Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday.... After the Show

Okay, it's Monday morning.... I was pleasantly woken up this morning.... Meghan came into my bedroom at 8:30 with a maple bar from Lamar's Donuts... Loved that wakeup call.... We sat on the bed and talked for quite a while.... nice time. I love her.... to bits and pieces.

The musical performance yesterday was quite smashing.... the kids were incredible. But my favorite part of the whole thing was the pre-musical performance time in the choir room - talking about the "Giants" in their lives, and how the Lord helps them overcome it. I shared about my having cancer - a GIANT in my life, and how the Lord helped me overcome it.... And I shared about Don's being falsely accused of federal crimes and having to go to a trial, and how the Lord brought us through that.... because that was a GIANT in our lives. The kids all shared, one at a time, the giants in their lives, and how the Lord was helping them through it. I heard about illnesses, divorcing parents, that sort of thing... for me, it was a very significant time in our choir weekend.

After our performance we had a reception.... and it was tons of fun. Hugs were had by all... We got outta there by 8:30.... came home and had a sandwich & chips and watched a little TV before crashing in bed.


This morning, I gotta get cleaned up, go to my piano lesson, the bank, the grocery store & get ready for my Cinco de Mayo party tonight. ALL of my kids are coming over!!! YAYYYYYYYYY.... Tostada bar & margaritas.... Yum...


I also gotta get the final tallys done on the honor beads for the choristers crosses that the kids have earned. Tomorrow, Meg & I will string the beads and be ready for our Awards Ceremony on Wednesday.


You know, I have a hard time letting a post go without a picture of Christian. So, I copied it from Jenny's post & Dyan's post.... and here they are. Isn't he adorable??? MMmmmm I just wanna squeeze on him!

#1 - caught with a cell phone.... LOL

#2 - waving "HI" from his new wheels...

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fun Fun! I love you Mom!