Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah....

I dunno...... I'm feeling a little blue today, so I thought I'd "blog" and get it out of my system.

Life... I just want it to be NORMAL again! Ugh...... I'm so sick of worrying... so so so so so so sick of it. I want to stop thinking about stuff that is worrying me. I want to have a day FREE from worry. I love my husband so much that this is killin' me....... I want to turn the clock back. I want to talk to Jesus and ask him FACE TO FACE why He let this happen????????? I'm just so sick of it.

I had a pedicure today. That was so nice.

I've been working at my desk most of the rest of the day. Balanced the checkbook to the penny - YAY me! Entered bills in Quickbooks.... gonna pay some in a bit.

Blogged on another website. Got some sweet support there. That is always so nice.... it's REALLY NICE to talk to people who are going thru what Don & I are going through. Otherwise, ya just don't completely understand.

I think we'll have pizza tonight. Minsky's. Am I stress eating??? Probably. But who cares???? Maybe I'll even have a beer! :-O

Don & I are planning a vacation this summer.... and I dream about that alot. We plan on taking the RV and driving to Mt. Rushmore, then to Yellowstone, then to Boise, Idaho and see Pastor Tim & Cindy. I am still grieving over them. I miss them terribly. I wish they were still here. Then we might drive to California, go to Yosemite, San Fran., and then back again. But with the price of gas.... who knows??? We'll take Cali with us. That should be interesting. I guess I'm just thinking about anything to take my mind off of you-know-what. There I go, thinking about it again. This sucks.... and I don't usually talk that way.

Am I entitled to feel down? Yup..... I've earned it.

And that's my life so far.... Pray for me.


Mama's Ramblings said...

Sorry you are having a "downer" day. I have to say that I don't think that you can take that long of a vacation because you are going to miss Christian WAY TOO MUCH!


Unknown said...

Life is not always a bed of roses!! It does suck sometimes!! It will get better day by day! I always pray for you! Love you

Unknown said...

Well, just MAYBE we'll take Christian with us!!!

ummmm, Dyan will say no, for sure! LOLOL

Mama's Ramblings said...

Maybe if you ask her on one of the days when he is throwing a fit, I bet she will say YES...YES...YES!!


You can always take Chase. Just let us know when you are going and we will plan a little get away for ourselves around the same time. :-)

Meg said...

Your vacation sounds fun...too bad Drew and I can't tag along! LOL...

Anyway, sorry you were so down yesterday...choir is tonight! Something to look forward to...your kids!

Love you!

Julie said...

(((hugs))) I'm so sorry you had a downer day. Your vacation sounds great! We did Yellowstone a year and a half ago - I can't wait to go back, it was wonderful.