Friday, November 14, 2008

A Little Update...

Life is good right now. Things have slowed down somewhat, and that's a good thing. I've had a much slower week, been able to get some things done around the house, and I've even cooked! Amazing!

Dyan & Christian came over today to work on making our Christmas cards. Dyan's are so beautiful, and mine are kinda old fashioned looking. I've been making my own Christmas cards practically every year since 1986. I have a cabinet in my office upstairs that is chock full of stamps & supplies. I love rubber stamping. The last time I did rubber stamping at my dining room table was with my mother, and she's been gone nearly 8 years. It'll be 8 years on Nov. 18th. So, it was fun doing that today with Dyan. We hauled down what we needed from the cabinet... and a stampin' we went! I have about 30 cards stamped so far, and Dyan has about 40. I need about 125 total. I'm determined to hand out cards this year, since well, last fall / Christmas was a complete blur... I didn't get anything done last year. This year will be more "normal".

Christian was a good little boy today. He took a nap on Grandma's bed, and only got off of it once to play with my pretty perfume atomizers on my dresser... ya know, the kind that you can collect? So, we put him back to bed, and he did sleep for a few hours. That allowed Dyan & I time to get alot of stuff stamped, and to eat lunch, which was a wonderful minestrone soup that I made last night and some artisan bread. MMMmmmm...

Tomorrow is a long day for me. The Kaleidoscope Children's Choir will be rehearsing from 9 - noon, and then the Youth Choir will rehearse from 1 - 4 PM. Yup, for me, that's 6 hours of rehearsal. Oy.... I will get my lesson plans all done in a few minutes. I should take the time right now to sit at the bench and go over some of the music, just to help me get my mind wrapped around what I need to accomplish tomorrow. The KCC parents are bringing cookies & fruit, and the youth choir kids are bringing their favorite munchie & a bottle of soda. Yup, soda. I know, I know.... drinking soda while singing is NOT a good thing.... oh well. We gotta have some fun! I just wish I was more capable or rather knowledgable in how to teach boys with changing voices how to sing tenor or bass, when they've been used to singing the melody lines. I feel so inadequate.... it's one of those situations in life where the Lord doesn't call those who are equipped; he equips those he calls! That's me!!! Equip me, LORD, PLEASE!!!

Winter is blasting into Kansas City. The wind is howling, and it's getting sooooooo cold outside! Christian & I played outside for a while today, but I was tooooooooo cold, so I finally talked him into coming inside for a movie about trains! Polar Express! It worked!

It'll be a long day for me tomorrow..... but Sunday should be better. Church in the morning, and the handbell choir is playing, YAY, and then after church, we're bringing Christian home because Dyan is going to the Chiefs game with friends from church, and Jory, actually, I have no idea where he'll be, and so anyway, Christian will come home with us. We'll have some chili & hotdogs for lunch & watch the Chiefs game on TV.... Gosh, I hope we WIN!!! Honestly... it's pathetic. Maybe later that afternoon, Don & I will go to the new James Bond movie... We do love those movies. But I heard that this one is not that great... who cares??? Lots of action.

Funny thing happened the other day.... We had our carpet cleaned, ya know? Well, on Wednesday, before heading out the door for choir, I looked at the living room, and said to myself, "I bet Don comes home and moves the furniture around." That thought went fleeting thru my mind..... Well, sure enough, when I got home from choir rehearsal that night, Don had moved all the furniture in the living room around, and he'd put everything that I'd hauled into the kitchen back into it's place. I just find that funny that he does that every time we get our carpets cleaned! I like it how he has arranged things... Now my antique ball & claw table is in the corner instead of in front of the big window... I like it there, sorta sets it off. That's where our Christmas tree will go.... it's a table top tree that I bought last year from Restoration Hardware... So simple & easy. And since we go to the kids homes for Christmas now, I no longer need a big fat Christmas tree... Let them deal with it from now on! Don & I will be the ones to go to their homes & enjoy THEIR messes!!! Love being a Grandma!!! It certainly has it's perks! This year, Thanksgiving will be at Dyan's and Christmas will be at Meg's.... with a Christmas Eve party at my house. Will anyone come? Maybe Meg & Drew.... Dyan & Jory do things with his dad on Christmas Eve... Maybe my Mother-in-Law will come to the Christmas Eve party and spend the night with us and Christmas too! Wouldn't that be wonderful! The last few years, she's gone to Hawaii for Christmas, spending it with Don's brother & his wife, Val. It'd be nice if she spent the holiday with us for a change..... We'd all love that. Just today Christian was asking for Great Grandma.... he loves her.

Okay, enough blogging for now. Gotta get to my lesson planning & work some at the piano bench.

And that's my life so far....


Mama's Ramblings said...

LOVE THE UPDATES...talking about Christmas already? I can't even bring myself to think that far ahead. I think Jory is hunting all weekend. It is opening weekend, ya know? :-)

Enjoy your time with Christian. He is always SO MUCH FUN!

Unknown said...

Yeah I still have a lot more cards to make! That is why we are coming over on Tuesday! I love Christmas! Can't wait, Christian will be a ton of fun this year! update~