Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's Almost OVERRRRRRR....

Okay, so tonight is closing night! Woo hoo! Last night's performance was probably the best one yet... the crowd was at capacity, and was very appreciative! I got a big woohoo from the crowd at my curtain call bow... fun times! My trainer, Shannon, and her friend, Lauren came! It was great having them there! And they dressed up in 1960's style clothes! They looked adorable! What fun! This really has been a fun, if not exhausting experience. Will I do it again??? Well, asking me that is sorta like asking a mother right after delivering a baby sans drugs if she'll have any more children. Right away, you're tempted to scream NOOOOOOOO, but after a while, the memories of the pain goes away, and you get pregnant again! LOL Maybe I will, maybe I won't.... Can't really say right now.

Saturday... slept in 'til 9. Of course, I was up until after midnight... Got up, washed my face & went to breakfast with Don. Now I'm home, checking email... doing laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, and am drinking a nice cup of coffee. Gotta get my shower at 3, and ready to be at the church by 5. Tonight will be a late night, since we do part of the set strike afterwards. I have a LOT of things to bring home. I have my pictures of my ancestors on one of the tables on the set... my paternal grandparents, and then pictures of both of their parents. One is dated back to the 1800's... it's so cool to have them on the set with me. And, my dining room chairs are on the set, along with Don's reading lamp, and then there's all of my costumes. Ugh... alot to fill up the jeep with afterwards. I talked Don into coming tonight, so he can help me afterwards. He's a good guy, so he's coming. I'm so glad to finally have someone else do the driving! LOL

Monday Dyan & I, along with Christian Michael Swim will be going to Jamesport. I need a day away... and that's a fun place to go. It's an Amish community, about an hour and a half from Kansas City.... Love going there. I love the Amish lifestyle, the simplicity of it. Sometimes I wish I was Amish. I'd probably get bored, tho...

My shin splints are killing me, and my right elbow is all swollen from arthritis. I can hardly move it. And when I finish chasing an old guy around on the stage with a bunny rabbit, I can barely walk. I'm quite pathetic. Don is finishing cleaning out the hot tub, so I can have a good soak in it... ahhh, I can't wait! I got shin splints from running during my workouts... they're on the inside of my calves. I sat with ice packs on them all day yesterday... Oh, I love my husband! He just rubbed some stuff into my elbow, which is all swollen... that icy stuff... ya know? Love it....

And that's my life so far...

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