didn't have a car (could have used Don's, I suppose) #2, Christian was spending the night & Don was so tired from working so hard, I didn't want to leave him alone with Christian, and #3, I was in a funk. That happens occasionally... Only bad thing ~ we are playing in church on Sunday morning, and I've only rehearsed that song once. Oy... better get there early, I suppose.

Okay, so Meg just called me right now. She is my life saver. With my kitchen full of furniture from the living room & dining room, I wasn't sure what I was going to do for lunch, especially since Christian is still here. She just called and said she'd go to Taco Bell and bring food to us! YAY for WONDERFUL DAUGHTERS!!!! Lunch problem solved.

Don has a church board meeting tonight. Not sure what we'll do for dinner, because, the furniture will still be in the kitchen. Can't move it back until tomorrow... once the carpet is dry. We'll figure something out, because I'm not known for skipping meals, unless it's a Sunday night, or unless we've taken in a matinee and I've eaten popcorn.... then we skip dinner.

Okay, so back to last night, er rather, last night & early this morning, and Christian. So, lately, he's been really screaming when it's bedtime, and so Dyan & Jory have been having him fall asleep downstairs, and then they'd carry him to his bed. Well, last night, at 8:15, we went to go to bed, and before his head hit the pillow, he starting this blood curdling screaming... I've never heard anything quite like that. So, he was climbing out of the crib, trying to get me to pick him up, and of course, I had to!!! I couldn't let him scream like that! So I asked him if he wanted to go sit with Papa and go to sleep down there. Immediately he ceased the screaming and said, "Uh huh" and then "blanket". So we grabbed the blanked, Moose & paci, and went to Papa. He was out in like 5 minutes. I let them both sleep in the chair for about an hour. Don was soooooo tired, long, stressful day at work. Don took him to bed around 9.

Okay, so 1:30 AM. SCREAMING again! I went quickly into his room and he was sobbing and calling for Grandpa! I tried giving him water, tried getting him to calm down, nothing was working. Don came in and suggested we bring him to bed with us. Again, IMMEDIATELY the screaming ceased, and Christian said "Blanket." So, Christian, the blanket, Mr. Moose & Paci went to Grandma & Papa's bed. He was out in like 5 minutes again. At 2:30, I tried carrying him back to bed. He was zonked out, UNTIL his head hit the pillow. SCREAMING began anew. I figured, what the heck? Back to my bed we went. Who needs to sleep anyway??? And it was so cute, Christian was laying there, and he'd hug me, kiss me, make sure my arm was around his tummy... and we snuggled & slept the rest of the night. Well, until 5:30, when Papa got up to get ready for work. Christian was wide awake again... So, I told him that when Papa went to work, we went back to Ni-Night... Finally just before 7, he was asleep, and we were able to sleep until 8:30. At 8:30, I leaned over him and said, "Good morning!" and immediately his eyes snapped open and he said, "MORNING!!" Woo hooooooo time to play!!! Boy, is he a happy little fellow in the mornings! Wish I was. I told Christian that Grandma needed her COFFEE IMMEDIATELY! He of course said, "OKAYYYYYYYY" :-) I have to admit, he is a cute little fellow...

The carpet cleaning man is here.... and so this morning Christian & I took everything out of the living room & dining room.... Christian loved helping. He is such a good little boy. But when I asked him why he wouldn't sleep in his own room, he just laughed, smacked his forehead and said, "Awwwwwwwwww".... ROFL.... too funny! Little stinkpot, he KNOWS what he's doing.... I just can't take the "I'm Terrified" screaming! What's a Grandma to do???

And that's my life so far...


Unknown said...

I know it kills Jory to hear him scream like that! Am I a bad mommy when I just let him scream??? I mean he does not sleep in our bed, so I know he is not used to that, but I think that he just wants to be with someone all the time! Maybe it is another separation anxiety phase. Who knows! I hope he gets over this phase what ever it is SOON!!!! It is hard for me now that I want to take a nap during the day! LOL Mama needs her hour! Thanks for watching him! I love you

Unknown said...

You, my darling daughter, are a GOOD MOMMY. Stop worrying so much about stuff. It's not good for you or the new baby, okay? I don't think I'd let him scream for very long like that though... I heard it last night, and it was indeed scary. He WILL grow out of it, I promise!

I love having him over, especially for overnight visits. He is such a GOOD BOY... and I absolute love spending time playing with him. He is such a little doll... er, rather Little Man... Just wish he's poop in the potty and not in his pants... poop on the finger is not pleasant... LOLOL

Mama's Ramblings said...

I love you how you say that you don't have much to update about, but it looks like you did a pretty good up date.

Glad you had a good time with Christian. I think that he does just want to be with someone. HE LOVES TO HAVE COMPANY. At least his bed is big enough for someone to sleep in with him. I usually have to curl up in a ball to get into Chase's bed with him sometimes. He will grow out of it, don't worry.

POOP ON THE FINGER?!? WHAT?!? That wasn't part of the update...did you take pictures??? Maybe you are saving that for your next post. :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah, I stuck my finger down his pants to pull them away from his butt so I could see if he went poop, and yup, he did, and it had squished clear to the top... light green, looked like pistachio pudding!!! Ewwwwww GROSS....

Julie said...

I just have to say, you are a wonderful Grandma. My mom would absolutely refuse to let one of my kids spend the night again if they did that. Dyan and Christian both are lucky to have you. :o) Sounds like he loves that Grampa of his quite alot too!

Unknown said...

Yes, he certainly loves his Papa...

And it's I who am the lucky one! I'm so blessed....