Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. It's hard to type with Cali always trying to kiss my fingers!

2. I'm so busy these days.... I can hardly stand it!

3. I skipped bells last night, just because I needed a night at home... and I don't even feel guilty!
So THERE, Carolyn! ;-P

4. DDTW rehearsal is tonight... and they're gonna take cast pics - headshots. Better make sure I look goooooood. (Don't Drink the Water)

5. I'm having fun working on this play.... it is really quite hilarious. Woody Allen is the playwrite... so, ya know, we had to change a few words / ideas. After all, this will be performed in a church... I absolutely cannot go out and take the Lord's name in vain... (did I spell that right?)

6. I hope my kids and mother in law come and watch the play.... Don has his ticket already for opening night. Table 8. So, sign up! $19 per ticket, unless you're my MIL, then it's $17.

7. I'm getting my hair colored today. Gonna go darker... chestnut with blonde & copper highlights.... pretty!

8. I have to enter my bills today into quickbooks, and pay some. Ugh.... big task... will take several hours, cause I always have to LOOK at EVERYTHING!

9. I miss Beauty.... she was such a sweet, sweet girl....

10. I have to do my laundry....

11. I have a 7:30 flight Thursday morning.... with Dyan & Christian. We're going to NC to see my dad... Will come home Sunday afternoon. Looking forward to the trip.

12. My dad is "uber" excited to have us coming over.

13. Christian is excited to go on the airplane!

14. Better make sure that the portable DVD player is all ready to go!

15. Need to pack my bags tomorrow... guess I'll do that after KCC rehearsal.

16. I'm missing DDTW rehearsal Thur. night.... oh well.....

17. Youth Choir rehearsal last Sunday was freakin' AWESOME! These kids are on fire for the Lord and what He can do through this ministry. It was so refreshing! They are Big Big Dreamers!

18. Found out my friend Julie is a Democrat! Where did I go wrong???? LOL

19. Don's analogy:
You are taking a college course. You study really hard. You work hard. You make all of the assignments, term papers, turn everything in on time. You earn an A.
Your classmate is taking the same course. He cut class alot. He didn't turn in all of his assignments. He goofed around alot... he didn't apply himself to make his grade acceptable. His grade is an F.
The Democrat's solution would be to have the first student take part of his A and give it to the student who made an F. That way, everyone can feel good about their grade, being a C. That's the only fair way to do it, right? Then everyone is happy.

No thanks!

20. Why isn't the liberal media asking Barack Hussein Obama if he feels guilty for leaving his kids so much to be on the campaign trail? Wouldn't that be fair, since they seem to be attacking Sarah Palin for the very same thing? What makes a mother a better parent than a father? Nothing.... Isn't it acceptable for the father to be a full time parent when the mother is working full time? I believe that at least one parent needs to be at home full time with the children. Who says it has to be the wife?

21. I'm completely sick of the campaign ads already.... ENOUGH. If only the liberal left-wing radical media would speak the TRUTH. And what is WRONG WITH CHARLIE GIBSON anyway???? What a moron he is... Condescending... irritating, insufferable. He lacks total grace & any sense of propriety. Yay for Sarah being able to stand up to him. And she did it with grace. I was very impressed.

Oh, and that lipstick comment from B. Hussein Obama? TOTALLY meant as a slam to Palin's lipstick referral in her RNC speech. Noone can convince me otherwise. Even the people behind him knew that it was a slam. Again, the liberal media.... Ugh! Any NORMAL person watching that knew what he was talking about. How dumb do they think we are????

22. Okay... enough procrastination. It's 9:20 already..... need to be at Dyan's by 1:30. Better get busy! Lots to do....

23. Oh, and on the 29th of Sept? We go to 4 - 5 DDTW rehearsals a week!!! Wowzers!

And that's my life so far.....


Meg said...

Were you huffing and puffing after that post? Man-oh-man, you sure got yourself worked up, eh? LOL...however, I do happen to agree with you. Although, I just hate American politics...quit slammin' eachother and start actually trying to make this country a better place!

Fun, getting your hair did. And I'm jealous of your extended weekend with Christian. :-( I wanna go............

Unknown said...

Yeah, now ya wanna know what I REALLY think??? LOL

And I wish you could go to NC too... I will miss you!

Julie said...

Hey, hey now. It's not only the liberals that are mis-quoting and taking things out of context. The conservatives are doing a fair share of it themselves, calling Obama racist and such and pulling quotes from his books that have a different meaning once they're severed from their initial paragraphs.

As for the parenting thing - aren't the men supposed to be away working, while the women are at home raising the kids? I guess that's why it doesn't bother me so much. I'm not big on the idea of a female president at all. Women are too emotional to be able to stand up to all that they would need to. I think it's great women can run for president, and I like that we've got the right, but I don't like the idea of it actually happening.

As for Don's analogy, I think that's a little bit closed-minded. I think there are gray areas as far as welfare is concerned. I think the whole welfare system needs a total re-vamp, but I don't think we should do away with it altogether. It's funny though, when I was married to a lazy jerk and we were always poor, I was much stronger in my democratic views. Now that I'm married to a wonderful, hard working man who does a great job of supporting my family, I feel like I lean toward the republicans more often than I used to. Sometimes it seems like it's all about money. But yeah, I do think that welfare has it's place. If the government wants to tell us how to live our lives and what to do in so many other areas, and insist on being so involved, then yeah, they should be there to help us in times of need.

I'm done hi-jacking your blog now.

don't hate me for being a liberal. :o)

Unknown said...

ROFL Julie.... I wondered when you'd get around to responding to my blog! You certainly don't disappoint! LOLOL You are entitled to your liberal opinions, and I don't hate you for it, as long as I'm also entitled to my conservative opinions, and you don't hate ME for them! LOLOL You are still my surrogate daughter, and I still care for you... no matter what. That's unconditional.

And yes, in an ideal world, it would be wonderful for the mother to stay home with the kids and the father to bring home the bacon, and I have lived that life, but I also think that too often, men are put down for not being with it enough to raise their kids while the wife works. I think that in today's world, it can be that way, and that the kids will not suffer for it. I'm a complete advocate for SAHM's or SAHD's... at lease one parent needs to be staying home full time, raising the kids, IMHO. :-)

And I still think that Don's analogy is spot on... but I do agree with you that welfare does have it's place, but it's been horribly abused the last 25 or 30 years. It's used now as a crutch for people to be fat & lazy... and it doesn't light fires under those people's butts to get them back out looking for a job.

And I do think Barack is a racist. Listen to him. Listen to what he says, and have you heard what his former pastor has said? You ought to look into it sometime.

I'll make a Republican out of you yet!! LOL j/k.

Hijacking my blog??? LOLOL Not a chance. I love hearing your opinions, even if I don't agree. It's a free democracy, right? And you're one of the smartest people I know. I do value you AND your opinions. XXOO