Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random Ramblings from a Tired Choir Director

Okay, Jenny, I'm updating!!! LOL

Life lately has been very busy. Let's see.... last time I was online, I was having a bad spell... worried about Don, overwhelmed with the children's musical, overwhelmed with life. I'm better now. I'm back on Zoloft, ROFL. I just cannot go without it for the time being. I just handle things better when I'm emotionally evened out... ya know??

Thursday - worked alot on the musical. Dyan, Christian & I went to USToys to get some props and costumes for the musical. We bought 24 black canes & top hats for the jazz number that Choir 1 will perform.... and we bought alot of hats for the cast, some swords, dagger... and i cannot remember what else.

After our shopping trip, we went to lunch - Cheesecake Factory. Delicious. When we got back to Dyan's house, she trimmed my bangs for me, which I really appreciated. They were driving me crazy!

Friday - what did I do??? Hmmm, cannot remember. Oh, errands. I ran errands - i.e. pharmacy, t-shirt graphics shop, grocery store. Then home to catch up on my soaps, eat lunch and do some computer work for the musical. Yup, at this time of year, I'm working full time on the musical. My To Do List is 2 pages long.... ugh. Then Fri. night, went to Dyan's, and Meg met us there and we all 3 drove to Shawnee for a Pampered Chef party. I bought a new berry / salad spinner because the one I've had for 10 years is cracked. And I bought a copper trivet for when my kitchen gets remodeled. It sorta looks like it'd go with a "Tuscany" theme.

Today - Saturday - slept 'til 7:30. Got up, showered, went to the donut shop to bribe kids, lol, and then was at the church at 9:45. Spent 2 hours digging thru the racks of costumes, pulling out those that would be appropriate for us to use for the musical. We will need to do some more sewing, altering the existing costumes & then creating new ones too. Ugh.... big job! At noon, Meg, Caitlyn (one of my 6th graders) and I went to Mr. Goodcents and bought some lunch. We were back at church by 12:45, ready for a 1 PM rehearsal. Meg had some of her choir 1 kids there to start learning the jazz number they're doing. And my cast rehearsed scenes 7, 8 & 9. We FINALLY have the whole musical blocked out. And today, it was doubly fun, because our "Goliath" was there to rehearse!
I just love our cast. They are such neat kids.... and such fun to work with. They are very professional in their acting abilities, and in their ability to improvise. I love it... and I love them!

After rehearsal, I drove to Dyan's and picked up Christian! When I got to their house, he heard me come in the front door, and he comes running into the foyer, arms raised, and throws himself up at me! I loved that! We hugged and hugged.... and I asked him if he wanted to go to Grandma's house, and he was all excited! So, we loaded up and went! He is spending the night with us tonight. Grandpa & I took Christian to the Plaza and we ate dinner at The California Pizza Kitchen. Christian had grapes, pineapple & mac&cheese, which he loved!!! I had my BBQ Chicken Pizza - which I love, along with a glass of Ecco Domani Pinot Grigio, and Don had some sort of Thai pasta dish. Fun was had by all.

After dinner, we came home and played. Christian & I played the piano. And for about 30 minutes, he played the "dive-off-the-ottoman-into-Grandma's-arms" game. Then I brought up all of the books I had kept from when the girls were little, and Christian & I read books. We read Dyan & Meg's favorite childhood book - "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the BIG HUNGRY BEAR." He loved it... in fact, like when his mommy was a baby, we read it several times! And he pretended to eat the strawberry in the end. Adorable!

7:40 came - bedtime. And like a lightswitch, he's out. What a doll. He can come and stay with Grandma ANY TIME!!!

Tomorrow is Sunday - a day of rest! Literally. Perhaps the Donmeister & I will take in a movie! Who knows what tomorrow will bring. But, I bet it'll be interesting!

And that's my life so far....


Mama's Ramblings said...

Just when we think you are at lost of words, you surprise us all. I love knowing what is going on in the Plaskett world. It always involves shopping, eating, drinking, watching t.v., and being on the computer. :-)


Meg said...

ROFL! What Jenny said is oh-so true! Shopping, eating, drinking, tv and computer...and Christian, of course!

Love you!