Thursday, October 30, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. October is almost over.... so sad. I love October. The leaves changing are absolutely glorious...
2. The play is over. It was a great run. Lots of people had lots of laughter. I survived.
3. I'm spending the day with Christian tomorrow. We will carve a pumpkin.
4. I still miss our former pastor & Cindy.
5. Things are going well at church. The new pastor & his family are here. They are great people. Their kids have joined my choirs. Dawn is going to be a friend, I know.
6. Use your brain ~ vote McCain. Heard that at a rally last week. It stuck.
7. Meg was just here. Surprise visit. I love seeing her.
8. Cali loves Meg too. She plays with her.
9. I really need to make my Christmas cards. Dyan, Meg? Pick a day. Let's make cards!
10. This year, Thanksgiving will be at Dyan's, and Christmas will be at Meg's.
11. The Christmas Eve party will be at my house. Will anyone come?
12. I'm roped into hosting the dinner drama cast / crew party. My house. November 22nd. Lots and lots of people.
13. I need to send out e-invites for that party.
14. I'll make a huge pot of cheddar-corn chowder & a big pot of spiced cider. Everyone else can bring the other stuff.
15. I love working out with Shannon. But I only have 4 sessions left. Sad.
16. Money is tight, so I won't be purchasing any more sessions for a while.
17. I need to purchase our Cabo flight tickets.
18. Everything is all paid for and good to go for our cruise vacation in December.
19. Our new pastor uses the same benediction that Tim used. I always think of Tim when he says it.
20. I need to clean my house!
21. I need to do my laundry!
22. I'm having a stay at home ALL DAY today. Love it.
23. The Kaleidoscope Children's Choir will be singing on Sunday morning. Love those kids. xxxxoooo
24. If you're able to, check out Julie's blog. Her kids are so adorable in their halloween costumes. Especially Cora. She's the cutest Raggedy Ann I've ever seen! Just adorable!
25. I might have to copy that pic of Cora and post it on my blog. Everyone needs to see her.
26. I went to the chiropractor the other day and had a deep tissue massage on my upper back, shoulders & neck. Felt so good, but I'm completely bruised, I just know it. Had an adjustment too. Felt great! Didn't scare me this time!
27. I love watching FoxNews. Fair and Balanced.
28. It's so sad about that special ed. teacher in New York. So sad. Her poor parents. Pray for them.
29. I was able to share part of my testimony with one of my choir moms last night, who desperately needed some encouragement. The Lord is so good. He provides for our every need.
30. Christian is so cute. He's such a little man! His language is blossoming, and that is totally fun. I can't wait to dig out pumpkin guts with him tomorrow. Fun will be had by all!

And that is my life so far...


Julie said...

:o) You're welcome to steal the picture. Glad you enjoyed it!

Sounds like you have a bit more time to yourself now that the play is over, that's great! Enjoy Christian tomorrow - he's at a great age for pumpkins. All that goo has got to be thrilling for a little boy. LOL

Mama's Ramblings said...

You have been TAGGED...CHECK OUT MY BLOG!!