Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Update!!! With Pictures!!!

Alrighty! I finally did it. I uploaded pictures all by myself! And of course, I had to start with Christian.... I think he's positively adorable. I want more grandkids, cause this is AWESOME!

Christian in his boat at Sunday School.
Christian's closeup... taken at Crown Center, I think...
I just wanna kiss him all over!!!
Okay, here's my piano with my new "At Home America" decorations on it. I think I'll change the 6 inch candles in the lantern thingy for some 3 inch ones, and I'll put 3 in there instead of 2. I just didn't have any 3 inch candles in stock here...

Okay, time for bathroom remodeling pictures. I wish that I'd have taken before pictures, but oh well... that ugly bathroom with it's ugly blue carpeting will just have to live in my memory. I will be peeling off the wallpaper this week sometime...

Here is the corner of the bathroom where the shower stall used to be. This is where my new linen cabinet will go... it will have a cabinet base to match the sink, then a countertop, & a wall unit. I desperately need storage in this house, as there is none! And with my love of cool dishes, I need a place to store them!
This is the new walk-in shower, where the old bathtub used to be. It's going to be a really big shower. Don's putting the floor stuff in... to make it all drain towards the drain. The floor will have little 2 cm x 2 cm tiles on it, in multiple colors (green, beige, rust, gray, etc. etc. etc.) It will be very old world looking.

Don scraped the ceilings last weekend. They used to have that popcorn stuff on it, and being as that is what we do for a living, he scraped our bathroom ceiling. Whoever came up with the idea that popcorn ceilings are cool ought to be shot. Period. I will paint the ceilings a taupe color.

This is a sideways view of the new shower. The zig zag framing will be where the glass blocks will go. The rest of the shower will be tiled in beige travertine tiles, inside & outside. Very cool. Very "old world"... Did I mention that I love antiques and anything old??? Yup... love it.

This is the wall where our double sink used to be. Right now, there is backerboard leaning up against the studs. That cabinet you see is where I used to keep my makeup & hair stuff.... I will paint it black & have it distressed, to match the sink & big linen cabinet that Don will build for me. It will go where the old shower stall used to be.

The toilet area... lots of ugly wallpaper to strip. The walls will be painted salmon...it's gonna be really cool looking. Oh, and the floor in the bathroom will be the same color of tiles as on the shower floor, only bigger, looking like old bricks. The tiles we've chosen are so freakin' cool..... but, very $$$. Don figured that the tile alone will cost us about $2500 for the bathroom. Ugh... And there will be a matching trim tile that will go around the shower, near the top, and also on the wall where the new linen cabinet will go. Sorta like a backsplash. So cool...... so "old world".

This is our new sink!!!! You either love it or hate it. I love it. So does Don. Meg hates it. Dyan loves it. How about you?? The whole top & sink is one big piece of copper, hammered. And the wood is painted black & distressed to look really old. I just love, love love it. And I hope you do too. It will look so cool on top of that multicolored tile floor, that looks like old bricks. Sheesh, I can see the whole thing in my mind's eye... and I love it!

Another view of the sink, this time without my paint sample papers on it... lol.

A closeup of the new faucet! I loooooove it. It's very "old world" looking and it will be like a waterfall! It's also burnished coppery looking. Matches wonderfully. And they also have hardware for the walkin shower that matches.... a rain type of showerhead. And Don will put in some body sprays. Ohh la la! I can't wait for this project to get finished!

After this project is finished, then it's on to the living room/dining room/kitchen renovation. THAT will be a huge project. This summer? I hope so.......

And that's my life so far...


Mama's Ramblings said...

Your new sink is AWESOME!! That is the same faucet that my brother-in-law has. It looks really cool when it is on.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see it when it is done!!! I love the faucet for your sink!!! Very cool!
Christian is just like his daddy...driving a boat!

Unknown said...

Okay, so far, two LOVE the sink... any more???

Anonymous said...

Add me to the love list. It's beautiful. Can't wait to see the finished project.

Meg said...

I might change my mind about your sink when your bathroom is finished. I just can't imagine it all finished...so we'll see. I do, however, love the faucet. Very cool!

Unknown said...

So far, love, love, love, love & maybe....

I loooooove it... rofl. It's late and I just finished watching a weeks worth of American Idol. It's almost midnight... will probably sleep til 9 am again... Honestly, i just cannot keep doing that.

Julie said...

I totally dig the sink. That faucet is awesome, I've never seen such a thing. I think your bathroom is gonna be gorgeous when it's all finished!

And those are some very cute pics of the grandson. :-)