Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm okay.....

Wow, I guess that previous blog was very depressing..... I was just in a funk last night.... or yesterday, or whenever I wrote that....

I'm still in a funk, but I'll be okay. Thanksgiving is upon us, and I have much to be thankful for....

~my husband, whom I love completely
~my beautiful daughters, who are women of God
~my wonderful son in laws, who love my daughters
~my wonderful grandson, and the one on the way
~my mother in law
~my new surrogate daughter, Julie... whom I'm blessed to know
~I live in a nice home
~I drive a nice car that handles the snow & ice well
~I have an adorable doggie, who loves me constantly & unconditionally
~I have a good relationship with my father
~I have a wonderful church family, whom I love very much
~I have a beautiful children's choir, and they feed my soul
~I have an exciting new youth choir, and can't wait to see the possibilities come to fruition
~we travel to Cabo every February... love that.
~we are taking a cruise in December with dear friends from California
~I have Jesus in my heart, and He provides me what I need
~Jesus has forgiven me of my sins, well, he constantly does that... and loves me regardless
~we have enough food
~our needs are all met

I am blessed.


Meg said...

Print that list and carry it with you wherever you go. Then when you get in a funk, take it out and you will have a nice little reminder of all the good things God has done for you.

I love you! And I am so thankful for a wonderful mother (that's you) :-)

Unknown said...

YES YOU ARE BLESSED!!! We love you very much and we are blessed to have you in our lives as well! I knew you would be okay! I agree with Meg, print the list out and carry it with you and if you get to feeling down then pull it out and just remember what you have in your life to be thankful for! I love you!