Wednesday, March 26, 2008

0% Financing & New Computers!

Okay, so yesterday ended up much better. While paying bills, I noticed that one of my credit cards (What's in Your Wallet?) showed that I was paying something like 26% interest on my balance of $10,000 (wedding & vacation). I thought, WHAT??? No way. That just irritates the heck out of me. I was paying it down by $500 each month. But then I noticed this other piece of mail, from another bank offering me a credit card with 0% interest on balance transfers clear up to May of 2009!!! So, I figured that if I could get them to give me a credit card with a high enough limit, I'd transfer the balance and voila! Interest payments would be vanished! So, I called them, and I got a big credit line, and they are sending my Capital One people a big fat check, and Woo hoo!!!!, it's done! Now, when we get our big tax refund from Uncle Sam, I'll pay off the new credit card, and basically be back to debt free. Yay! Yay me! I felt so financially saavy yesterday, so Don took me out for a steak dinner to celebrate! Steaks and Corona Light.... ahhhhhhhh.....

And then.......

We went to Best Buy where they were having a sale on laptops. We bought two of them. The company is reimbursing us for them. One of them Don will use for business at home, and the other one I will use for business & for my personal stuff. I'll finally be rid of this slow, sluggish laptop that takes 10 minutes to boot up in the morning. We bought Dell computers, laptops, with all the bells & whistles. It's light blue on the outside and silver on the inside, big screen (15.something inches) and high def. Don's working on getting everything loaded onto them. I am very excited. But, very computer illiterate. As long as I know where the "on" button is, I'm a happy camper.

Today is a better day. And I love my family. Thanks, girls, for your sweetness. Jenny, you crack me up about taking Chase with us on vacation. I love you all and am very grateful for you being a part of my life.

Life is good.

And that's my life so far...


Unknown said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! That is exciting when you have a AH HA Oprah says!! Suzie Orman would be so proud!!! Love ya

Meg said...

Who the heck is Suzie Orman??

Unknown said...

Suze Orman is a financial guru who comes on Oprah and tells people how to make good financial decisions. LOLOL

She's very smart.

But then, so am I!!!