Monday, September 8, 2008

What was I THINKING????

Okay, first off, let me say HELLO to Carolyn.... who reads my blog. I'll try and talk nice about the KCC... and your kids! LOL

Okay, to the subject at hand....


Here is my schedule for this week:

Monday: 9 AM ~ workout with trainer & then do an hour of cardio
11 AM have breakfast
noon ~ work on Choristers Guild stuff, & youth choir repertoir
3 PM ~ piano lesson with Paula
5 PM ~ make dinner
6:30 PM ~ go to church for bell rehearsal

Tuesday: I should go do cardio.... maybe housework will suffice
Pay bills, do laundry, straighten up around here... balance the checkbook
4:30 or so, make dinner.
6:00 ~ go to church for dinner drama rehearsal

Wednesday: 9 AM appt with trainer & cardio... 2 hour workout
Work on KCC all day....
3:00 go to church, get ready for kcc.
5:30 - rehearsal
8ish - taco bell on the way home for dinner

Thursday: dunno what I'll do in the daytime,
BUT, 6:00 PM, dinner drama rehearsal again.
Oh yeah, I gotta make sure that things are set up for the CG seminar, and iron the table cloths, and go to Suburban and purchase the potted mums for decorations.

Friday: make sure that the fellowship hall is set up for the Choristers Guild National Seminar at our church this weekend. Decorate.
Seminar begins with a CG leaders roundtable @ 4:30. The seminar ends around 9 PM

Saturday: back at church for the seminar by 8 AM. It lasts all day.

Sunday: church & the Chiefs Home Opener.... which I'll watch on my big screen tv in the comfort of my own house.

WHAT WAS I THINKING.... doing Dinner Drama and being GONE EVERY NIGHT??? This schedule won't get any better until the END OF OCTOBER!!!

Okay, happy thoughts..... so here's a picture of Christian riding on the rocking horse that his Great Grandfather made for Dyan for Christmas when she was 2 years old. It is an heirloom... and Christian loves riding the horsey.... Oh, and yes, that is Papa's helmet & dew rag that he's wearing... so he can be just like Papa... ;-P

And that's my life so far....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I could have told you that you were crazy when you decided to do Dinner Drama! You are nuts! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that pic of Christian!