Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Okay, I'm "Normal" Again...

Okay, I am FINALLY feeling "normal" again. My blues lately have been related to hormones, I suppose. I got my little visitor today, "Tom", so now I'm all better! I just never know these days when Tom will be visiting. Sometimes he goes 6 months without a peep from him... and sometimes it's 6 weeks. Oh, the joys of my friend, "Tom".

Tom's visit, AND being back on Zoloft. Life doesn't get much better than this! I just thought I'd let you all know that I haven't cried once today, and I'm handling life much better right now. LOLOL I have a better grip on life's situations. It's amazing what hormones can do to ya!

Okay, I cannot let a post go, hardly at all, without a picture of my grandson, Christian Michael Swim. This is a pic that Dyan has on her blog, and so, since I have a new laptop, and haven't downloaded my pics yet, one of Dyan's pics will have to suffice.

Okay, so this is Christian's "trick". Funny thing, Dyan used to do this "trick" too... and I have the pictures to prove it!

Pictures of Christian doing chalk art & investigating the power source for his patio!!!

And that's my life so far...

1 comment:

Mama's Ramblings said...

I thought I was reading Dyan's blog when I saw the pictures. I had to take a second look. GLAD TO SEE YOU ARE BACK TO "normal", whatever normal really is?!?
