Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's a Busy Day ~ Weekend...

Activities for this weekend:
Saturday ~
1) shower - obviously!!!
2) Go to HyVee and pick up 70 palm branches
3) Rock Slinger rehearsal 1-3 PM
4) come home and bake 2 birthday cakes
5) while the cakes are baking, make the Plaskett family recipe for chocolate icing...
6) leave around 5:30 to meet the family at Olive Garden to celebrate Dyan's birthday. Lots and lots of people will be there.... hence the 2 cakes.
7) come home and sleep.
8) Up by 6:30 a.m.
9) be at church by 8:30 a.m.
10) body warmups, vocal warmups & soundcheck @ 9.
11) 10:20 - get kids from their Sunday School classes, get in lineup order & prepared for the Palm Processional
12) participate in worship service; the Kaleidoscope Children's Choir will sing 2 anthems - "Lift Up Your Heads" and "Sing, Hosanna, Sing!"
13) lunch somewhere....
14) strip wallpaper from the bathroom.
15) watch a movie and veg out...
I'll sleep in on Monday morning.... not a problem! :-)))

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh my goodness, you are one busy woman! So are you gonna share that frosting recipe? :o) Hope everything went great on Sunday!