Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Choir To Do List Updated...

Here's my checklist ~

Database - check
email list - check
welcome letter - check
schedule for entire year - check
cold calling to prospective choristers - check
snail mailing the welcome packet - check
mailing labels made - check
youth choir database created - check
youth choir email list created - check
youth choir invitational email created and sent - check
youth choir schedule created - check
youth choir repertoire decided upon - check
children's choir repertoire decided upon - check
parent helpers - check
new supplies for choir - check - today!
choir posters - check - today!
stickers? - check
nametags - check - ordered them today!
clean out choir cabinet - tomorrow
file last year's music - tomorrow
organize music in folders for choir 3 - tomorrow
verify staff for kcc & yc - check
choir registrants lists by choir levels - check
send that info to kcc directors - check
choristers guild minutes - still need to do that - OOPS forgot all about that!
choristers guild email reminder for Sept. workshop - still need to do - OOPS forgot about this too!
children's advisory group review of script - check

ieyieyieyie.... I have a LOT to do tomorrow. First rehearsal is tomorrow, the 3rd.

My schedule for the day:
7 AM - get up, wash face, take meds, fill up water bottle
8 AM - go to gym - cardio for 45 minutes
9 AM - work out with trainer, Shannon for 1 hour
10 AM - come home, eat breakfast
10:30 AM - shower and get dressed for choir. (denim skirt, brown top, green sweater, dress sandals)
11:30 AM - make music labels for new music I ordered this year. They will say "KCC - property of KC1st" so if anyone takes the music home, they'll know that it belongs to the church.
Noon - make temporary nametags for choristers.
12:30 PM - make music folders for Choir 3
1:00 PM - grab lunch - and put together lesson plans - e-mail to Christopher.
1:30 - head to church - clean out cabinet, organize music, file music, get nametags ready, get welcome letter & schedule ready for parents to pick up, get registration information ready... and about a thousand other things, of which I cannot remember right now, because I'm so sleepy!
4:30 - make sure everything is in order... connect with kcc staff
5:15 - greet kids
5:30 - 6:55 - rehearsal, and we're off!

Tonight was our first dinner drama rehearsal, where we were supposed to have our lines memorized. Bill W. and I were the only ones who had their lines all memorized.... of course, I don't have 200 lines like some of the others do... lol. But, hey, I was ready! I was prepared, thanks to Meg's help yesterday! Thank you Meghan!!! Your help yesterday really was a big boost to me tonight! Thanks for reading lines with me... and giving me the lead lines. *muah*

Okay.... it's almost 10:30... Oh, did you hear Fred Thompson's speech at the RNC tonight? It was fabulous....

I'm tired.... will head to bed right now.

And that's my life so far....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just calm down! You will get everything done in time! You always do! See ya tonight!